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- Sep 2, 2014
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I think you're selling it way short. I've got so many outdated small flat screens everywhere that putting a keyboard and a mouse to sit with them such as in my camper for instance is a no brainer. I already winterized my camper for the season but have a reason to go look at a job near there this weekend. I have left one 22 inch flat screen in the bedroom and will pack a mouse and keyboard. I will be able to do my bid for this job right there with the phone. Very nice and very useful. Microsoft just has to have a clue on how to market something like that. I find it dwarfs what my IPhone 6 plus and any Android I've had can do. Texting is especially nice on it too. Some more print drivers and I can forego just creating PDF files for print output.
Why you don't find it impressive is beyond me. When I'm driving out of town I love the idea of not worrying about a laptop left in the truck. My phone is on my side and the dock is probably not recognizable as anything of value to a thief.
Anyway... Just my take..
You know I have the dock and I attached it and played with it once but now i'm back to using my pc and just use the dock to charge my phone.
Here's my problem. There are barely any UWP apps for windows 10. Games don't run on it at all. Apparently Candy crush and trivia crack are UWP but they won't let me run them. So while it may have some appeal if ALL apps were UWP, right now it's honestly useless to me. I don't use word or excel or any of the productivity suite apps. Most of the apps and things I use most frequently are not UWP. So hey, if this whole UWP business takes off then maybe things will improve. It would be nice as a portable little console if it supported xbox controller. It doesn't btw. All it supports is external hard drives and some peripherals. Why they don't throw xbox controller support in there is beyond me. It's windows 10 apparently.