Do you have random battery drain

NL920. Syncing my Microsoft Live email (university account) every hour instead of every 15 minutes reduces the discharge rate significantly (compare two pictures). Still have my gmail sync happening every 15 minutes since increasing the time between checks didn't improve the discharge rate much (odd, right?).
Only weather and Battery apps are running in background. I keep location on. With light phone usage I have 2-3 days per charging (using wireless Nokia pad).
1 hr email sync.png15 min email sync.png
P.S. I do get seldom rapid battery drainage, which completely kills the battery if the phone is not restarted.
Lumia 525 shows 1 day 5 hours with 100% Battery full.

Here comes the fun part, with each drop in Percentage, battery remaining time increases, for example:

View attachment 59803

At 81%, estimated time remaining - 1 day 20 hours??

There's no issue of battery draining, if those live tiles and other power hungry stuff are not applied at all.

But when you use any app, games or anything The battery draining rate is then fast it chews out almost 10-15% within 10 minutes.

I have had this happen as well, where it will start off as ETR less than later in the day. Not sure why, but my thoughts were that it is basing it off your average consumption rate at any given time. Probably wrong.
NL920. Syncing my Microsoft Live email (university account) every hour instead of every 15 minutes reduces the discharge rate significantly (compare two pictures). Still have my gmail sync happening every 15 minutes since increasing the time between checks didn't improve the discharge rate much (odd, right?).
Only weather and Battery apps are running in background. I keep location on. With light phone usage I have 2-3 days per charging (using wireless Nokia pad).
View attachment 61147View attachment 61148
P.S. I do get seldom rapid battery drainage, which completely kills the battery if the phone is not restarted.

You will see a bigger difference if you drop the battery app, especially that one. Try "battery" by endless soft ltd or insider pro as they are the 2 that I found to use the least amount of battery, infect they use next to nothing of the battery.

I did some tests on my spare 925 over several weeks. With the battery app you have running and nothing else not even email I could see how much it used on the apps own graph, every 25-30 minutes I could see the dips.
After 8.1 update I haven't seen anything random weird OS-related battery drain but overall my battery life isn't that good as on 8.0 It seems to be the apps that are draining much more battery. Reason for apps taking more battery is probably that they aren't optimized for 8.1 (For instance Whatsapp is draining really much battery when using it, that's horrible.)
After about 10 months with my L920, this is what I get: 40~50 hours of battery life on regular usage.
By "regular usage" I mean two or three calls, e-mail/message checking, clock checking, alarm in the morning and a few minutes of news Reading each day.

My settings are:
- Bright: auto
- Glance: peek
- Location: on
- Wifi: on
- 3G: on
- Bluetooth: on only for one hour/day, while driving; off on the rest of the day
- Background tasks allowed: Bing News, Bing Weather, Whatsapp and Viber
- Email: auto receive as soon as possible for 2 accounts (GMail and corporate Exchange)
- Accounts synched and activated: Facebook, Twitter, Xbox LIVE, Google

During this time with my phone I've learned a few tricks aswell. They include things like never letting the phone discharge completely, disabling background tasks of recent installed apps, rebooting the phone after each new app/upgrade is installed and soft reset only if necessary and when the phone is plugged and 100% charged.
PS: I didn't upgrade to 8.1.

Edit: added email and accounts info.
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So im back on WP (really happy) with a new device, last time it was the 920 and now i've got a 1020. After a full battery charge, with half the day Battery Saver on, used low-medium got around 18 hours. Charged last night and woke up today to 84% (the night before woke up to 94%), 2 hours later and its at 69%. I noticed my home wifi wasnt working and when i fixed that issue its draining at a more normal rate. No processes were left open, only running WeatherFlow/Simple Calender/WPC in background. Even with the very annoying battery drain, its nice to be back after iOS..i gave it a shot and will not be doing that again.

Update: I have not once used a battery monitor app since hard reset, it installed from my 920 backup but I quickly deleted it. The battery levels don't seem horrible but not great. Less random battery drains though, only happens when I use heavy like gaming and videos.
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After a week I don't want to use a battery monitor, I find less stress in being obsessed with checking it and going nuts. I still wish we would get the option to display % beside battery bar, its such s minor but important detail that still doesn't exist in 8.1 (from what I here). Running WP8 still, tempted to dev preview for all the amazing new features. I'm enjoying the phone and I'm past the annoying battery drain, love windows phone...iOS had to remind me how boring it was (personal opinion) lol.
After a week I don't want to use a battery monitor, I find less stress in being obsessed with checking it and going nuts. I still wish we would get the option to display % beside battery bar, its such s minor but important detail that still doesn't exist in 8.1 (from what I here). Running WP8 still, tempted to dev preview for all the amazing new features. I'm enjoying the phone and I'm past the annoying battery drain, love windows phone...iOS had to remind me how boring it was (personal opinion) lol.

Well I was on 8.1 but went back to 8.0 due to 8.52% / hour battery drain. Also went back to 8.0 cause of my camera app refused to open. I will patiently wait til 8.1 + Cyan update from Nokia.
Well I was on 8.1 but went back to 8.0 due to 8.52% / hour battery drain. Also went back to 8.0 cause of my camera app refused to open. I will patiently wait til 8.1 + Cyan update from Nokia.

Ya, when i use the phone the battery gets aggressively used...the positive part about 8.1 for me is i dont see this 'random' battery drain anymore, if my phones on idle it goes 2-3%/hr which i dont consider bad at all. But if im using IE or watching videos, i see the battery go down probably around 7-10%/hr.
the monday i left my phone charging later was 100% but suddenly got 20% and just i turn off quit battery and replace and back to 90% battery
Believe it or not I have read the whole thread and every comment and here is what i got so far:
- Random Battery draining happens only to users of Nokia Lumia series and few HTC's 8X/S
- Not a single member here reported random battery drain on, lets say... Samsung ATIV S (i8750)???
- So, maybe the Lumia series are the real guilty part here, or maybe HTC.???
I own a Samsung ATIV S (i8750) for the last 4 months and i couldn't be more happier with it, not a single random battery drainage so far, it works like a charm. Yes it has the latest GDR3 on it (WP8.1 is not the latest since its a Developer Preview, which in other words it's BETA), From my techie experience (and its quite big), I never install beta software on my phone nor my PC.
The only hard reset my ATIV S got was when i updated from GDR1 to GDR2 and GDR3, In 4 months i soft reset my phone 3 times, mostly due refreshing system or trying something, not because i had to.
As for the battery monitor app, try Insider (free or Pro), the only difference between Insider Free and Insider Pro is the Adds in the free version, everything else is working the same in both versions. It has the most minimal footprint on RAM and CPU, basically it doesn't effect the CPU and battery at all. It's an awesome app, tones of informations.
As for the background tasks I got everything blocked except Insider and Samsung NOW. I do too as Boris said about IE10. I am closing tabs before i got out from it. Yes, the battery on ATIV S is big (2300mAh) and with moderate usage i reach easily 60-70 hours. No, my wifi and 3g are not always on, I turn them on only when i need internet. On a daily bases I spend around 2-3 hours on internet. I am not streaming music that much, sometimes maybe not at all. I recharge battery when it hits that 20-25% mark battery charge, so that is around 60 hours of moderate usage with only using around 75% of the full battery.
The only problem I got from time to time regarding battery drainage (and i still haven't precisely figure it out what is causing it) is when the area below the main camera is getting warm almost hot and thats only time when the battery is draining with 15% per hour. So it must be some app causing it that i haven't closed entirely. At those moments what i do? I go to Settings, long press the back button so the task manager shows up and close the Settings from the X on the upper right corner and then start screen will show and I lock the phone. The heating will start to drop and the phone got normal in 10-20 seconds. But this problem only occurred 3-4 times in 4 months since i got the phone.
Now, about the people who suspect that the background processes are causing the drainage, try this:
- Block every app you have listed in Background Tasks (every single one)
- Soft Reset the phone
- Go back to Background Tasks, turn on the tasks you want to run in b/g
- Soft Reset the phone again and you should be fine.
I use this method on my ATIV S 4 weeks ago since the last random heating was occurred and since then the random heating disappear :). Not saying this will solve problems, but at least give it a try :)
Greetings from Republic of Macedonia
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HTC 8X owner here: My phone's battery drain is normal. Recently I bought a flip cover which had no ventilation kind of thing (like small dots) to escape the heat while heavy use or during phone charge. I charged my phone till 100% @ 12.20AM went to sleep got up next day at 11AM battery went down to 65%(wifi, bluetooth, all services off). Removed the cover charged the phone again that night till 100% @ 12.20AM went to sleep got up next day at 11AM battery went down to 96%(wifi, bluetooth, all services off). Just 4% drained. My conclusion: during phone charge, phone heats+flip cover heats which doubles the heat on the phone causing the battery to drain. NO TO FLIP COVERS!!!
Brand new Nokia Lumia 929 Windows 8.0 verizon wireless purchased 2 days ago, happened on third day, today. Hot case, and would not recharge battery when I inserted brand new charger (first used two days ago and today for second time). Charger tip lite was lit but charging icon did not appear on phone status bar. Googled and found this forum and post today and followed instructions for SOFT RESET. Is now recharging.... I have 12 days to try out the phone and am struggling to "get on board" and this instance of what appears to be episodic is not conducive to me keeping it.
This is kinda strange and good news for my ATIV S (i8750). In the past 3-4 weeks i don't have random battery drain (rather than the usual when you use apps with internet) and my random battery drain was caused only from my ATIV S get heating (warm) in the area around rare cam (main cam), which i believe is the processor. So, what did i do before this warming and battery drain stopped:
1. I changed the CSC from MBM (T-Mobile Macedonia), to NEE (Nordic, but will explain further why i chose this CSC)
2. Normally, the phone hard reseted (but previously i did the necessary backup of my numbers, messages, emails, etc.)
3. Then I set the phone to me preferences (you know... location off, mobile data off, etc etc.)
4. Then i installed only apps that i use ofthen or sometimes. Apps curently on my phone are:
  • Adobe Reader
  • All in 1 Converter
  • ATIV Beam
  • Fantasia Painter Pro
  • IM+ Free
  • Insider (Battery monitor app. The Best)
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Office Lens
  • OneDrive
  • Shazam
  • Store Deals
  • Twitter
  • YouTube HD (The Best YouTube app at the moment)
  • Random small apps like Reboot Now, LockScreen, Network Speed Test, etc.
As you see I haven't install the official Facebook app, nor any of the variants, since IE10 is perfectly capable of doing things on Facebook, also not installed anything from the HERE collection, etc
Only apps that are allowed to work in the background are Samsung NOW and Insider Pro, everything else is blocked and only works when i roll the app on.
Mobile Data internet is always OFF, and Wi-Fi search scanner too. I only turn them ON when i need internet and when i finish, i turn them OFF. Cuz mobile internet and wi-fi are among TOP 5 battery drainers and cause your phone of getting warm or hot.
As i said in my previous post here, i don't think this will help everybody, but this is just more of an observation and sharing my experiance of getting my phone in order, not to heat and cause my battery to drain fast. Or just MAYBE, the firmware or the OS finally "settle down" with the hardware and start working good.
Cheers friends.

P.S. About the CSC changing from MBM to NEE is cuz that way i got the GDR3 on my ATIV S, cuz with MBM (T-Mobile Macedonia) i was stuck with GDR2. NEE CSC which is Nordic CSC, is among the phones with that CSC to get new updates faster than any other in Europe or wider, maybe even they are the first that get any new update. Don't worry, changing your CSC will NOT void your warranty, you can always turn back to your original CSC you were before.
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Turning of battery saver and turning off double tap to wake helped for me. Now i've got good battery life again. You should try it if you are experiencing battery drain.
On my 920, this used to happen pretty often, (bought my 920 with portico/gdr1), but after gdr3+black, I have not had this issue at all.

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