Do you have random battery drain

Brand new Nokia Lumia 929 Windows 8.0 verizon wireless purchased 2 days ago, happened on third day, today. Hot case, and would not recharge battery when I inserted brand new charger (first used two days ago and today for second time). Charger tip lite was lit but charging icon did not appear on phone status bar. Googled and found this forum and post today and followed instructions for SOFT RESET. Is now recharging.... I have 12 days to try out the phone and am struggling to "get on board" and this instance of what appears to be episodic is not conducive to me keeping it.

Sounds like you have a defective unit. Ask for a replacement at the store of your purchase.

It can take a bit of time to get used to WP, but once you do, it is great!
HTC M8 here. This thing gets ridiculously good battery life... Probably best of any phone I've ever owned
HTC M8 here. This thing gets ridiculously good battery life... Probably best of any phone I've ever owned

You got the HTC One M8 for Windows? **** You, i am so jealous of you now, hehe.
I am pretty much happy with the battery of my Samsung ATIV S i8750, i can easily squeeze around 48-50 hours on moderate usage till it hits the 20-25% battery life. :) I also had overheating of the phone for no apparent reason causing fast battery drain, but I guess with time, the battery "learned" how I use the phone so in the last month or two I am not having those problems. Yes, when you browse, make long calls or playing games, the phone gets warmer around the back camera, but the moment you stop doing that, it cools off in few seconds. :)
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Add another to to the battery drain thread.

I've done a factory reset.
Removed all apps
Enabled Battery Saver (which actually makes the battery perform worse)
Updated to latest firmware, etc
Disabled Battery Saver
Drained battery
Completed a full charge and then did a factory reset
Made sure all passwords were correct when synching applications and email, etc.

I've noticed significant battery drain when using any application or streaming netflix or youtube...
I've noticed significant battery drain when using GPS
Well battery drain is fixed since Cyan/8.1 but however overall os is not very well optimized for battery life as it still eats up alot of battery
HTC 8X - Updates for apps cause this phone to become unstable. There was a skype update yesterday. i installed it, and now the phone is literally burning battery and VERY hot. Yahoo mail will no longer sync either. I guess i will start backing up my phone from now on prior to installing updates!!! Oh yeah, a WhatsApp update this summer threw my phone into a boot loop. Never have put WhatsApp back on my phone.
HTC 8X - Updates for apps cause this phone to become unstable. There was a skype update yesterday. i installed it, and now the phone is literally burning battery and VERY hot. Yahoo mail will no longer sync either. I guess i will start backing up my phone from now on prior to installing updates!!! Oh yeah, a WhatsApp update this summer threw my phone into a boot loop. Never have put WhatsApp back on my phone.

Are you on WP8 GDR3? Have you tried turning off the background task for Skype, and Whatsapp? Those are major battery drainers when their background tasks left ON. Try also a hard reset, maybe you have some bad installation of some app or something.
Since my ATIV S got the latest official 8.1.1 update, the battery problems like draining fast or heating up are gone. I have the latest update 2 weeks now and put my phone to random tests that previously caused my battery to drain and phone get hot, and the phone took it like a champ. Problems are now history.
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, have read every post on the net and done everything. Only thing that fixes is to wipe the phone to defaults and not install the offending app. Gonna try this now with the latest Skype - Yahoo Mail issue. I'll post back when done.
Follow-up: Turns out I believe it was a corrupt email in Yahoo that was causing the problem. Might have been the problem with WhatsApp as well. But for now, after clearing my inbox, yahoo updates appropriately and does not sit there and sync constantly. Just so happens this started occurring about the same time that the skype update install.

Problem fixed.
I had battery drain problem on my 520.I found that the Here maps was using my location in the background so I disabled the location and now I enable only when I need it. This solved the battery drain problem for me.
EDIT:The location on the messenger app was also enabled and so I disabled it too to conserve battery power.

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