Hey guys, first post here, but I've been lurking here since I got my lumia 920 (LOVING it)
I feel like I'm asking a question that's been asked a hundred times, but I can't figure it out... I'm looking to get facebook messages (NOT chat) to be pulled somewhere...people hub? me hub? messages hub? I can't figure it out though...this is the one thing I need to keep my facebook app hanging around for. I've tried signing into the chat thing in the messages hub, but I hate being logged into facebook all the time for chat. I don't want to chat..ever.
Anybody have suggestions? Thanks!
I feel like I'm asking a question that's been asked a hundred times, but I can't figure it out... I'm looking to get facebook messages (NOT chat) to be pulled somewhere...people hub? me hub? messages hub? I can't figure it out though...this is the one thing I need to keep my facebook app hanging around for. I've tried signing into the chat thing in the messages hub, but I hate being logged into facebook all the time for chat. I don't want to chat..ever.
Anybody have suggestions? Thanks!