Discussion following the Windows 10 Event!

Re: Waiting room for W10 :We're live:

What's that smell? Oh, goodness. Seems some of the Apple execs need to send their pants out to the cleaners after the Microsoft presser.

Haha..I too felt the same for Apple..lol
Wanna scream and say- Bring it on MS..Bring it onnnnnn :-)
Re: Waiting room for W10 :We're live:

I see the usual anti-MS tech sites are trying their best to put down today's event.
Re: Waiting room for W10 :We're live:

I'm not a fan of some of the UI changes (hamburger menus and stuff), but that isn't too big of a deal to me. I think Microsoft has really upped their game for W10, and I'm genuinely really excited for both the PC and phone version. I think the Windows 10 for phones will be a really big improvement.
Lets reserve judgement until they release the early builds to us users.. Hopefully our feedback will improve Windows 10 until the final version is out. Were way better off on Windows platform at the moment than anywhere else. We have the advantage to put the others OS to rest and hope Microsoft can really nail it this time round
I think placing background pic behind tiles on W10phone way better if the tiles looks a little bit transparent to make room to see full pic of background.. I don't like hamburger menu icon it's looks like android.. And way to boring.. Need a new great desiqn that simply yet advanced.. And looks like the W10 on pc, tablet, phone is too early.. Looks like MS put the hardworking on MS hololens and surface hub... But MS really make my day.. For the first time not only apple have publish new innovations first, but MS with hololens.. MS ignite going to be nuke.. Bring it on MS! :)
Microsoft is the best.
Today MS had proved that there's no one else who can chase MS.
MS got so many new things, new innovations', new concepts, new ideas.
Specially HoloLens.
Hats off to Microsoft.

Only the thing, which I think, MS should have also changed was- Lock screen style(UI).

Well lets not complain, after all MS had done an fabulous job.

#windows 10
Microsoft is the best.
Today MS had proved that there's no one else who can chase MS.
MS got so many new things, new innovations', new concepts, new ideas.
Specially HoloLens.
Hats off to Microsoft.

Only the thing, which I think, MS should have also changed was- Lock screen style(UI).

Well lets not complain, after all MS had done an fabulous job.

#windows 10

That was very early design. I'm sure they will completely redesign lock screen UI.
Tom warren in twitter : "If you thought yesterday was a big day for Microsoft fans at The Verge?.today is just as big. Stay tuned."

Any guess?
All showed yesterday by MS was great! Just worry if go*gle and appl* copying it.. I think appl* will inventing it and release it soon and all media and public will say love to appl* , on outside of this web so many trolls and haters say MS will be buggy and bad.. Hope MS will change the game from mobile to pc to xbox to hololens.. Bring it on MS! :D
Super bowl will be played on 1 Feb! And after that we will get preview for phones ! :D maybe in 1st week of Feb.

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