Flashed my French 930 with UK firmware

Yeah, very straight forward. In an hour or so my phone looked identical to how it did before but with UK firmware. Tiles you have pinned from within an app are there but might need deleting and re-adding (such as individual podcasts etc.), but SO much better than how it used to be when it took forever to pin apps, change the tile size and get things back to how they were.
I'm going to give a try, hate this hue on my 930! Thanks mate!
Is anyone know what is the product code for Finland firmware. Already search it on the link given but there is no product code for Finland CV... or im missing it.. :unhappysweat:
I am also a fan of flashing to UK firmware since I had
Lumia 925 (which by default here in Romania the unlocked phones come with APAC HK firmware I don't know for which reason is this) and
Lumia 1020 (which was brought from Italy and by default was branded to Wind Italy), but for
Lumia 930 I picked Italy firmware (059W0H8 for Black / 059W0H9 for White / 059W0J0 for green / 059W0j1 for Orange) over the UK one.
I picked the Italy firmware after I tested several ones because it's the same as UK one (except the fact that the Italy ones comes by default with French/German/Italy keyboard layouts installed by default), also it's updated at the same time,
BUT while the UK firmware is missing in Internet Explorer the option to have Google as default search engine, in Italy firmware it's still there and I got used to this.
If I am wrong regarding the difference between Italy and UK firmware and there are more differences between these two, please correct me.

Did any of you guys have like over heating issues or battery drain that was improved after flashing the rom?
well i flashed my lumia 930 to uk ROM , product code 059W004 black ...and it is working fine and all the backed up data is restored
Does anyone know if it is possible to use the latest 'Windows Device Recovery Tool' to change the firmware in a similar manner to that described here and on the XDA site? I have two Lumia 930's one is on Polish firmware and the other an O2 UK. I recently utilised the Windows Device Recovery Tool to successfully repair and upgrade the unlocked O2 phone which was stuck in a reboot cycle with a blank screen. The procedure was quite simple (once one managed to achieve a hard reset) and I wondered if there was a way to trick the Tool into downloading the open UK firmware for both phones and in particular the Polish which can be a pain at times.

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