Error installing windows phone recovery tool

Follow this steps to rid of this error
step:1 connect your windows phone into your pc.
step:2 go to device manager and open universal serial bus devices.
step:3 uninstall all the lumia drivers that you see on that section.
step:4 download the windows phone recovery tool and install it, installation will be success.
you can also reflash the windows 8.1 again from wp 10 technical preview.
from 5 days i am also trying to install windows phone recovery tool the same problem has been faced in 3 laptops the soft ware is not installing
"hash value is not correct"
download nokia care suite
downlaod the the firmware
use the multi software updater

make sure u paste the downloaded rm-xxx file in correct directory

i was stuck too tried this now finally back to normal wp8.1 :amaze:
FIX! to Install Error

I had the same issue installing the recovery tool with a hash error couldn't figure it out.

Then I tried installing the Nokia Care Suite 5.0 and it asked for VC++ 5.0 SP1 to be installed downloaded that.

vcredist_x86.exe available from the MS downloads site

after install that the WPRT installed and worked!!!

Using SP3 with Windows 8.1
This is the checksum of both msi files WinUsbCompatIdInstaller and WinUsbDriversExt is same in microsoft website.
That means it is essentially somebody has copied the same installer in Microsoft servers ;). Are they trying to say they care less about windows phones :)
MD5 for both msi the installer downloads behind the scenes 390C5E475BEEDB62F1B8DF045A24808A/
Thanks a lot, I was actually struggling with this problem for months and your post solved it. I have registered on windows central just to thank you. :smile:
no use this is just bullcrap the old versions worked fine. Someone should report this to MS asap. I can't install it on either my pc with w8.1 or w10 laptop. I'm stuck on crappy build 512 but i want to revert to the previous build which was much stable.
**** app windows insider its is too slow and have more bugs dont dload that app dont be like me im searching for a tool back me in my wp8.1 and it is so hard to re intalling it damn
Open my computer go to C: Drive click on search bar and type windows phone recovery tool then all the unwanted file are display then select all file and delete it then close the C: Drive and reinstall the windows recovery tool it will work.
There's a hash verification problem with the WinUsbDriversExt.msi file. Download it from the link below. Note that the location/version changes every time with a new update of the Device Recovery software. Once you have downloaded and installed it seperately, the installation should run and complete. It worked for me.

The following link is for version 3.0.1 of the Windows Device Recovery software. In case you have a later version, get the link from the error log text file which you get from the installer. It should be specified somewhere at the end.
There's a hash verification problem with the WinUsbDriversExt.msi file. Download it from the link below. Note that the location/version changes every time with a new update of the Device Recovery software. Once you have downloaded and installed it seperately, the installation should run and complete. It worked for me.

The following link is for version 3.0.1 of the Windows Device Recovery software. In case you have a later version, get the link from the error log text file which you get from the installer. It should be specified somewhere at the end.

this!!!!!! this worked
Thanks a ton for the advice. I was so sure this would work but it didn't. :/

I even got my own URL from the log file (it turned out to be the same as yours). But even after downloading it, installing it, and then running WPRT setup didn't solve the problem.
Worked for me... too bad my phone is completelly inexistent to my or any PC. Thisfrustrates me very much.
CommLayerCleaner.exe - Application Error
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.

This is what I am getting. :( sick and tired of windows phone now. Wp8\8.1 was so beautiful. W10 has made my life hell. And reverting is a damn pain in the arse.
Recovery tool version is 3.1.4. Tried downloading the earlier version from the link given above. the link is now broken it seems.
I updated my Lumia 535 to Windows 10, but since I wasn't all that satisfied with W10 I decided to restore W8.1.
First I did a factory reset, but after that it just did a clean install of W10, not W8.1.
Then I tried Windows Device Recovery Tool, but when I try to reinstall the software I get a message saying that there was an error downloading the software package, and that downloading the file RM1089_02074.00000.15234.28007_RETAIL_prod_signed_1054_025F5A_000-33_MV.ffu failed.
I tried the process on multiple computers. It starts downloading, downloads cca 89KB and displays the error message.
What can I do to restore my phone to W8.1?
W10 looks really nice, but it's still really laggy and tons of apps and settings are not working for me so there's no use in using it just yet.
I updated my Lumia 535 to Windows 10, but since I wasn't all that satisfied with W10 I decided to restore W8.1.
First I did a factory reset, but after that it just did a clean install of W10, not W8.1.
Then I tried Windows Device Recovery Tool, but when I try to reinstall the software I get a message saying that there was an error downloading the software package, and that downloading the file RM1089_02074.00000.15234.28007_RETAIL_prod_signed_1054_025F5A_000-33_MV.ffu failed.
I tried the process on multiple computers. It starts downloading, downloads cca 89KB and displays the error message.
What can I do to restore my phone to W8.1?
W10 looks really nice, but it's still really laggy and tons of apps and settings are not working for me so there's no use in using it just yet.

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