Does anyone use notifications?


New member
Dec 11, 2012
I use the notifications, but I do find it very annoying when you get 20 or 30 notifications after login, one at a time!!! My sound is usually of, but the temporary and repeated fly ins need to go when you login!

Aaron V

New member
Apr 4, 2015
I've been wondering if anyone uses notifications in Windows 10. I find myself just clearing the list all the time without looking at it really cause I'm anyways looking at the apps I work with that usually the notifications listed are old anyway. I've put it in Do Not Disturb me or whatever is called now too because every second or minute something comes in and is annoying.

I guess most of my feeling isn't so much Windows related. It's just we are so inundated with notifications from everything, they've become another thing to manage.

How do you notifications, or use them to help you in Windows? In interested in ways you use it so I can perhaps do the same. Thanks
Yes I use notifications, but they don't always come through. Just like on my phone.

Hirox K

Oct 25, 2016
Calendar, Messenger and Reminder typpa notifications? yes, I use'em, but my "Quiet Hours" is ON all the time, maybe that's why I don't see any fly outs. I use win+a (&esc to close it) to check'em manually.
Same as how I use Android. I don't like things eating up resources, auto-updating in the background so I turn off most auto-sync stuff, I prefer to sync manually.
I have LTE and I paid almost double than average for bigger data cap, but still, I don't like it. It's a programmer's thing I suppose...


Apr 6, 2015
Reply to texts,
Breaking news,
Click through for e-mails,
Cortana reminders,
Having to stop OneDrive from force downloading all my photos once every 20 minutes.

I find it quite useful.


New member
Mar 4, 2016
For me the function of the action center is more valuable the way it works in windows 8, like the charmsbar, with search and settings, -quick actions-, for me being the main reasons to go there.

100% right. Quick actions in the Windows 8 flavour of the action center that works consistently accross apps is much preferred.

For one, I think the Surface pen should deserve its own space in there with the most basic options that would work no matter the app: tip size, color, and a few others. As of now, 10 different apps equals 10 different ways to deal with the Surface pen.

Michael Bromley

New member
Dec 19, 2012
Good for some, bad for some, so-so for others. Personally, I love having them on all my devices. I'll dismiss on one, delay on another, etc. Drives my wife crazy because they all chime in from different parts of the house, but I need it. I'm ADD and the additional reminder from phone to tablet to computers is very helpful.

The lesson here, MS, is to give users full control over notifications -- don't take away existing functions that many find useful, but help the others with more flexibility in how to manage them.


May 17, 2016
I'll just say you people (who don't use them) are using your PC wrong. Not completely wrong, but you're using it like it's Win95. Try to be more open, and not dismiss anyting new immediately just because it's not what you're used to. That adaptive way of thinking is what brought all the innovation to the world.

As for the notifications, I don't really TRY to use or not use them. They pop-up occasionally, and when it's something I care about of course I'll open it (like when a torrent finishes downloading, I get an email, a mention on Twitter or some other social thingy).

What is wrong with using our computers as if it was running Windows 95? I did not ask for the bloat that Ms have pushed onto Windows 10, I have no requirement for it, to be honest I did not use most of what came with windows 7. All I need is an OS to run the software I want to run.

Sin Ogaris

New member
Oct 13, 2013
Nope, I just clear them immediately. Because I get all my notifications on my phone they are unnecessary on my PC.


New member
Aug 30, 2017
Yes i use it, but it's stupid clicking on Outlook notifications only removes the notification and does not open the email. Also, when I've read something already without using the notification to navigate to it, the notification should disappear anyway from the notifications centre as I already processed the task. Also, they might be way smaller in size. Only4 notifications fit on the SP4 when having the icons panel expanded. It's nice, but not on the same level as OS X yet..


Jun 22, 2017
I turn them all off where possible. About the only time I use my W10 laptop is playing Diablo III or processing photos when I don't want to get my MBP out.


New member
Apr 24, 2013
What I can't seem to understand is why these notifications never feel quite as polished as the ones on iOS. if I answer a message on the iPhone, why must I go home to the same notification and be obligated to clear it myself rather than the OS retracting it as I see in iOS? Consequently, if I take action on a Windows notification I see iOS retract the notification all by itself.

Windows and Android have the worst push notifications I've ever experienced. I WANT to use them and I see the value in them - I tied them to my Hue lights (office Hue light blinks when I get a notification) - but I don't see them sticking around for much longer without the much-needed polish the world has experienced with iOS.

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