Do you think MS will ever have the same "Cool Factor" as apple has today?


New member
Oct 3, 2013
Twitter if filled with apple stuff before during and after its events, apple related hashtags are at the most popular on twitter (more than 5 #)!!!
I think Microsoft is definitely gaining in "cool". Every designer (almost universally on Mac) that I know that saw the Surface Studio reveal trailer was smitten. Not sure if that will translate to sales - it's hard when your workflow is completely based on your platform. But everyone definitely thought the machine was amazing.

For Windows though, I don't know. I know OEM partners like Dell/HP/Samsung are building high quality machines, but when I think of old PCs and laptops that I've used, I just picture them as clunky, unpretty plastic machines.

Then don't think of old pcs and laptops but the new ones like HP x360 or spectre
Nope, unless Microsoft listen to changes and recommendations from their loyal users and incorporate it to their development, i believe they take a good jump to compete with Apple current level. I seen many beautiful recommendations and features by fans, they should tend to those too, to make better product and services, which can change the cards in market share

The thing about suggestions and recommendations, they have to resonate well with a wide section of the audience for it to make sense

I can suggest that MS should have a 17 inch screen device but that doesn't mean majority of people want it - by the way, from the 13.5 inch surface book we jump directly to the 27 inch surface studio with nothing in between

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