Focus Bad Battery + Keyboard Lag?


New member
Aug 10, 2011
I've really loved my Samsung Focus since I got it just over a month ago. I've already had it replaced once due to an issue with the battery meter and the volume buttons, so the phone I have right now is 2-ish weeks old.

I'm not a very heavy user (2-3 short phone calls, ~50 texts, some social networking), but somehow the battery on my Focus can drain in about a day (estimate is 16 hours right now). My mom also has a Focus, and her's will go on for 2-3 days on a single charge. She seems to be a heavier user than myself, using Facebook and surfing the Internet over WiFi somewhat frequently. The only thing I can think of is that I'm in school for a good portion of the day, and there's virtually no service inside the building. Could something like that make such a huge difference?

I've also noticed lag on the keyboard on my old, replacement, and my mom's Focuses, where the keyboard sounds and animations don't seem to be able to keep up with my typing. This did not happen before Mango, and does not happen when the phone is on silent / vibrate. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance :happy:
When your phone is struggling to find and maintain a signal, battery life will decrease significantly. I would suspect that's most of your problem. However, my phone has never lasted 2-3 days like your mom's.

I can't speak for the keyboard sound. That's one of the first things I turned of when I got the phone and its been off ever since. I haven't noticed any lag with keyboard animation tho but I'm not the world's fastest texter either.

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When your phone is struggling to find and maintain a signal, battery life will decrease significantly. I would suspect that's most of your problem. However, my phone has never lasted 2-3 days like your mom's.

I can't speak for the keyboard sound. That's one of the first things I turned of when I got the phone and its been off ever since. I haven't noticed any lag with keyboard animation tho but I'm not the world's fastest texter either.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express

I used to be able to coax 2 days out of my focus, before I put all my chat stuff and programs on it :( (basically, when it was still mostly replacing my ZuneHD, and not my phone).
Well I suppose a picture wouldn't hurt too much... Light theme is only to make the text show up on my iPod touch's horrible camera. The ability to take screenshots would be so nice right about now, but I digress.

If you have trouble telling which phone is mine, just ask ;)
My battery has been going south as of late too, and the disappearing keyboard seems to be heading in that direction too for some reason.
I'm new to the Windows Phone family..I got my Focus on Friday..and while I have been extremely happy with it(and love to show it off!)..the battery life seems just deplorable..I have WiFi off,even turned off vibrations..everything set to low..and 12 hours is the average time displayed right after a full charge..I'm sometimes inclined to believe that because my device is new and hasn't been broken in quite yet is why it's like this..but judging from other users' this Mango's fault?.or perhaps Samsung needs to send out a firmware update?
there is NO way you mom does 3+ dayz without charging it and being a Heavy user. i could go 3 dayz without touching my phone ( on vacation ) and it still dies after 2dayz.

Having your WIFI ON connected or searching = drains battery faster
Having your BT ON connected or searching = drains battery faster
Having your 3G searching = drains battery faster (low reception areas)

ALSO! a nice tip for all AMOLED screens. try to use DARK colors ( for your wallpaper and theme ) on normal phone this does nothing, but on AMOLED screens it actually helps give you more battery life.

Also check out my LINK in my signature , i have a WHOLE section on Battery’s
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From what I'm hearing, ~16 hours is normal for usage like me (also with dark theme, WiFi on, cell data off) in an area of fluctuating no service - 2 bars max? I might try running my phone with Battery Saver on for a day and see if that changes anything.

Any ideas about the keyboard lag? The words will continue to input into the text box at the right speed, but the sounds and the animations will only move at what seems to be a constant rate which is slower than my typing... (This does not happen in silent mode or when the keyboard sounds are turned off)
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FYI, Battery Saver reduces your load (turns off mail sync, tile updates, etc.) AFTER your battery reaches 20% remaining. No change prior to that.

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FYI, Battery Saver reduces your load (turns off mail sync, tile updates, etc.) AFTER your battery reaches 20% remaining. No change prior to that.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express

You can force enable it, too. It will deactivate, however, the next time you charge it.
While I used my phone slightly less than usual today, Battery Saver seems to have helped quite a bit.. Unplugged at 9 am, and it was still at ~65% at 6 pm.

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