Does it matter to YOU if Microsoft Mobile dies (or is dead)

It's a personal choice to use Windows Mobile because I like the platform. IMHO, more potential over Android and IOS at this moment. Also, App gap a non issue for me. For others, there's iOS and android waiting if they need those missing apps.

I hope MS will continue development and stick with it regardless what anyone says. They left mobile to flounder on several occasion and it came back to haunt them. Starting over too many times also hurt them as well. They just need to stick with it.

Also incentivizing developers better, both hardware and software, will go a long ways.
Because there are parties out there who desperately WANT Win Mobile to not become a viable alternative. There are many quiet forces at work who are plying all possible angles of influence in the business world to insure that the current stakeholders in the phone world STAY as the only stakeholders People assume this is merely a marketing push. It's sizably bigger than that. And none of the parties are going to speak about it much for obvious reasons.

That said, I will continue to use the platform. I don't deal with the world in "apps". And as the market shrinks, prices go sky high, and volume is harder to come by, there will be opportunity to grow the platform. Google is the equivalent of Comcast. We can do better.
Personally, I think win10m is going to be around for a while yet. I think there is confusion when it is said 'windows phone' is dead. Effectively, it is. 'windows mobile' is doing ok, especially with OEM's appearing out of the woodwork!! Yay

^^ this ^^

Windows Phone is dead, long live Windows Mobile.
Technology is all set to make a major shift in next 4 or 5 years. The two companies that are ready for that shift are Google and Microsoft.

There will be new services and devices. And, Apple will be become more irrelevant during that period.

The efforts of Google and Microsoft will only start to pay off during that period. Google will be big even then, but Microsoft will be a very relevant player in the new market.

That will also be period where Android and Windows will achieve more on all their devices. However, the only issue on Google devices will be security and Google has started to make their investments already. Same is happening at Microsoft.

Bookmark and look back at this post after 4 years and you will realise what I said has come true.

Only Google and Microsoft will be the prominent players in the market after 4 years.

Posted via the Windows Central App
Windows Phone was the OS to draw me back to Microsoft. I belive that with Windows Phone 7 Microsoft gained something they never had before. A loyal following who loved there products through there best one yet, WP (What Nutella is talking about now, he wants you to love Windows).
Microsoft have then been loyal to there tradition wich is, make a superb product, completly scew it up like ONLY Microsoft can, then scew over there fans, and in the end. Loose so much on there Microsoft brand again. Windows 10 Mobile is a mockary to fans. And where i live, wich Microsoft dont care about because its not U.S, people have just laughed and left and will never look back thowards Microsoft. A huge company can fail,some times, and for Microsoft time is running out. They needed to deliver 2 months ago on several areas.
Everything you do to fail comes back someday, and with Windows 10 Mobile, its clear they want us Windows Phone fan just to go buy a 950 or a 950 XL so they can at least make SOME money from a phone division they complelty destroyed day 1 WP was born... and as soon as you bought that phone, go buy that iPhone or Android phone because 950/XL is the crappiest phone experience ever to be had. I have been rooting for Microsoft for years, but now, i couldnt care less and i hope they go away as fast as possible as a company. They have destroyed there final product in my eyes, there is no more redemption to be had from me. I'l keep using WP 8.1 till it dies and go to a dumb phone. These phone companies can rotten and go to a hot place for all i care, as long as Microsoft goes first.
Technology is all set to make a major shift in next 4 or 5 years. The two companies that are ready for that shift are Google and Microsoft.

There will be new services and devices. And, Apple will be become more irrelevant during that period.

The efforts of Google and Microsoft will only start to pay off during that period. Google will be big even then, but Microsoft will be a very relevant player in the new market.

That will also be period where Android and Windows will achieve more on all their devices. However, the only issue on Google devices will be security and Google has started to make their investments already. Same is happening at Microsoft.

Bookmark and look back at this post after 4 years and you will realise what I said has come true.

Only Google and Microsoft will be the prominent players in the market after 4 years.

Posted via the Windows Central App

I wouldn't be surprised if Apple and Microsoft in 10 years time are one and the same company against Google.
If W10M matters to me? well I use it but my world wouldn't collaps and die if W10m did.
It would and wouldn't matter to me.

At the moment W10M isn't as complete as WP8.1, so I won't use it. Also, I detest the Android-isation of W10M - the UI design language of WP8.1 is beautiful, elegant and artistic. W10M is Android-with-Live-Tiles. I much prefer WP8.1 and would be reasonably happy to keep using it forever. In that context it wouldn't matter if Windows Mobile died tomorrow.

On the other hand, I don't want Windows Mobile to die because I'm ever hopeful the OS and I might converge again. The WP8.1 design language is gone forever, but I still hold out hope that Cortana might gain the functionality it has in WP8.1; I still hope the superb People hub of WP8.1 finds its way into W10M. So in that respect I don't want Windows Mobile to die.
Technology is all set to make a major shift in next 4 or 5 years. The two companies that are ready for that shift are Google and Microsoft.

There will be new services and devices. And, Apple will be become more irrelevant during that period.

The efforts of Google and Microsoft will only start to pay off during that period. Google will be big even then, but Microsoft will be a very relevant player in the new market.

That will also be period where Android and Windows will achieve more on all their devices. However, the only issue on Google devices will be security and Google has started to make their investments already. Same is happening at Microsoft.

Bookmark and look back at this post after 4 years and you will realise what I said has come true.

Only Google and Microsoft will be the prominent players in the market after 4 years.

Posted via the Windows Central App

I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing this and thinking the same way.
Microsoft or any large company does not "care" about retail stores, sales reps, cs reps, repair guys and defiantly not contractors who are hired to work on or sell their stuff. These are strictly line items in a budget that have no weight in the real world. If deemd that line is not making money for them, or they can make money elsewhere, that line is gone. I've seem it happen many times. Retail ops for something like Microsoft is akin to the tips of the smallest branches on a large oak tree. If they get damaged, no biggie.

So if your sole skill is being a bad sales guy or girl in a Microsoft store, oh well. At least the CS people can go use the same skill for another phone answering job.

But to answer if windows ten mobile dies - then i'm out 140 bucks that I spent on a phone. I haven't invested anything else into that particular eco sphere. The few hundred I've spent on older MS phones is a sunk cost and long since depreciated.
You already know that we're not employees. And, yes, it does matter to us. Why should opinions be any more important, just because someone is in the business of selling, supporting, or developing for Windows Phone. Why is it that consumers opinions are irrelevant?
I picked up my regular fare today, from Heathrow airport, who spends a lot of time at Redmond. Yes, he errrr is involved with one of the inhabitants of said Redmond. I usually get little snippets from him, but this is the second time since Xmas he has been guarded about what's going on, but he does seem to be taking more trips there, and he is 'busy'. Last year he thought his time was up.....go figure. Guessing by his deliberate answers and chatter, things are a foot, and he is quite upbeat. He is heavily involved in surface, so who knows whats coming at us? On top of which, his fare today was covered by a new 1520!! Result.
Microsoft Windows smart phones are not dead until MS CEO Nadella and the MS Board say they are. Right now Microsoft is winding down on the number of Windows smart phone models they will sell to the public and Businesses. Microsoft software Engineers are still improving Windows 10 Mobile OS and updates are now coming to those who use it. more Microsoft OEM partners will make Windows 10 mobile smart phones because Windows 10 Desktop OS is on 180 million computers of various types and more are coming. The BEST smart phone to use with Windows 10 computers is the Windows 10 mobile OS smart phones using Universal apps. most Average People and Tech site experts do not realize this but as time goes on People and Businesses will understand this and Windows smart phones sales will pickup
The reason people are posting negative comments is because many of us really Loved WP OS and wanted a Good 3rd option. But MS being a bunch of idiots didn't understand how to make that happen. Ballmer would have mock funerals claiming the death of Apple, android, and BB which was a complete and total waste of time and money.
I don't know what the REAL story as to why Microsoft Never got an developers on board.
I have heard it all. MS wouldn't let them have the APIs they needed and many others. Don't know the truth.

Ballmer, in addition to having idiotic funerals, started the idiotic 'don't get scroogled' campaign, which, in turn, meant Google refused to make any apps for WP like they did for iPhone. Hell, google released Chrome for iPhone BEFORE they released it on Android phones. Android users weren't happy about that one.

A phone without google apps is already in trouble. I know MS wanted to make Bing the next big thing.
That didn't work either. Everyone uses Google. Bing, other than the picture of the day, sucks.
Basically Microsoft IS the reason WP failed. I do know that under ballmer, it went NO where. The new CEO might even be worse.

I am pissed and hate it that WP IS DEAD because its a better OS than iOS and Android. Live tiles are awesome.
Microsoft should have used all that wasted time, effort and money the spent on 'don't get scroogled' ads, funerals, and all the other dumbass crap MS did, and spent that money on PAYING for developers. BUY developers. Bribe Developers. Whatever it takes, but DO SOMETHING.

People can say there is no apps gap, and they are idiots. You don't need 1.5 BILLION apps, but when a new app comes out, your OS name better be right there beside The App Store and Google Play Store. If not, no one cares if you have half baked copies "that is just as good".
That's the other major complaint with WP. Most the apps they do have are COMPLETE GARBAGE.
Half of them are TERRIBLE web wraps or have Never been updated. Hell, even Geico pulled the plug on their app. Probably had 7 downloads total.

So yes. The negativity is because those of us who went out and bought the LG Quantum day one. Then went and bought the Nokia line are pissed because we paid for phones with the promise of "just wait, soon, it's coming, someday" and it NEVER happened. All thanks to MS being a bunch of brain dead Morons.
Forgive us if we bash MS. They flipping deserve ALL the negative backlash they are getting.

Universal apps? STUPID. it will never work. period. No one is going to make an app when you have a full blown web browser. Why would my bank or local TV waste time doing apps, when they have a WEB PAGE. ....
Xbox is NOT going to help apps either. sorry. I am so pissed at MS. complete fail on WP.
Doom and gloom posts are many and widespread, no denying that

Here are the facts as I see it:
  1. Windows 10 mobile is released for new phones but under constant development to upgrade older phones
  2. Developing for W10M is still ongoing and will before some time as many news seem to indicate
  3. New 3rd party hardware manufacturers are releasing new handsets with W10M, latest being VAIO
  4. Lumia sales have reduced in the past year or so

Now kindly answer these questions before replying to this thread. Or at least go through these questions and musings before rattling off another W10M is dead post

  1. Are you a Microsoft employee directly or indirectly working in the mobile division or W10M OS development team? If yes, then your job could be at stake if W10M fails and no units are sold.
  2. Are you a person working directly or indirectly at a Nokia/Microsoft customer care centre? If yes, then if MS mobile fails, you could be out of a job.
  3. Are you a Microsoft salesperson working directly or indirectly with the MS mobile division? If yes, then your job could be on the line in the future if the mobile division is cancelled due to low sales
  4. Are you shareholder of MS shares? If yes and your shares portfolio is strictly MS only, then your future shares value could drop by a tiny margin if W10M dies
  5. Are you MS store employee or indirectly work at a MS store selling MS products? If yes, your livelihood could potentially be at risk if W10M is declared dead and buried
  6. Are you a worker at MS repair centres for Windows mobiles? If yes, then your earnings could reduce in the future due to reduced sales and eventual zero sales of Lumia handsets
  7. Are you a MS app developer who depends entirely or nearly entirely on your app revenue from windows mobile apps? If yes, then your source of revenue might reduce if MS mobile sales plummet to 0

If however you are none of these, then why should it matter to you that Windows mobile sales have fallen?
You could be a student or an office worker or an electrician or an architect or a retired army major or anything except those above. So if MS sells 4.5 million phones or 45 million, why should it affect you?

You have a windows phone already, don't you? It's working, isn't it? Even if it doesn't work any more, you can always get a new one, right? The only time you will need to be worried is if all worldwide sales were cancelled and all windows phone stocks were destroyed and all spare parts were also destroyed. Then and only then will you need to start worrying

And you know what? My lumia still works. My local customer care centre still exists. The telcom companies still support windows phones. The local mobile stores still sell windows phones.

So kindly reconsider declaring that windows mobile is dead. It's not. It is plain to see it is not. Just this week we got 10586.71 build and there is a rumour of build 10586.104 next week. The platform is evolving, not dying.

Take this analogy of the caterpillar. MS has collected a lot of information on how to get the mobile right. It's digesting and changing. Right now it is in the pupal stage. Do we know what is inside? We kind of do because of insider program. Do we know the final form? No, we can't know now. The butterfly has yet to fully develop and sprout the wings.

Let the butterfly develop and grow. Shouting at it while it is developing in the chrysalis that it is dead or dying does not help.

So be patient, be observant and thank you

The same reason that it matters to you that other people considers wp dead and you decided to make a post on it. Well why does it matter to you?
So says who has 25 posts. Have you been using wp10 only? That explains a lot, you've haven't seen the gradual destruction over the gruelling 5 years of overpromise under deliver.

Doom and gloom posts are many and widespread, no denying that

Here are the facts as I see it:
  1. Windows 10 mobile is released for new phones but under constant development to upgrade older phones
  2. Developing for W10M is still ongoing and will before some time as many news seem to indicate
  3. New 3rd party hardware manufacturers are releasing new handsets with W10M, latest being VAIO
  4. Lumia sales have reduced in the past year or so

Now kindly answer these questions before replying to this thread. Or at least go through these questions and musings before rattling off another W10M is dead post

  1. Are you a Microsoft employee directly or indirectly working in the mobile division or W10M OS development team? If yes, then your job could be at stake if W10M fails and no units are sold.
  2. Are you a person working directly or indirectly at a Nokia/Microsoft customer care centre? If yes, then if MS mobile fails, you could be out of a job.
  3. Are you a Microsoft salesperson working directly or indirectly with the MS mobile division? If yes, then your job could be on the line in the future if the mobile division is cancelled due to low sales
  4. Are you shareholder of MS shares? If yes and your shares portfolio is strictly MS only, then your future shares value could drop by a tiny margin if W10M dies
  5. Are you MS store employee or indirectly work at a MS store selling MS products? If yes, your livelihood could potentially be at risk if W10M is declared dead and buried
  6. Are you a worker at MS repair centres for Windows mobiles? If yes, then your earnings could reduce in the future due to reduced sales and eventual zero sales of Lumia handsets
  7. Are you a MS app developer who depends entirely or nearly entirely on your app revenue from windows mobile apps? If yes, then your source of revenue might reduce if MS mobile sales plummet to 0

If however you are none of these, then why should it matter to you that Windows mobile sales have fallen?
You could be a student or an office worker or an electrician or an architect or a retired army major or anything except those above. So if MS sells 4.5 million phones or 45 million, why should it affect you?

You have a windows phone already, don't you? It's working, isn't it? Even if it doesn't work any more, you can always get a new one, right? The only time you will need to be worried is if all worldwide sales were cancelled and all windows phone stocks were destroyed and all spare parts were also destroyed. Then and only then will you need to start worrying

And you know what? My lumia still works. My local customer care centre still exists. The telcom companies still support windows phones. The local mobile stores still sell windows phones.

So kindly reconsider declaring that windows mobile is dead. It's not. It is plain to see it is not. Just this week we got 10586.71 build and there is a rumour of build 10586.104 next week. The platform is evolving, not dying.

Take this analogy of the caterpillar. MS has collected a lot of information on how to get the mobile right. It's digesting and changing. Right now it is in the pupal stage. Do we know what is inside? We kind of do because of insider program. Do we know the final form? No, we can't know now. The butterfly has yet to fully develop and sprout the wings.

Let the butterfly develop and grow. Shouting at it while it is developing in the chrysalis that it is dead or dying does not help.

So be patient, be observant and thank you
it makes a difference to me because I see windows 10 mobile(W10M) is as feature rich and more cohesive OS than android and I see that W10M is more open than ios. W10M strikes these balances and many others that make me a true believer in Microsoft. Also I have been using Windows computers since forever and isn't windows the most used OS in the world? under this premise, I appreciate the unification of their app development process. Now is the time for manufactures to make some great hardware and flaunt it with the best OS on the market, W10M. Microsofts prosperity is through software, and great software like an entirely unique, feature rich and stable mobile OS could never be abandoned , it is in the transition phase for manufactures to start putting it on their hardware to sell. Will it take a hot powerful set of intel hardware to make windows phone shine? NO. All the apps that everyone knows on android? that would help, but apple did it with their computer line and held out until they became the success they are today by crossing those gaps from windows and Linux and windows mobile is on that same path. Microsoft will continue to produce a strong product, and in time as the weakness of the other platforms become more apparent W10M will become the apparent choice and the tide will shift. Microsoft wont drop W10M and I wont believe W10M is dead until Microsoft is dead. I believe what I see from their history.
I don't fit any description in your question, however, I don't want to see WM10 discontinued. It's scary to see only two viable options for a phone, android and ios. I am now using BB10 for work and its life is also questionable. If BB10 and WM10 are no longer developed and supported, then I'd have to resort to IOS or Android for work and that is unfortunate due to a number of reasons.

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