Do you love coffee?

What?.. Where have all the caffeine drinkers gone on WC??

830W10 via mTalk
I hate it for liking it too much, same as I hate tea for not liking it enough, as a healthier alternative.
Re: Do you like coffee ��?

I got a coupon for a free photo coffee mug. I see so many people putting pictures of their loved ones on coffee mugs, and was even given one by my wife of her and our daughters. I wanted something different. Something that defined me. I've never found one of those mugs that has a saying on it that quite matched me, so I took to Photoshop and made my own photo creation.

By doing "two columns" of text the way I did, I've got a different saying on each side of the mug. Usually, photo mugs center the picture opposite the handle, which is kind of stupid, because you can't see it without distorting your wrist. Using the same method, you could put 2 portrait orientation photos on each side of the mug.

Permission granted to whoever to use it for whatever. ;)

This is how it worked out. I'm loving it. Had it printed on a black coffee mug. Drank my first cup of coffee out of it this morning.
Re: Do you like coffee ��?

Just seen this thread.....yes I love coffee!

I can get the beans locally as there is a commercial coffee factory near me who roasts their own beans. :smile:

Then they just go in my fancy machine my wife bought me as an anniversary present.
I dunno ...

Should I make another pot or drink beer now?
Got all my yard chores done and it might rain a little.

It's about 15:20 hours here.
coffee is my MAIN FOOD GROUP, my 2nd food group is BACON.
I can live on nothing but coffee and bacon. for reals. :)

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