Facebook : features, discussions, rants, issues, solutions

Just to know, i switched from an galaxy s2 to an lumia 720 yesterday, i really love the phone, but the social network is making me regret. I saw a lot of divergent information, some say that the problem is only on windows 7.x others with windows 8 seens to still have it.
My problem is, i just cant receive toasts or tile notifications of facebook. tried then all: vanilla, beta, jbd, etc. I didnt even tried whatsapp yet, but im afraid i will have the same result.
Tried a huge ammount of changes found on internet, even an hard reset.
Can someone help me, or all i can do is wait?
Last I heard/read, is that MS is blaming FB, FB is blaming MS. Some sort of server issues on FB part.
Lately the list of online friends doesn't seem to be updating on both the official and beta versions of the app. I did try a soft reset and reinstalling them. Anybody has a workaround or experiencing a similar problem?
Mine never updated properly, official or beta.
Today I gave the official app a change and unistalled beta. So far, large tile doesn't show cover picture anymore, notifications are gone, random "no one is online" issue on chat hub and some missed messages.
Are people having differing experiences when it comes to receiving notifications, tile counts, etc? I consistently "DO NOT" get these using the WP Facebook app. I am using the Beta app as my default, but find it no different or better than the official in that regard.
Yes......the Android one. Go figure....lol The thought of having to look at that dithering screen full of stupid icons every day, and not being part of this platform...well...ain't gonna happen! I knew if i left, I would instantly regret it, and start kicking my own arse for doing so.
Wonder why it is so lousy when comes to notifications and alerts for the FB app. So it is MS or Facebook issue? Is MS blaming Facebook just like how they blamed Google with the Youtube app? Perhaps Facebook should ask MS to use HTML5 instead.... :P
I am done with this app. I'm not downloading it until they fix notifications, surely that is the bare minimum for a Facebook app? JDB for Facebook works fine, usually received within 15 mins of a post not three days! It doesn't have the functionality of the MS App but it doesn't have all the bugs either, like the buggy wide live tile and the unreliable lockscreen performance.
So WP has a rubbish Facebook client and a non existent YouTube app. I bet Apple and Google are shaking in their boots right?
My only issue with the official FB app is: "Move the freaking send button!"
I hit it three time yesterday looking for the space key. My news feed ended up looking like:
"Thanks for the"
"Thanks for the wonderful evening....blah"
Thankfully you can del posts from the mobile app these days...
I have read the issues about the Me tile not changing to the latest profile pic in fb. I tried the delete previous pic method and it worked. Is there a way to change the the pic without deleting the previous pic? I don't want to lose the likes and comments on the previous pic.
Okay has anyone else noticed this? The app shows more of stuff from pages and not from your friends timelines and posts.
the app for facebook on wp8 it`s really crap ! it`s not even half compared to android, i can`t understand why facebook don`t get involved in this, in this days wp8 is growing and a lot of users are here, should we make a petition or what ? :)
I have read the issues about the Me tile not changing to the latest profile pic in fb. I tried the delete previous pic method and it worked. Is there a way to change the the pic without deleting the previous pic? I don't want to lose the likes and comments on the previous pic.

I just went into the "Me" tile and clicked my profile pic. I didn't change anything after that, but just backed out of the Me tile to my homescreen and it updated
I have just bought my Lumia 625, the device is great but it looks like I can't receive any news feed or notification from Facebook unless I open the app. I contacted Microsoft and actually the agent was very patient and tried to help me with the issue but in vain. I also have the same problem with Skype- a person was talking to me over it and I didn't know until I opened it- and I also don't get any notification about who signed in and who went offline. Any Suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Oh wait, I just tried again. It is back to normal. I selected an old profile pic on my fb and changed it on my laptop. The Me tile promptly changed as well. Well, I've got everything back to normal again except for my facebook chat, which sporadically works. Anyone know how to fix my fb chat problem? It is down most of the time. It has been down for months.....and it came back to life last week. But after working on and off for a few days, it has been down again.
why on WP is the notification for facebook so problem? i dont understand, it is more than annoying, when your phone not notify you when you get a new facebook message. I really hate this on my phone, and basically this is the only reason , why i just cant recommend WP to my friends. I just dont understand where is the problem. I just dont.
I just received a Facebook toast saying my friend messaged me, and that was sent to me LAST FRIDAY and I have already read it on my PC. Seriously Microsoft?! You are a software company yet you cannot even make a proper Facebook app using APIs provided? No wonder Google don't want you to make a YouTube app.....
I just received a Facebook toast saying my friend messaged me, and that was sent to me LAST FRIDAY and I have already read it on my PC. Seriously Microsoft?! You are a software company yet you cannot even make a proper Facebook app using APIs provided? No wonder Google don't want you to make a YouTube app.....

I'm getting this toasts always late. Maybe sometimes it works properly, but very rare.

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