Easily Flash any Lumia 920 with full Amber/GDR2 features!

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here is a question for you all. what is a sure way of bricking your phone?
too bad you can't pull the battery on the L920.

Maybe a hard reset while the gears are spinning while flashing....
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in all seriousness, I'm not going,to try, but a nicely timed unplug or fiddling with its internals during a flash should do the job?
Just reset the phone and hand it to them and say the battery life sucks or make something else up. I don't think they care that much.
just confirming what others have reported here and there. There is no way to get back to pre-portico Rogers if you are on Rogers Amber/GDR2. See my post here with details. I am afraid that is the case for other roms as well. That was pretty much the last route to get back to ATT stock.
PS: I repeat myself. I am perfectly fine with Rogers Amber/GDR2. I don't have a single problem. Just would be nice to know there is a way back just in case it may become necessary in the future.
Someone may have successfully flashed back to att rom. See below I asked him in that news where att was planning to release amber next day:

goldenpipes has commented on: "AT&T says GDR2 and Amber update ready, should come tomorrow for Lumia 820 and 920"


I used the Rogers pre portico rom then flashed back to stock at&t.

The trick for me was trying different versions of NCS. I kept getting the incorrect FFU error so I would just uninstall NCS and remove all traces of Nokia on my system reinstall oldest version of NCS that I could find with the usercfg hack.

And I was able to flash pre portico Rogers.

I tried for days and it finally worked.
You can view the comment at the following url
Website: http://www.windowscentral.com/comment/579717#comment-579717

Sent from my RM-821_eu_france_267 using Tapatalk
Someone may have successfully flashed back to att rom. See below I asked him in that news where att was planning to release amber next day:

goldenpipes has commented on: "AT&T says GDR2 and Amber update ready, should come tomorrow for Lumia 820 and 920"


I used the Rogers pre portico rom then flashed back to stock at&t.

The trick for me was trying different versions of NCS. I kept getting the incorrect FFU error so I would just uninstall NCS and remove all traces of Nokia on my system reinstall oldest version of NCS that I could find with the usercfg hack.

And I was able to flash pre portico Rogers.

I tried for days and it finally worked.
You can view the comment at the following url
Website: http://www.windowscentral.com/comment/579717#comment-579717

Sent from my RM-821_eu_france_267 using Tapatalk

that's great if true! I guess I will be very busy today,..
any luck?

not yet. I've tried these so far
Nokia Care Suite 4.0 (2011.50.2).
Nokia Care Suite 5.0 (2012.40.5.8)

no luck yet. In the end I may have used the right one but missed a little stupid extra to get it to work. No clue. Have not heard back from him yet.
anything before Nokia Care Suite 5.0 [2012.40.5.8] does not support rm-820 anyway, which leads me to believe that Nokia_Care_Suite_5.0_2012.45.4.5 should be oldest.... I am going to hard reset and try again.

My best guess at this point is that Nokia_Care_Suite_5.0_2012.45.4.5 is the oldest that supports rm-820. A link is actually posted here at WPC.
Maybe somebody else can try this one as well. So far it's throwing me the same FFU error as others. Also, I found a way of "quasi" bricking the phone. If you flash and half way through pull the USB cable (thanks Juan for the tip) the phone stays in limbo and you can't do anything unless you flash with exactly the same rom again. In this state the phone will be stuck on the Nokia boot logo and none of the button combinations work.

Interesting observation. Working Rogers Amber/GDR2, when I try to use NCS 2012.45.4.5 it starts "flashing" the pre-portico Rogers and immediately throws the FFU error (all normal to this point, and the FU really screams at you by now). However, it hoses the current Rom and I have to reflash the Rogers Amber. ----bizarre. Something tells me that this may be something significant....

lol, a sure way of wasting the time. It is entirely possible that he was able to do this by not following the correct steps and that he doesn't remember what he didn't follow - ;) ...happens to me all the time. Or it was a combinations of odd things that allowed him to get it to work.
Your tube radio stopped working. You open it and because you have no idea what to look for you clean it a little, close the box and what do you know it works again.

Ok, enough Rogers, now starting with ATT Dev and try this...

Same thing with ATT Dev Amber. Also hosing the existing rom when trying to flash pre-portico Rogers. Either there is a version of NCS between NCS 5.0_2012.40.5.8 and NCS_5.0_2012.45.4.5 or he was using another trick that I am not aware of.

I pm'ed him and hope to hear from him

It's time for somebody to find a hack for WP8 on the Lumia 920 just like the Samsung Ativ. You can now even get a custom rom - wow.
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I was looking at the ROM's offered in WperHelper and there are a couple of ROM Rm-822 with version 1232.5951.1249, is this preportico? If so, I think it will be a work around since the program installs directly without NCS.

Also has someone tried the refurbish option on NCS
I was looking at the ROM's offered in WperHelper and there are a couple of ROM Rm-822 with version 1232.5951.1249, is this preportico? If so, I think it will be a work around since the program installs directly without NCS.

Also has someone tried the refurbish option on NCS
those are portico I think according to this post came out Dec 2012, this one specifically called PR1.1. This post at XDA says it is portico

1232.5962.1314.0001 portico ATT (final)
1232.2109.1242.1001 preportico ATT
I have tried refurbish once with no luck or because I couldn't figure out what it wanted. will try again.

well, now I learned how to click through a chinese program as well (following snicker's post). I see the roms you listed. Two things though. they are rm-822 and are labeled RM-822 Unicom PRC VAR251526 MATT Black V2 Black. Not sure if this is getting us anywhere.
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I've tested these below.

Hey Deraus, are you already updating to gdr3 or going to wait for user feedback first? I am a push of a button ready to update. But I am a little worried about not able to go back to gdr2 once gdr3 is installed. I think I'm going to do some yard work then update lol.
Hey Deraus, are you already updating to gdr3 or going to wait for user feedback first? I am a push of a button ready to update. But I am a little worried about not able to go back to gdr2 once gdr3 is installed. I think I'm going to do some yard work then update lol.
I will wait until I get my new L920 in a few days. My vibration stopped working entirely. Getting it replaced under warranty. I will definitely go to gdr3 even knowing that I can't go back. The fineprint says you cannot revert to a prior OS (that may of course not include flashing options).
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Just in case anyone is wondering, the update on my Lumia 920 to GDR3 was smooth, and tethering still works (on at&t and used the spanish keyboard trick). Was a little worried that I'd lose tethering by updating to GDR3, but I'm happy to say that it's still fully functional!
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