Facebook messages, not chat


New member
Dec 13, 2012
Hey guys, first post here, but I've been lurking here since I got my lumia 920 (LOVING it)

I feel like I'm asking a question that's been asked a hundred times, but I can't figure it out... I'm looking to get facebook messages (NOT chat) to be pulled somewhere...people hub? me hub? messages hub? I can't figure it out though...this is the one thing I need to keep my facebook app hanging around for. I've tried signing into the chat thing in the messages hub, but I hate being logged into facebook all the time for chat. I don't want to chat..ever.

Anybody have suggestions? Thanks!
Hey guys, first post here, but I've been lurking here since I got my lumia 920 (LOVING it)

I feel like I'm asking a question that's been asked a hundred times, but I can't figure it out... I'm looking to get facebook messages (NOT chat) to be pulled somewhere...people hub? me hub? messages hub? I can't figure it out though...this is the one thing I need to keep my facebook app hanging around for. I've tried signing into the chat thing in the messages hub, but I hate being logged into facebook all the time for chat. I don't want to chat..ever.

Anybody have suggestions? Thanks!

what do you mean "to be pulled somewhere".

the facebook APP lets you go in to your facebook messages Inbox. The integration with the the 920 and facebook lets you use your Messages to chat (which by default, and there is no way to prevent this in Facebook) end up in your messages Inbox anyway.

so, I guess I am not understanding exactly what you want?
Yeah, got the same "problem". Only using the official FB App for missed messages and groups...

@congusano: he wanted to know if there is a way to read the missed messages without using the app (because of the facebook integration). So if you are not online on the chat, the messages you get at that moment will be saved as "messages". And to read them you have to use the app, or as seve said, m.facebook...
Anyone know if MSFT plans to further deepen the integration with FB? Like offline messages, groups, friend request, etc? I don't like using the FB app, I actually like the FB integration but it only half works since messages are quite important to me.
Yeah, got the same "problem". Only using the official FB App for missed messages and groups...

@congusano: he wanted to know if there is a way to read the missed messages without using the app (because of the facebook integration). So if you are not online on the chat, the messages you get at that moment will be saved as "messages". And to read them you have to use the app, or as seve said, m.facebook...

Thanks for all the responses, for clarification: Yes, I want to be able to read messages somewhere other than facebook app (some WP8 integration).

So if I stay signed in as invisible, any new message I receive should pop up in my messages hub?
facebook should implement some sort of pop or imap access to your @facebook.com address. thus one can really use the facebook.com address as a real address (and receive offline chat and messages with a push service on the phone)
Facebook messages and chat are the same thing. The only reason they go to an inbox is if you are on not on facebook chat. Go look at your messages, all your chats are in there. Your messages should go to your Messages app on your phone if you are signed in. If not, you go to the Facebook app.

I think your invisible idea is the way to go.
Facebook messages and chat are the same thing. The only reason they go to an inbox is if you are on not on facebook chat. Go look at your messages, all your chats are in there. Your messages should go to your Messages app on your phone if you are signed in. If not, you go to the Facebook app.

I think your invisible idea is the way to go.

It would be nice if MSFT could integrate the offline messages to come straight to the messaging hub. Having to keep the FB app installed just for messages is annoying, add to that the fact that the app crashes numerous times when checking offline messages makes it even more annoying.
Facebook messages and chat are the same thing. The only reason they go to an inbox is if you are on not on facebook chat. Go look at your messages, all your chats are in there. Your messages should go to your Messages app on your phone if you are signed in. If not, you go to the Facebook app.

I think your invisible idea is the way to go.

Done. Thanks for the tips.
Unfortunately, as you will find out, this will not really work. The chat implementation on WP is not very reliable and you are pretty much guaranteed to miss some messages.

Lol...damn. I'll keep it invisible for a bit, until it fails. At that point I'll pray for an MS update!
Although not perfect, I have seen that the Facebook integration with this phone is the best yet compared to any other phones. Hopefully with updates, it will continue to only improve.
Lol...damn. I'll keep it invisible for a bit, until it fails. At that point I'll pray for an MS update!

Good luck, we've been doing that for two years...

Although not perfect, I have seen that the Facebook integration with this phone is the best yet compared to any other phones. Hopefully with updates, it will continue to only improve.

I assume you are a new WP user?
So if I stay signed in as invisible, any new message I receive should pop up in my messages hub?

I can't recall getting them when I'm on invisible, I've just left mine on available to make the messages app somewhat more reliable. You will find that facebook messages suck on WP compared to Android and iOS. If you depend on getting timely notifications for facebook messages then you will be greatly disappointed. I rarely ever get notifications for facebook messages, not even with the facebook app. I have to check the facebook site regularly to make sure I haven't missed any messages (which I do on most occasions). I use group messages a lot on facebook too and you can forget about getting notifications for that through either of the messages or facebook apps.

In regards to facebook chat, the messages app misses half the messages I've received during an online chat too. I'll always end up having to refresh the facebook site during a chat because I know the built in messages app will miss a reply.

The sooner facebook release their facebook messenger app the better. This is probably the only thing I don't like after switching from Android as I never missed a single message using the facebook messenger app. I even received most messages before my laptop would get them through on the desktop site whilst the phone was locked on standby. Yeah, the facebook integration is pretty good when it works but more often than not, it doesn't.
I really like the idea of integrating all messages into one Messaging hub, but Microsoft's implementation of FB Chat has been hit and miss. Reliability is a key factor that's missing and I hope that they improve their reliability. I noticed that moving from Omnia 7 to Lumia 920, FB Messages that was sent when my phone was not connected to the internet does get through immediately after I connect to the internet.

That said however, there are certain occasions where when I was chatting with my friends, certain messages were not received or sent. It was really rare, occurring probably less than 1% of our conversation, but missing messages cannot be tolerated.
The sooner facebook release their facebook messenger app the better. This is probably the only thing I don't like after switching from Android as I never missed a single message using the facebook messenger app. I even received most messages before my laptop would get them through on the desktop site whilst the phone was locked on standby. Yeah, the facebook integration is pretty good when it works but more often than not, it doesn't.

You're likely going to be waiting a very long time. Zuckerberg seems to have ZERO interest in Windows Phone. You're going to have to hope MS pays him by the billions to make an app.
You're likely going to be waiting a very long time. Zuckerberg seems to have ZERO interest in Windows Phone. You're going to have to hope MS pays him by the billions to make an app.

Yeah, I know. Hoping that they'll release something for W8 which should make it easy to port to WP8. I think there's greater interest in the platform now than their used to be so hopefully that'll make them reconsider their stance a little. Otherwise I'll have to keep my old Android phone lying around.
I'm waiting for this on Windows Phone 7, but it seems to be in vain. Facebook 'email' is one of the main ways I communicate with people, and for that reason I use a blackberry, while this windows phone sits in a drawer and comes out every few months to be used for Nokia Music.

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