Do you have random battery drain

Had it today, first time since i got the gdr3 preview. Grossly dissapointed :( .
Full charge and and within 2 hours battery was at 60 % ! . I was whatsapping and browsing the web on uc browser during that time for roughly 40 min.Opened up battery sense to find out drainage was 27.9% / hour. Gave my 920 a restart. Now its at 5.7%/hour but i am not doing anything.
Battery performance overall has improved significantly since the gdr3 update though .

That's not random battery drain for no reason, UC browser and Whatsapp kill the battery.
It became a habbit to me now, start doing it (even if just one tab), for convenience, replace the 'refresh/stop" to be a "tabs" button in settings. Start doing that and see if it still drains..

Ive started to make this a habit and you're correct, i do see a slight improvement to the aggressive battery drain i had before. Still, very annoying and i hope they fix it...its not like its difficult on their part.
After GDR2 / Amber, my battery life improved but would occasionally for no observable reason become much worse. My standby drain could be as low as about 0.4%/hour, which I found VERY acceptable. However, it would spike to 2-4 times that figure seemingly randomly.

Since this does not seem to be a hardware issue, I guess Nokia does not see fit to address it. And Microsoft does not seem to be interested in addressing it publicly, at least. So we are left trying to deal with it by hunt and peck, without tools to diagnose it.

Me? Although I really liked my 820, I abandoned it as well as WP8 a week ago in favor of a Motorola Moto X and Android. Decent stable and predictable standby drain and plenty of tools to figure out what is using data, CPU and the battery. And plenty of tools to control the behavior of the phone. Two things that were sorely lacking on Windows Phone 8. If I could actually have SEEN what was using the battery, I might have been able to get it under control.

this is my nokia lumia 925,i took it off charger on monday morning 3 updates where available done them,wireless on viber on calls texts emails and as you see on the pic its been going for the 5th day and some hours,it could be that windows have found something in the operating system and fixed it,im just amazed.wp_ss_20131115_0004.jpg
this is my nokia lumia 925,i took it off charger on monday morning 3 updates where available done them,wireless on viber on calls texts emails and as you see on the pic its been going for the 5th day and some hours,it could be that windows have found something in the operating system and fixed it,im just amazed.View attachment 49717

Are you serious?? if you are then You are LUCKY...
this is my nokia lumia 925,i took it off charger on monday morning 3 updates where available done them,wireless on viber on calls texts emails and as you see on the pic its been going for the 5th day and some hours,it could be that windows have found something in the operating system and fixed it,im just amazed.View attachment 49717

Holy **** that is amazing. How was your battery the first time you used the phone?
I could doubt about 5days...!! the battery sometimes misses showing the charging while connected to laptop or something for short durations.. I got 3days by doing this :) on my 620
Hi, the first 925 i bought i took it back the next day cause the battery would last 4 hours,got it replaced and the new 1 was much better,heavy usage 2 days, but as i said before last week there was some updates which i did and the phone has been amazing since then.but i do think u have to run the battery down a few times before you get the best of it,+ swithching off locations and glance and ects.
Happens to me intermittently. Usually when I travel to another city here in the US. But also less frequently just around my home town. I've seen it happen two days in a row and then not happen for a few weeks. I can't say for sure but I think at least a few instances happened when the signal was weak. I once flew from Sacramento to Newark with phone powered off with 99% battery left. Upon landing I turned phone back on. By the time I got to baggage claim I went from 99% to 70%. The phone was very hot. I did nothing other than send two texts. I rebooted and I lost another 20% in the next 30 minutes with zero usage. Still hot. Rebooted again and battery use returned to normal. Phone cooled to normal.

I'm on my third Lumia 920- sometimes it drains no matter the signal. Sometimes I turn the data off altogether, turn off the location services, and just have it connected to my home Wi-Fi and it still drains.

I think sometimes a program will wreak havoc and get the phone's processor in a loop.
i do.randomly drained especially when the camera is not properly closed (suspended to bg).
Yeah I get that too. Sometimes the battery lasts really nice, but sometimes it will like die in 4h. I always bring the charger with me to school/work just in case.
Be careful with recently released Waze. If you installed it, then turn off the background tasks for this app and restart your phone.

It's insane how heavy this app is on battery usage, even if it's closed and not running. On my L920 I've been experiencing 30h of battery life, but since I installed Waze it reduced to 10h! Then I deactivated backgroud tasks for Waze and everything is back to normal.
I used to have ridiculous (17%+) battery drain almost every other day on my Lumia 920 while it's idling. However, I haven't experienced it for the last three weeks after I locked my phone to use 3G only. Feeling sad that I locked myself out of LTE, but I would rather have more stable battery life over LTE connection, haha.

P.S. I have location, tap + send, all background tasks, and auto brightness on for those last three weeks. Also mail sync setting is set to As Items Arrive.
I can't watch website live streaming

I can't watch website live streaming, please help
Am using Lumia 520
I know what the real problem is with the battery drain, and I hope this post gets sticked, there are actually 2 problems: 1. These phones (including my brand new Nokia Lumia 1020) are made in China; and 2. Windows Mobile is made by Microsoft. I'm sorry if my post offends some but before you start blabing about it read my next sentence.

In 2008, think it was in the autumn I buyed my first smartphone (Nokia N95 8GB). 1. Made in Finland; 2. It had Symbian (made by Nokia I belive). I swear that I never had any problems with my software on that phone (my last update was in 2011 when I update to Symbian Ana [last symbian made]. I dropped that N95 on the floor so many times the battery cover bearly holds anymore, I used that phone as anything possible it could ever be (that includes being a modem for a network with 3 laptops via a 3g internet connection. It rained on that phone, I burned it 1 time accidently, It snowed on it, sometimes it was so cold I could bearly hold it in my hands, anyhing possible has happened to it but IT NEVER F****ED UP LIKE NOKIA+WM8 DOES. And you know why? Because it wasn't made with cheap chinesse matherials and it wasnt softare implemented by Microsoft, a company who still cant manage a normal pc windows os, even after 1000000000000 years of experience.

So there you go. There is no problem with installed apps, 2-3-4-100000000000g connection, syncing or 3x cycle or who knows what other issue. THE ONLY PROBLEM WITH THESE PHONES BATTERY DRAINAGE IS THE DEADLY COMBINATION NOKIA HAS BECOME (MS + CHINA) AND THERE WILL ONLY BE SOLVED IF NOKIA DEVELOPS ITS OWN PHONES IN FINLAND AND THEY DO THEIR OWN OPERATING SYSTEM.

But that will not be happening soon since Nokia = Microsoft and viceversa. Good night everyone.

PS - Nokia Lumia 1020 users buy some Camera Grips they give extra juice...
I know what the real problem is with the battery drain, and I hope this post gets sticked, there are actually 2 problems: 1. These phones (including my brand new Nokia Lumia 1020) are made in China; and 2. Windows Mobile is made by Microsoft. I'm sorry if my post offends some but before you start blabing about it read my next sentence.

In 2008, think it was in the autumn I buyed my first smartphone (Nokia N95 8GB). 1. Made in Finland; 2. It had Symbian (made by Nokia I belive). I swear that I never had any problems with my software on that phone (my last update was in 2011 when I update to Symbian Ana [last symbian made]. I dropped that N95 on the floor so many times the battery cover bearly holds anymore, I used that phone as anything possible it could ever be (that includes being a modem for a network with 3 laptops via a 3g internet connection. It rained on that phone, I burned it 1 time accidently, It snowed on it, sometimes it was so cold I could bearly hold it in my hands, anyhing possible has happened to it but IT NEVER F****ED UP LIKE NOKIA+WM8 DOES. And you know why? Because it wasn't made with cheap chinesse matherials and it wasnt softare implemented by Microsoft, a company who still cant manage a normal pc windows os, even after 1000000000000 years of experience.

So there you go. There is no problem with installed apps, 2-3-4-100000000000g connection, syncing or 3x cycle or who knows what other issue. THE ONLY PROBLEM WITH THESE PHONES BATTERY DRAINAGE IS THE DEADLY COMBINATION NOKIA HAS BECOME (MS + CHINA) AND THERE WILL ONLY BE SOLVED IF NOKIA DEVELOPS ITS OWN PHONES IN FINLAND AND THEY DO THEIR OWN OPERATING SYSTEM.

But that will not be happening soon since Nokia = Microsoft and viceversa. Good night everyone.

PS - Nokia Lumia 1020 users buy some Camera Grips they give extra juice...

You are Awesome :D
1) next time you buy any electronic item, just check where it was manufactured. China is not for cheap quality, it is cheap production cost. Nokia or any other Company is not doing the sales for charity, their primary aim is Profit. AFAIK it is still better in quality than the related products.
2) Microsoft is slow on the bug fixing, that does not mean that the WP8 is mess. it misbehaves sometimes but surely does not Lag anytime. I have seen other OS phone Owners complaining that the phone gets stuck and cant even take calls. so WP8 performs much better even on low end phones like 520 that shows the Spirit of MS.

So next time you buy only after verifying NonChinese items, best of luck!!

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