First impressions

Got the phone today and WOW am I impressed. I will certainly be porting over from my current carrier.

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I'm at 13 hours right now with 45% left. I turned off the find my phone faster and it makes a HUGE difference!

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I'm kind of disappointed with this phone... :(
First, the build quality feels very cheap to me. I have an SGII and a G Note, and the build quality on those feels much better, despite them also being made of plastic.

2nd, the screen quality is not that great. There's a very noticeable blue tint, moreso than compared to an SGII. Colors look way too over saturated and unnatural.

Performance wise, I think it's OK, have had no problems with lag, etc. I bought this full price off-contract, so kind of hard for me to justify keeping this phone with the Titan coming out in a week, which seems to be better overall if you don't mind the size.

Lastly, there doesn't seem to be a lot of support behind this phone with almost zero accessories or cases available, and seems weird that most AT&T stores are only getting about 2 units in at a time... :/
I'm kind of disappointed with this phone... :(
First, the build quality feels very cheap to me. I have an SGII and a G Note, and the build quality on those feels much better, despite them also being made of plastic.

2nd, the screen quality is not that great. There's a very noticeable blue tint, moreso than compared to an SGII. Colors look way too over saturated and unnatural.

Performance wise, I think it's OK, have had no problems with lag, etc. I bought this full price off-contract, so kind of hard for me to justify keeping this phone with the Titan coming out in a week, which seems to be better overall if you don't mind the size.

Lastly, there doesn't seem to be a lot of support behind this phone with almost zero accessories or cases available, and seems weird that most AT&T stores are only getting about 2 units in at a time... :/

The build feels just like the gs2 except a tad thinner. The screens are identical and have the same hues. Calibrate them both exactly the same and you should see it.
I'm gonna give it another shot this week and decide on Sunday when the Titan is released. I've been reading some bad things about the screen resolution of the Titan (text becomes pixelated as you zoom in) so I might just wait and see until I can compare the two in person.
I'm gonna give it another shot this week and decide on Sunday when the Titan is released. I've been reading some bad things about the screen resolution of the Titan (text becomes pixelated as you zoom in) so I might just wait and see until I can compare the two in person.

Hogwash. For reference, it has higher PPI than an iPhone 3GS. Somehow, the same thing is never said of the Sensation XL.

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