I notice an annoying event happening almost consistently when on the road. It is some sort of a data disjoin between Cortana and Here Drive +. I will either verbally ask, or write for, a location within Cortana. The search results will show a listing, where one box has a phone number to call and the box to the right is labeled "Directions". Whenever I press the "Directions" button, a map appears, and the two bottom buttons are labeled "start voice nav" and "route steps". When I press the "start voice nav" I get the Here Drive + map but without the "START" button. When this happens I need to close the map, go back to Cortana, and ask again. On the second attempt it will usually work okay. Is there something I am doing wrong? When it last happened yesterday, I noticed that the initial map which popped up was still routed to a previous map search, not to the location I was currently searching for.