Focus might feel cheap BUT!!!


New member
Dec 16, 2010
about people saying the Focus feel cheap ( honestly they all do but w/e ) what im really trying to say is , the SAMSUNG FOCUS as much as it MIGHT feel cheap , its the MOST durable one of them all , the SAMOLED technologies is basically strong as **** ,

i had the Omnia 2 with just a regular AMOLED and i use to SMASH it against the corner of the table to prove a point to client in my store . so yeah it feels cheap , but it wont break once you drop it off your third story balcony like the other once.

Just to compare , a guy at work got the iphone 4 his first day he dropped it out of his pocket and Shattered the screen , ive drop my focus and smashed it ( im really bad with phones ) lol and it doesn?t Evan have a scratch on it :P lol

Focus = feels cheap BUT

- thiner
- classier
- And the screen looks better evan doh it might not be better
I don't know who you're trying to convince... Obviously, it doesn't feel cheap to you, but to others it does... you have your reasons and they have theirs. I think everyone is mature enough to make their own decision.

The Focus doesn't feel cheap to me. I had other reasons to go with the Surround. But I'm sure my reasons won't be good enough for you, because you have different wants and needs from a phone as I do.
I must agree it is durable but the materials user in HTC phones are much better to bad HTC sucks with cameras
I don't know who you're trying to convince... Obviously, it doesn't feel cheap to you, but to others it does... you have your reasons and they have theirs. I think everyone is mature enough to make their own decision.

The Focus doesn't feel cheap to me. I had other reasons to go with the Surround. But I'm sure my reasons won't be good enough for you, because you have different wants and needs from a phone as I do.

i dont think it does , but alot of people do think it feels cheap,

im just trying to Point out as much as it MIGHT feel cheap to ANY 1 ,, it still remaines the stronegs phone. ( screen wise ) it just will not break , thats all im trying to say

and from experiance by going by 10 diffrent touch phoens in the last 2 years 7 of them being HTC ( i work for a cell company so i get alot of phones ) the SAMOLED remains the Stronges ive EVER seen and im supprise how FORGIVEN this technologie is . and by forgiven i mean , u can ABUSE it and put it away wet and it still gona work PERFECT, lol

this Thread was for does people that want more info , this is a opignion tread and im giving you mine. and also a fact
I don't think the Surround camera sucks, but the Focus' is definitely better, that is if you can get the right settings in times of not-so-perfect conditions like low/artificial lighting.
i dont think it does , but alot of people do think it feels cheap,

im just trying to Point out as much as it MIGHT feel cheap to ANY 1 ,, it still remaines the stronegs phone. ( screen wise ) it just will not break , thats all im trying to say

and from experiance by going by 10 diffrent touch phoens in the last 2 years 7 of them being HTC ( i work for a cell company so i get alot of phones ) the SAMOLED remains the Stronges ive EVER seen and im supprise how FORGIVEN this technologie is . and by forgiven i mean , u can ABUSE it and put it away wet and it still gona work PERFECT, lol

this Thread was for does people that want more info , this is a opignion tread and im giving you mine. and also a fact

And I respect your opinion ;)
I must agree it is durable but the materials user in HTC phones are much better to bad HTC sucks with cameras .

I don't think the Surround camera sucks, but the Focus' is definitely better, that is if you can get the right settings in times of not-so-perfect conditions like low/artificial lighting.

I hurd the camera ont he HTC had more OPTIONS hence making it better ??, i dont see how the focus camera would be better they both take 720P vids and every thing no ??

maybe u think its better on the focus cause the SAMOLED screen makes it look better lol.

take a pic with both put it on ur pc and tell me its better.

ill be hoesnt i shake alot , so i never take good pics so i couldn`t tell you HAHA
I love htc phones all except for one.....the surround it's just stupid with that speaker. I would rather have a focus or any other wp7 than a slide out speaker. I don't care it's made of gold and comes with a miniature giraffe. It's just stupid to make a phone with a slide for a speaker. All slides wear and get loose, and that's ok for a keyboard if you need one, but a speaker no it's dumb.
I hurd the camera ont he HTC had more OPTIONS hence making it better ??, i dont see how the focus camera would be better they both take 720P vids and every thing no ??

maybe u think its better on the focus cause the SAMOLED screen makes it look better lol.

take a pic with both put it on ur pc and tell me its better.

ill be hoesnt i shake alot , so i never take good pics so i couldn`t tell you HAHA

You got it backwards. The Focus has more settings than the Surround. The Surround doesn't even have an anti-shake setting.

Surround camera settings:

Metering mode
Flicker adjustment

I don't think I've taken a single blurry pic with the Surround yet. I've taken dozens of blurry pics with the Focus. But after playing around with it's (Focus) settings I eventually get a good pic. And you're probably right about the Focus pics looking better because of the SAMOLED screen. But you can't make a blurry pic look good, no matter what screen you got. LOL unless of course that's what you were going for... hahaha.
I agree samsung makes a plasticky device. Htc is pure quality hand down. The screen on amazing devices are pretty awesome though. I'm giving the htc surround the codename "radio Raheem"
I agree samsung makes a plasticky device. Htc is pure quality hand down. The screen on amazing devices are pretty awesome though. I'm giving the htc surround the codename "radio Raheem"

thats cause it is plastic ;) lol ,

Im just trying to figuer out how peopel can say its cheaper when it would CLEARLY WIN againts any HCT phone in a STRESS test ( stress test = phisical abuse of the phone )

here : Samsung Galaxy S sporting Gorilla Glass to protect that precious AMOLED | Go Gadget News

watch what the SAMOLED can handle , LOL it hurts to watch them do that
i want the best so i go for samsung focus ^^
i prefer samsung focus than omnia 7
i own both and i prefer samsung focus
easier to hold , nicer to use although its plastic body so what?i love it! i dont found that its cheap , ppl which using HTC told me they should have pick samsung focus than stupid HTC , reason ? simple , HTC sux although they never tell me why they said offense to HTC fans

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