Does it matter to YOU if Microsoft Mobile dies (or is dead)

If however you are none of these, then why should it matter to you that Windows mobile sales have fallen?

Because this will lead to decreased developer interest in the platform, something that its desperately starved for already. Knowing this, someone would be incredibly hesitant to buy a Windows mobile device, and those of us who already have should be upset given the already dire app situation.
I've been A Windows Phone/Mobile fan from day one. I don't get caught up in the Windows Mobile is dead talk. What I want is for Microsoft to understand what their lack of focus and support on this platform has done to its most loyal users and developers.

As a .NET developer I stopped developing for iPhone when Windows Phone 7 was released. I followed Microsoft on this journey and when Windows 8 came out, I jumped in with both feet. I've seen Microsoft shift away from Developers, Developers, Developers to this so called "Mobile First" strategy, which turned into Windows last. So ok, my apps aren't selling on Windows and Microsoft has realized this and started putting their apps on all platforms. Surely they will allow me to take my .NET skills and move my Apps to other platforms as well?
Nope! Instead they build 1-way bridges that help iOS customers port their apps to Windows. So once again instead of Developer, Developer, Developer which use to mean Windows Developer. Microsoft is trying to entice developers that don't give 2 sht's about them, while its most loyal fans and developers are jumping ship.

I only want Microsoft to come out and throw us a bone. Why does this company move so slow and sit on soo much technology? You can't release an OS and have no good supporting Apps. Why does the largest software company in the world struggle to put innovative software on its own platforms?

We shouldn't spend our time talking about Windows Phone being dead, we should be demanding that Microsoft get their act together and start supporting its Windows users and developers by putting out some innovative software and development tools!
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^^You make some valid points but your LinkedIn bullet is way off. LI contacts have been syncing with Outlook since WP7. If you click on your MS account in settings you'll see LI already there. When you sync, they both go grey.
Sent from my Lumia 2520 on Tapatalk

LinkedIn did work well on my WP8 OS, but it does not work on my WP10, are you saying it work for you on WP10? What device and build are you at?
That are some very valid points. The whole platform development strategy for MS, Google and Apple is not clear. It seems that everyone wants their developers to develop to their platform in e easy way, not to use their IDEs to develop for another platform.

Today we have three competing languages and that's just how it is. Google is the largest one but the developers has zero gain on their code as it can't run anywhere else. MS has gain with .NET as you can make universal apps and Apple with ObjC can code in xCode for mobile and Desktop.

It's all about apps and sure MS it trying to make it easier to port but you need to think about the whole eco system (IDE and beyond) and no one is doing that now.
It does matter I can't face using an android or iPhone as they are terrible phones. I find Windows mobile easiest OS to use: no bloatware or viruses like android, no need to jailbreak it like iPhone, integrated office no need to download 3rd party apps easier to backup and restore unlike on android and iPhone. I really hope windows mobile carries on and Windows 10 Mobile comes out later this month.
I am hoping for Windows 10 Mobile to grow as my nature always supports the underdog. Besides that, I feel Windows 10 Mobile is probably the best mobile OS ever barring they fix some primary issues which they will. Unfortunately its just been the app gap thats adding to the misery of Windows phone. I am a fan of their phones and I don't want to see it die. Hope it doesn't.
It matters because I've invested my time and my money on this platform and all I see nowadays are more and more reasons why I should no longer remain on this platform. Ms apps and services are available on ios/droid now and they seem to be more frequently updated and in some cases better featured than on MS own platform. WP had exclusives things but they quickly went multiplatform. The app gap although wasn't a big deal to me still remains and doesn't appear to be getting rectified by anyone. What apps it does have more often than not are inferior on this platform and seems to have been abandoned and never updated anymore. LinkedIn hasn't been updated in forever and had been broken and doesn't work so its useless. Flixster live tile hasn't worked properly for ages. I like the platform, I like the phone, but I'm losing patience with updates and lack of support. I've been around since wp7 back in 2010 But there's no real incentive left to remain as the outlook doesn't look to get any better.. It'll just be 'there' as long as they continue to push win10.
Part of me cares and the other part doesn't. I'm so furious at this crappy WM10 that if the entire company fell apart I wouldn't care one bit. However I don't want people to lose their jobs either. Best thing to do is fire all of the upper management and start over.
why Microsoft want to be at last place ? IOS,Android...Microsoft ?
It's not reasonable to think Microsoft can lead in all facets. I'm sure Apple doesn't like being a distant 2nd in desktop computing and Android is a non-factor with ChromeOS.
If however you are none of these, then why should it matter to you that Windows mobile sales have fallen?

well. All the three mobile OS now are app centric. Apps are the things that do matter. If I am "user", I would like to use it as a daily driver, wish it to help me do all the work I can do on a smart phone the other two mobile OS' letting others to do. If there are very less number of users around in a platform, If I am an app developer, I may not develop for it. So for any user who is using Windows Phone or mobile, these numbers indeed matter.

You can say that universal apps will save mobile by pulling all people to develop apps there. Even if all the apps are developed as Universal apps(it's not), I don't think the developer will go the extra mile to support the mobile app that is used by less number of people. So, if it is eligible for mobile as app(it should if it's universal), the experience will be less than perfect. So for any one to want better experience using the phones, these numbers indeed matter.

If you are the odd man out in a group to have a Windows phone, it's fine. But to have a phone that has only a fraction of apps or with apps that are way better on rival platforms, it's not fine. You will be a laughing stock if you buy such a phone selling at a higher cost. So as a user, it does indeed matter whether it is as powerful as that of others.

Oh, by the way. I am not bothered about Windows Phone dying. I use very little apps and am convinced that Microsoft will continue developing Windows 10 mobile. Even if Microsoft pulled the plug for Windows 10 mobile, I will not be worried. I will keep using my phone until it is useful and will just move over to any other platform that I find good for me.
You care too much about what others think. I really doubt anyone would be a laughing stock for using Windows Mobile 10, if people are so lame to want to spend time laughing at someone's choice of mobile phone, that's just very sad. I use what I like, I couldn't give a damn what anyone else is using or what they think of what I'm using, and I certainly don't hang around with people that would laugh at me for my choices in this matter.
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Bit in a quandary. I will keep it simply. I LOVE Windows Phone and love the Lumia devices. I will really perturbed if it dies. That's all.
Bit in a quandary. I will keep it simply. I LOVE Windows Phone and love the Lumia devices. I will really perturbed if it dies. That's all.

Well tell this to MS also...It's better to have three platforms to chose from, but MS doesn't seem to think this way. I wonder how much longer can the stock owners stand for Satya's failures and stupid policies...
Because Windows on mobile (WP/W10M) is the only smartphone OS I like which is affordable. I utterly loathe Lagdroid and all its features as well as the evil Scroogle and will never consider buying one ever. iOS is good, but iPhones are beyond my budget.
Well tell this to MS also...It's better to have three platforms to chose from, but MS doesn't seem to think this way. I wonder how much longer can the stock owners stand for Satya's failures and stupid policies...
How is anybody supposed to take you seriously if you can't do basic research? Nadella's failures and stupid policies? Go to and READ the earnings report.
How is anybody supposed to take you seriously if you can't do basic research? Nadella's failures and stupid policies? Go to and READ the earnings report.

Correct. However, the general consensus on this forum, mostly geared toward WP, is "As goes WP (W10M), so goes Microsoft."
Correct. However, the general consensus on this forum, mostly geared toward WP, is "As goes WP (W10M), so goes Microsoft."
Microsoft is not Apple, its fortunes are not tied to a miniscule sector like phones. Microsoft is, and always will be, software and services first. Hence the name.

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