Dungeon Hunter 4

Thanks for responding to our questions

I'm not sure what the issue is with game speed, but it is running at about 15fps on my Asus transformer book t100. As much as i'd love to play the game it really is too choppy to enjoy. I am on the latest drivers too. Hopefully its just a CPU/GPU issue that can be fixed with a patch!

Hi Ryan
I'm a casual gamer, and I will be getting the htc 8x windows phone in a couple of weeks, so I wanted to know: Do gameloft games support the 16:9 aspect ratio of the screen in the 8x? I saw a friend of mine playing with it, and noticed some black bars on the top and bottom of the screen, and I would like to know if this will happen to me with games like Dungeon Hunter 4 or Asphalt 8. Thanks

We do support the HTC 8x but I'm not sure on what the aspect ratio is for the games. I've asked and am waiting to hear back but did get confirmation the games are supported on it.

Thanks for responding to our questions

I'm not sure what the issue is with game speed, but it is running at about 15fps on my Asus transformer book t100. As much as i'd love to play the game it really is too choppy to enjoy. I am on the latest drivers too. Hopefully its just a CPU/GPU issue that can be fixed with a patch!


No problem! I hope that the issues can be fixed as well. When I was playing on the Surface today in the office for our stream I didn't notice any standout issues so I'm thinking it's something we can address in an update. Just to reiterate it though, make sure you are posting on the Windows Store so that the Dev team can also see the feedback there. The more places the problems are voiced the better in a way.
ryan when amazing sipderman and batman the dark knight rises is gonna be available for 512mb devices??? cause in android it is available for 512 mb devices...eagerly waiting for response.....
I haven't talked to the A8 team about that currently. I usually wait to hear about game changes like that from them first. Once I get info on it, I'd be happy to share it.

While you do that, could you update us on your releases of Despicable Me: Minion Rush and Total Conquest? I really hope that before the New Year we can finally see these games on our WP store. Thanks for your help so far! :cool:
Have you recieved any date as to which 512 mb ram support will be added?

I thought I mentioned it earlier in the post but I'm happy to answer again (: DH4 should be getting 512MB device support by the end of the month. I haven't heard anything about a delay for the update but I'll keep you all in the loop should anything change.

ryan when amazing sipderman and batman the dark knight rises is gonna be available for 512mb devices??? cause in android it is available for 512 mb devices...eagerly waiting for response.....

I haven't heard anything about these games getting 512MB support. I think the reason Android devices are able to are due to difference with the operating system and how it handles the games. Not 100% sure though.
EDIT: I just heard back and currently, due to the requirements of these games, TDKR and Amazing Spiderman won't be getting 512MB support.

While you do that, could you update us on your releases of Despicable Me: Minion Rush and Total Conquest? I really hope that before the New Year we can finally see these games on our WP store. Thanks for your help so far! :cool:

I don't have any information on Total Conquest right now and I don't think we (or I) announced a specific time frame for that game. However, I checked on Minion Rush earlier and once it clears one last thing it should be coming REALLY/B] soon. Still can't give an exact date since things are still kind of up in the air, but when I say soon I mean it.
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Ryan, how did you get into computer programming, specifically for mobile platforms? I was thinking about taking it up as a hobby. Not necessarily as a job, but as a fun little thing to do in my spare time. I'm only 17, but I figured you started at a young age too haha
Ryan, how did you get into computer programming, specifically for mobile platforms? I was thinking about taking it up as a hobby. Not necessarily as a job, but as a fun little thing to do in my spare time. I'm only 17, but I figured you started at a young age too haha

I actually don't have any programming experience, I went to college for Marketing and Communications and that's what my degree is in. I really enjoy gaming, social media and talking with players so that's how I ended up as the Community Manager for Gameloft. I definitely think starting young with something like programming, especially in the mobile arena, is worthwhile though!
I actually don't have any programming experience, I went to college for Marketing and Communications and that's what my degree is in. I really enjoy gaming, social media and talking with players so that's how I ended up as the Community Manager for Gameloft. I definitely think starting young with something like programming, especially in the mobile arena, is worthwhile though!

How do you recommend I start? I'm currently taking an intro comp sci class dealing with Visual BASIC and am wondering what the next step is.
How much space does this game take? I could delete some games to free up some memory, but I would like to know if that's enough.
How do you recommend I start? I'm currently taking an intro comp sci class dealing with Visual BASIC and am wondering what the next step is.

I think that's a good place to start and then maybe explore some of the different mobile gaming coding options, like Unity.

How much space does this game take? I could delete some games to free up some memory, but I would like to know if that's enough.

On my device I have it showing up as 1.8gigs when it's all said and done.
Ryan,Minion Rush?

It's out for Windows Phone right now and still coming soon for Windows 8. Very soon.

Any word on the strange graphics problems on the Lumia 2520 tablet?

I heard back and it's still something we are investigating. We didn't expect to have any issues with the Lumia devices that you all are reporting on. The Dev team said to let you all know to post about these issues on the Store in reviews because they check them daily for feedback, besides the stuff that I'm providing. This also gives them the exact device you're playing on so they can look into what's causing the issues more specifically. Hopefully if enough people post reviews, they will be able to get something out quickly. I'm still pushing on them for updates but just haven't gotten anything new as of right now.
Awesome, I'll be asking for an update later today to see what's going on. Hopefully I'll get some news in the next day or two.
it keeps saying that i need to update the game when i try to enter multiplayer game mode. but when i tap update it goes game hub and does nothing. there is no update available also in the store. can anybody help me please. i dont want to reinstall the game because i just finished the stupid tutorial and if i reinstall it i need to play it all over again to access multiplayer.

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