Flashed my French 930 with UK firmware

What exact benefits are there to having the uk firmware if you can set the phone to English United kingdom under language and download the language packs for the maps and speech recognition?

Posted via Windows Phone Central App

Well i assume you will get updates to the OS rolled out at the same time as the UK users, rather than whatever firmware you have installed.

I think its more of an OCD thing lol as scgf said he's a perfectionist, and for me i just feel happier that its running UK based firmware. Least i wont need to download UK language updates if i ever reset the phone ;)
Curiosity got the better of me and i decided to flash my Amazon.fr Nokia Lumia 930 with the UK firmware. Found the whole process very easy and everything went smooth. When you come to the power/volume thing follow the on screen instructions rather than the XDA tutorial as it will save a lot of messing around.
I received my 930 from Amazon fr on Thursday and I am really pleased with it. Today I flashed the UK firmware and all whent ok for me too.:smile:
So I have ordered my green Lumia 930 in New Zealand from a local parallel importer so it will be coming from Europe somewhere. I have looked through the codes and cannot find NZ firmware even though we are getting a black version through Vodafone. So I'm guessing that NZ would be lumped in with Australia. And... it seems Australia are not getting the green variant. My question is if I flashed my Lumia 930 to a local firmware (AU) but in the white or black version would I all I loose be the bright green theme in settings?
No, the colour bit only dictates the startup theme - as least that's how it was with the 920. Don't think you get anything extra by choosing a particular colour firmware. Don't quote me on that though!
These are the colours available to me with white firmware. Looks like the bright green is there at the bottom:

Not a lot of gain really, but fun all the same! It will make a difference when firmware updates are available - your phone will get the update when it is released for your country, so once a phone is flashed with GB firmware it will receive updates when available for the UK rather than the region it was originally set to.
So I just purchased a Lumia 930 off of eBay a few days ago. I should be set to receive it next Wednesday. How do I find out what locale it is in and what country should I flash it to? I'm assuming since I'm in the US I should be using a GB rom or should I just leave it alone. I will want to be using Cortana and spoken street names on HERE drive.
To be honest, I flashed it for no more reason than I enjoy doing this sort of thing. Whatever firmware it has you just change language and region to US and you'll get Cortana and for all intents and purposes the phone will operate like you bought it locally. I've verified this on other Lumias with Australian, French and Hong Kong firmware.

Just flashed my green 930 with the UK Firmware and now I can get my Favorited football app 'OneFootball' for some reason it wasn't availble when i had the French firmware.....

Just a heads up also, those who cant wait for Flip board to hit WP 8.1, there is a very good app called ' Magnify News Reader' its really good..

I am waiting on mine shipping from EE but I plan on getting rid of the EE software and flashing a GB version.
I setup Nokia Care and Downloaded the firmware to prepare and decided to check the next step for Product Support Tool For Store I have set it to Work Offline and no connection as per the instructions I then clicked on Open Product and typed in RM-1045 but it is not listed in fact I only have around 8 Lumia's listed.

Does anyone know what I am missing? I know it will be something simple.

I used version 5.0.0.(5.3.112). Did you put the cfg file where it said to in the web page I linked to?
I've just gone into Product Support Tool for Store and when I go to File/Open Product I see a long list. The text box is only for filtering the results. Entering RM-1045 brings up the Lumia 930.
thanks scaf I used the cfg file from the post along with the version it had listed which seems to be 5.0.0(2013.1.3) I will look for 5.3.112 and install that one.
EDIT: It seems that is a newer version I have that is not compatible for some reason, uninstalled and reinstalled and it works now so all set for when EE actually ship me the phone! Thanks
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How you flashed a Lumia 930 if Nokia Care Suite don't support it for now?


Forget, the last NCS have 930 support!
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I downloaded the firmware but when I opened "Product Support for Store 5.0" I can't find the RM-1405 !!

What am I doing wrong?
I must be mad, lol. Just flashed my French 930 with the CV UK unbranded firmware. It really doesn't make any difference but being a geek I wanted to do it. The 930 is an RM-1045 and the firmware codes are here: Product Codes Nokia Lumia 930 Rm-1045 - Product Codes Nokia - Nokioteca [Nokia] Forum - I have the white 930 so my product code for the UK unbranded firmware is 059W025

Flashing instructions are here: [How To] Unbrand/flash all Nokia Android - xda-developers

I'm thinking of flashing to US firmware once I move to Canada.
Where can I get the firmware?

Thanks in advance.
Hi there
Please I need the Nokia care suite that support Lumia 930 ...

I have one but not showing 930 on product support tool.

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