Do you NEED Continuum?

Your link doesn't work. Anyway go ahead and add $230 to that price for MS Office. $100 dock isn't looking so expensive now is it?

We just keep covering the same ground over and over and over again in this thread.
Odd that it didn't work, it's a link to the HP store for a Stream 11. MSRP is $199.
Trying again:
HP Stream 11

I don't have one personally, as my needs are in the Enterprise, so a maxed out i7 quad-core is my daily companion. But for non-work or most schooling, one of those would be just fine. For <$200 and a free year of Office and a TB of OneDrive at list price I'm waiting for Black Friday!

Must note that I have an MSDN Ultimate subscription, so have zero sensitivity to the software pricing. Yep, I'm spoiled.

And yes, I VERY much want Continuum. To tie my desktops, laptops, XBOX, phone and servers together and in turn my home automation and network better than I can now? HELL YES!
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I don't understand why people think this. This won't help "emerging markets" one bit as long as they're charging almost as much for the continum hub as they charge for low end laptops and tablets which are infinitely more useful. If they market continum as a wireless hdmi device on par with a google chromecast it might stand a chance.

How come you don't want to accept that: 1) continuum can work without a dock and that 2) lumia 950 series isn't for the impoverished?
I'm curious... do all the pro continuum people realize you can buy a Windows 10 laptop for less than $200? I'm typing this out on my Asus x205ta that i bought last fall for $140. Full windows 10, I can run x86 apps on it and have no need for an external monitor, keyboard, or need to worry about draining the battery in my phone. Plus it's incredibly thin, weighs 2 lbs and would barely take up more room in my bag than a bluetooth keyboard.
I think continuum is a cool feature... but it's really more of a gimmick than something practical.


HP Stream 11 is $180 at Walmart and comes with Office 365 free.

Anybody with half a brain can just simply Google it (or Bing it, if you wish), pick it up at Walmart for less than two benjamins, and have a full Windows PC. No need for Continuum, or a dock, or any peripherals to use Continuum with or without a dock, because you have everything you need in a $180 laptop.

Continuum is a neat party trick, an expensive gimmick, but that's all it amounts to. It isn't going to replace or revolutionize anything. It's not cheap, since you need a $500+ smartphone to use it. It's not practical, since it requires either a $100 dock or Miracast and Bluetooth peripherals. So if it's neither cheap nor practical, then what is it? An expensive party trick.

HP Stream 11 is $180 at Walmart and comes with Office 365 free.

Anybody with half a brain can just simply Google it (or Bing it, if you wish), pick it up at Walmart for less than two benjamins, and have a full Windows PC. No need for Continuum, or a dock, or any peripherals to use Continuum with or without a dock, because you have everything you need in a $180 laptop.

Continuum is a neat party trick, an expensive gimmick, but that's all it amounts to. It isn't going to replace or revolutionize anything. It's not cheap, since you need a $500+ smartphone to use it. It's not practical, since it requires either a $100 dock or Miracast and Bluetooth peripherals. So if it's neither cheap nor practical, then what is it? An expensive party trick.

But i'm in the market for a phone... Fine. You talked me out of it. I'll just get a samsung galaxy edge.

I'll give this another try in 2019 when chinese oems get it on with their race to the bottom with phone running qualcomm snapdragon 808 (now worth $1 each) running the now 2year old os "chromedroid" or the converged chrome os - android google is working on, running perfectly capable chromedroid apps, doing the linux version of continuum ("convergence" i think is what they call them). In the meantime, i'll just use the non-gimmicky samsung galaxy edge.

HP Stream 11 is $180 at Walmart and comes with Office 365 free.

Anybody with half a brain can just simply Google it (or Bing it, if you wish), pick it up at Walmart for less than two benjamins, and have a full Windows PC. No need for Continuum, or a dock, or any peripherals to use Continuum with or without a dock, because you have everything you need in a $180 laptop.

Continuum is a neat party trick, an expensive gimmick, but that's all it amounts to. It isn't going to replace or revolutionize anything. It's not cheap, since you need a $500+ smartphone to use it. It's not practical, since it requires either a $100 dock or Miracast and Bluetooth peripherals. So if it's neither cheap nor practical, then what is it? An expensive party trick.

Again, people totally miss the point of what this thing is.

Of course you can buy a laptop, always could. Totally irrelevant to the conversation though.

HP Stream 11 is $180 at Walmart and comes with Office 365 free.

Anybody with half a brain can just simply Google it (or Bing it, if you wish), pick it up at Walmart for less than two benjamins, and have a full Windows PC.

It's 2015. How hard is it to post a link? The problem with all these nebulous statements by anonymous people on the internet is the devil is in the details. We don't have time to google around trying to prove your argument. If you have a statement to make make it and post a link to back it up. Time and time again in this thread someone comes out with a bombastic statement and we go around and around in circles and ultimately debunk what they are saying because they only give a very slanted half story. Like your claim about Office 365 free. Okay. Is it free for a day? Six months? A year? And then? I guess you aren't going to tell us that because we all suspect you didn't post a link because ultimately you have to shell out $230 for Office with Outlook. And you say "full windows PC." Okay. Post a link to the specs. I somehow doubt this "full Windows PC" is going to run Adobe Premiere nor Da Vinci Resolve. Besides Office and a browser I run Photoshop, Premiere, Da Vinci Resolve, and on occasion Civ V with all the expansion packs. They would murder any $200 "full windows PC"... assuming they could even launch.

So seriously people. Man up and post a link to what you are talking about because so far it's been all BS when we finally get the true facts.
It's 2015. How hard is it to post a link? The problem with all these nebulous statements by anonymous people on the internet is the devil is in the details. We don't have time to google around trying to prove your argument...

In other words, you don't have time to Google the facts because you're ignorant and wish to remain ignorant? And your only argument is that people can't correctly post links, which is a total straw-man argument and has nothing to do with the topic at hand? Did you not realize that perhaps not everybody on this forum speaks English as a first language, therefor it may be more difficult for them to search and post English sites, when you can't even be bothered to Google it yourself in the first place?

Oh by the way, [URL="]here you go.[/URL]
You're missing the point completely but that's ok... Let me phrase this in a way you understand it.

Lets start off by making a few assumptions.

  1. The vast majority of the people in the world need computers. whether or not its's a laptop or desktop.
  2. Everyone needs a cell phone.

If you can eliminate the need for a device by providing the equivalent of two devices in one, what makes the most sense? 1 device. Don't give me crap about price. They'll fluctuate with time and further advances.
Do I need it? I thought it was something that was for developing markets, But now having played with it yesterday at Future Decoded. I NEED this and this will keep me on the windows platform.
The size is small, charges off the phone charge and charge phone when using it. With the Bluetooth MS keyboard and the device becomes a touch pad mouse. This is a really sweet device.
What it means you can travel with your phone and not have to take another device. You get to you hotel plug it in to the screen and full size screen to work in or watch videos, cool thing is you can carry on using the phone to email or txt while someone else uses the screen
continuum is something which wont be useful to the current generation. it will remain niche (or rather useless) for many years to come.

let's take a look at what continuum needs -
1. an external monitor
2. power for an external monitor
3. mouse
4. keyboard
5. continuum dock
6. power supply for continuum dock
no serious man or woman will want his workflow to depend on so many external factors, when he can just buy a notebook.

now, let's take a look at what is continuum really offering you.
it's a windows 10 simulator not the real windows 10.

arrival of this idea of continuum was long overdue, i used to imagine about it 10 years ago. it will become the way of life in coming 10 years. when continuum will be the windows. they will shrink the whole windows experience into continuum and the new os will live in even the cheapest windows phone. people will have rollable touch screens which on connecting with the phone and dock will become a windows touchscreen tablet.

for that to happen, windows as we know it will have to change. instead of ultrabooks, just touch and pen input monitors of different size, flooding the market, the technological culture itself will reside in ur pocket. microsoft has combined windows rt and traditional windows into one. for continuum to happen, windows and windows mobile have to merge too.
Then there's people like me. I don't need a computer at home. I have powerful workstations at my job. I happen to have a nice monitor and keyboard/mouse lying around from the computer I sold from home. I, on rare occasion, need to do some serious googling/emailing/spreadsheets while at home. So, my desk it sitting there with the continuum dock, and when I need more than my cell phone screen, bam. I plug in the phone, knock out some stuff that would be tedious on a cell phone, and then disconnect and move on. I think it's great. And, no 500+ dollar PC needed. I think there's a bunch of people like myself out there who could benefit from this.
People used these same arguments about laptops way back when. No one will buy them or need them.
too expensive, under powered, too big, too heavy, etc. All those people had no vision. Good thing most of us marched on and didn't listen. Otherwise we would not have the great laptops that are available now or even the powerful tablets. This idea will catch on and develop. Don't listen to nay sayers.
My issue with Continuum is that I don't know what problem it solves. I like it and I support the idea, but I think I like it for the same reason Microsoft is making it - because it's cool.

This is what I have heard by so many. And right now, that is the way it is and will be viewed by the masses. "It's a niche product." "Who would use it?" "It's just a toy."

History teaches us so much. Think about the telephone. The telephone was invented in March 1876. People called it a silly toy. Today it would have been called the same names as the phone Continuum. 25 years later, everyone wanted to have one and it was seen as a necessary thing to have. No one knew they needed it until it was available. I don't think it will take 25 years, because things happen much faster now than they did back then. Without phones, without Internet, without email, I imagine it took years for people to even know a phone existed.

It may take 2 or 3 years, and by then it will be available on affordable phones. Watch how the market is changed within 4 years from now.
This is what I have heard by so many. And right now, that is the way it is and will be viewed by the masses. "It's a niche product." "Who would use it?" "It's just a toy."

History teaches us so much. Think about the telephone. The telephone was invented in March 1876. People called it a silly toy. Today it would have been called the same names as the phone Continuum. 25 years later, everyone wanted to have one and it was seen as a necessary thing to have. No one knew they needed it until it was available. I don't think it will take 25 years, because things happen much faster now than they did back then. Without phones, without Internet, without email, I imagine it took years for people to even know a phone existed.

It may take 2 or 3 years, and by then it will be available on affordable phones. Watch how the market is changed within 4 years from now.

The difference being that even the average consumer really needs a telephone, even if it's just a landline. The average consumer currently doesn't need Continuum. That's not to say it won't ever happen, but IMO, it's going to take a really long time.
Everyone needed it. In fact when the first iphone came out people started buying it like crazy right from the start. This will not happen with continuum. It requires a screen and screens aren't just sitting everywhere. That's why laptops comes with screens!

I think you're selling it way short. I've got so many outdated small flat screens everywhere that putting a keyboard and a mouse to sit with them such as in my camper for instance is a no brainer. I already winterized my camper for the season but have a reason to go look at a job near there this weekend. I have left one 22 inch flat screen in the bedroom and will pack a mouse and keyboard. I will be able to do my bid for this job right there with the phone. Very nice and very useful. Microsoft just has to have a clue on how to market something like that. I find it dwarfs what my IPhone 6 plus and any Android I've had can do. Texting is especially nice on it too. Some more print drivers and I can forego just creating PDF files for print output.

Why you don't find it impressive is beyond me. When I'm driving out of town I love the idea of not worrying about a laptop left in the truck. My phone is on my side and the dock is probably not recognizable as anything of value to a thief.

Anyway... Just my take..

Without the ability to use x86 program nor split-screen/windowlize task I failed to see how much improve in productivity Continuum can be over airplay/miracase or a separate android/WP8 stick.

You can work everything through cloud and the UX won't be much difference. The TV stick is half the price of the dock and you're free from choosing any phone you want.

Even use wireless Continuum still you need a device(TV stick) to receive signal from the phone so it's the same investment compare to current solution and basically provide nothing new there.

The PC-like experience is just 100% PR crap.
The difference being that even the average consumer really needs a telephone, even if it's just a landline. The average consumer currently doesn't need Continuum. That's not to say it won't ever happen, but IMO, it's going to take a really long time.

You're basically saying what I said, except you're saying it will take a really long time, and I say it will happen within a few short years. ;) Well, basically. Sort of. ;)

I won't state absolutely positively that it will happen next week. People who demand the future will unfold a certain way (which you did not do, just saying for example) usually turn out looking foolish over it. That's why I don't to make hard predictions. When it comes to football games, I even say, "Well, I think such-and-such is a better team. We'll see how it plays out." Those that trash talk and say the other team doesn't stand a chance look pretty foolish when their team loses. Microsoft and Continuum is my team. I'm going to root for them, and I believe in them. I think they are the more capable players, and if the ball bounces right (yeah, sometimes sheer luck comes into play) then with luck they'll win one finally.

Without the ability to use x86 program nor split-screen/windowlize task I failed to see how much improve in productivity Continuum can be over airplay/miracase or a separate android/WP8 stick.
Miracast/airplay allows you to see the exact same layout that you see on your phone. There is no increase in productivity other than being able to use a keyboard. With Continuum, the universal app expands. Look at the following screenshots to see what I'm talking about with increased productivity.

Excel Mobile on the phone:

Excel Mobile via Continuum to larger screen:

See the difference? With Continuum, you can be productive like a boss. If you were to use Airplay or Miracast, you'd be getting the exact same difficult to use layout as the phone, just a bigger size. That doesn't do a lot of good. Continuum makes it easier to be productive.

You can work everything through cloud and the UX won't be much difference. The TV stick is half the price of the dock and you're free from choosing any phone you want.
There are differences in the UX. The TV stick still doesn't allow you to go to ONE device, which is the point of Continuum, to not have to carry multiple devices. The TV stick still has to have keyboard and mouse purchased, etc. Plus, you'll still need to purchase a phone. If you were going to buy a Galaxy Edge, S6, or iPhone anyway, then the phone with Continuum is much cheaper than all the above, and you can be more productive with it.

Even use wireless Continuum still you need a device(TV stick) to receive signal from the phone so it's the same investment compare to current solution and basically provide nothing new there.

The PC-like experience is just 100% PR crap.
See the above screenshots I provided for HeyCori. Nothing new? Pshaw. PR crap? Yeah, right. It is a more PC like experience no matter what you want to call it. Screenshots above prove that. It's a PC-like experience in how you use the apps.

Many TVs today have the Miracast capability built-in and don't require the separate device. However, that device for non-supported TVs is a good investment, as it still allows a person to have only one computing device. A person needs more than the TV for the TV compute stick. You still have to purchase a USB Hub, external storage (in most cases, since they are very small on storage), mouse or trackpad, keyboard, etc.

Compute sticks have their place. So do laptops. So do many alternatives. However, just because some people may prefer that method doesn't mean that continuum isn't going to be proven valuable and widely adopted. Whether or not it is accepted or rejected by the market as a whole will have to be told by what is still the future.

When a person says, "iPhone is best" or "Android is best" or even "The 950XL with Continuum is best", that's great. It's an opinion. If a person says, "There's no merit to such-and-such technology," then I believe that is a fallacy. Most technology introduced into the market, especially by a tech giant, has some merit. Even Google Glass. Google Glass has largely failed because it failed to gain the acceptance. Did it deserve the chance to succeed or fail and be put out there? Absolutely! If we don't put new technologies out there, we'll never advance.

It's like arguing that the Heisman Trophy (American College Football analogy) winner didn't deserve it because you thought someone else should have gotten it. I think it would be better to argue the merits of the player you thought should get the award than to trash talk the player that got it. That player wouldn't have gotten the award if they didn't deserve the consideration as well. Many players can be talented at the same time. Just because you like a certain player doesn't mean no other players are worthy of consideration.
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