Facebook : features, discussions, rants, issues, solutions

That's a feature, not a bug! ;) :D

Well I made the jump down to a 635 from an iPhone 5s for financial reasons. I'm not gonna lie while the 635 is an amazing device for the price, I miss my iPhone :( I noticed a monumental decrease in people messaging me on facebook messenger when I starting using the 635 now I know why I guess.
I was making that comment in jest (I think). I'm not sure if I show as available or not from the WP platform. I'll try to check on that myself. Have you been able to check with anyone else to see if you are visible?
I was making that comment in jest (I think). I'm not sure if I show as available or not from the WP platform. I'll try to check on that myself. Have you been able to check with anyone else to see if you are visible?

Well currently I have just checked with three devices: one iPhone 6 and two separate Android devices. The same goes for my nephews' 635, once I told him about it we checked his facebook online status and it's the same situation with his. The apps on both iOS and Android show the user online while using either the facebook or messenger apps while us Windows Phone users aren't displayed as online.
When I am connecting my game to Facebook for sharing post or sync.It always gives me browser Facebook. why? though I had already installed Facebook app.
I noticed my fb app doesn't update the live tile and it isn't recognized in the action center. I tried reinstalling the app on my phone, but it still won't work like it did b4. I'm using a L830 with Lumia denim.
Hey guys

Got a question about the tile of Facebook. I want the tile to just show the large Facebook logo. Instead the app wants to show me my coverphoto. I can't find a setting to actually switch it off. I deleted all my coverphotos on Facebook hoping that would solve it, but now it's just showing me a blank blue tile with a little facebook logo at the bottom.

Is it in anyway possible to get the normal Facebook logo?

Still not able to download the beta a month later
Hey guys

Got a question about the tile of Facebook. I want the tile to just show the large Facebook logo. Instead the app wants to show me my coverphoto. I can't find a setting to actually switch it off. I deleted all my coverphotos on Facebook hoping that would solve it, but now it's just showing me a blank blue tile with a little facebook logo at the bottom.

Is it in anyway possible to get the normal Facebook logo?

View attachment 94317

I have the same issue, it seems like I should be logged out, after I reinstall the app, to get the large Facebook tile..
And one more annoying thing is that I can't see the files shared in a group, or be able to download them..
The FB app on WP like some of the other major apps are simply just POOR. Will never understand why it's that way, I don't want to hear oh it's because of the number of people on the WP OS. ? how many people own a particular multi-million dollar car compared to those who don't, does that mean you're going to make the car crappy? The point is if you're going to make ANY app for ANY OS, do it properly and not just because and then say afterwards oh it's because there's not enough of you to support improving the app. Maybe dumbasses if you made the apps proper in the beginning then it wouldn't be any issue seeing that the sole reason more don't gravitate to WP is because the lack of app parity compared to that found on the other major rival OSes.
I got the latest update and now I have to work around to the "most recent" feed (in Dutch meest recent). How do I get it back as the first page when I open facebook? It's not THAT a big deal I have to tap once or twice more, but when I use that feed I don't get the notification bar on top either... <_<
Cant see more images by swiping left or right
For eg: There's a page and I clicked d pic which they uploded I cant swipe left right to see other pics of that page

Can any one facing the same issue
Can u help me out
My Gawd...so many complaints about this app. I feel better now. The developer of this app should be thrown from a helicopter for making this poor excuse of an app. lol
When someone has birthday and you want to go to their profile, the app opens an event window with the message that the event doesn't exsist or something like that :(
fbwp@microsoft.com <-- we all need to complain to this email. Clicking on birthdays gives an error and uploading images never work. I have to use uc browser in speed mode to upload. Really bad experience.

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