Focus might feel cheap BUT!!!

I just want to see a phone explode.

lol, me too.

Let me just clear this up for a sec. It's really quite simple, yes the iPhone 4 screen is more prone to cracking, but that's just because the glass is positioned in a way that does not minimize the shock to well. Dropping the phone has high chance of causing the glass to absorb a lot of stress. Other screens are more embedded, and shielded from the impact, thus you have a screen less prone to cracking.

I guess you could say that it's a design flaw on Apple's part, but it does make the device look quite nice. If your really worried about breaking your screen, get a gel case, it will help alleviate the compressive stress.

As for what selfrecreation was talking about, the real screens themselves, he is right AMOLED screens are more "durable" but it's a different kind of durable and has to do with some advanced chemistry and physics that even I don't want to get started on, we will be here all night, lolz.
The AMOLED durability has to do with it being LED where as each LED is its own separate working piece. You damage one and will that 1 itty bitty tiny part is damaged. If a LCD is damaged in most cases your pretty much pucked since its liquid and it all has to work together.
off topic, I sure hope ole dude speaks better then he types. I like reading his posts. It's kinda fun trying to figure out WTF he is saying sometimes. :D I just figured out what w/e meant yesterday! LOL
The AMOLED durability has to do with it being LED where as each LED is its own separate working piece. You damage one and will that 1 itty bitty tiny part is damaged. If a LCD is damaged in most cases your pretty much pucked since its liquid and it all has to work together.
off topic, I sure hope ole dude speaks better then he types. I like reading his posts. It's kinda fun trying to figure out WTF he is saying sometimes. :D I just figured out what w/e meant yesterday! LOL

lol , thats basicly it.

ole dude? lol
The iPhone4 is also LED lit which would negate everything that selfcreation is arguing. In fact almost all modern capacative touchscreen smartphones are LED backlit.. so what you're saying is I'm still right, and there's still nothing that makes a Focus screen more durable than any other LED backlit, Gorilla Glass covered screen? :( Awe man, I was hoping to learn something.

Where's that video? :D
The iPhone4 is also LED lit which would negate everything that selfcreation is arguing. In fact almost all modern capacative touchscreen smartphones are LED backlit.. so what you're saying is I'm still right, and there's still nothing that makes a Focus screen more durable than any other LED backlit, Gorilla Glass covered screen? :( Awe man, I was hoping to learn something.

Where's that video? :D

I iphone 4 glass is mounted on top of the phone in the open. That makes a big difference. If you drop it you hit glass.
The iPhone4 is also LED lit which would negate everything that selfcreation is arguing. In fact almost all modern capacative touchscreen smartphones are LED backlit.. so what you're saying is I'm still right, and there's still nothing that makes a Focus screen more durable than any other LED backlit, Gorilla Glass covered screen? :( Awe man, I was hoping to learn something.

Where's that video? :D

no it doesn’t make you right!

AMOLED and LED = 2 completely different technologies. notice the extra 3 letters , lol , the different is not the actual LED or the GLASS , the different is the way the AMOLED are build and the way they work , Like L3vis said , its all about the physical and chemicals Build of the technologies that makes it more durable. Again , this has nothing to do with the actual glass.!!!

and the fact that the Iphone screen goes ALL THE WAY to the edge make it more venerable to breaking appose to other touch phones where the glass is covered on the Edges.

i work full time , so the vid should be coming soon.
Please link me to this test of the durability of one LED display compared to another when encased by Gorilla Glass. I'd like to read up on it.
Amoled screens are not backlit. Every pixels controls its own light.

"What is an OLED Screen?
OLED is an acronym for “organic light-emitting diode”, a type of screen that has an emissive layer which is composed of organic compounds. What does that mean? Basically this is a type of screen that’s constructed differently from the standard LCD screen that we find on most phones today. OLED pixels emit their light directly without filters which allows these screens to have many benefits for the user in comparison with LCD screens."
Pros and Cons of OLED Screens | Mobile Phone Blog | Dial-a-Phone
So you post a link to a post where they say that they think the OLED might be more durable than LCD type displays? I'm sold. :)
So you post a link to a post where they say that they think the OLED might be more durable than LCD type displays? I'm sold. :)

You have posted nothing or proven nothing. Its like arguing with a iphone ****** from hell. The displays are two different technologies. DO some research then come back when you have learned something useful. Unless you just want to argue for the sack of arguing then thats cool.
So you post a link to a post where they say that they think the OLED might be more durable than LCD type displays? I'm sold. :)

heres an Artical that comfirms it: it doesnt have the word , ``MIGHT`` or ``THINK`` , in it , lol!!!!!

here: OLED Advantages and Disadvantages

Its on point #7 and on point #6 they talk about hwo the screen is flexible ,

hmm flexible?? = more durable? lol i think so. try bending your iphone lol ;)
hmm flexible?? = more durable? lol i think so. try bending your iphone lol ;)

You can't bend any screen that's covered by Gorilla Glass, no matter if it's a Focus or an iPhone. In fact, it would be harder to bend the iPhone since it has Gorilla Glass on both sides and the back of the Focus is an extremely thing piece of plastic.. that I feel like I'm on the verge of breaking every time I remove it.

You have posted nothing or proven nothing. Its like arguing with a iphone ****** from hell. The displays are two different technologies. DO some research then come back when you have learned something useful. Unless you just want to argue for the sack of arguing then thats cool.

I've posted nothing but facts. There is absolutely no evidence that supports your claims of the Focus being more durable than an iPhone 4, yet I have posted multiple facts stating that they're made from the same protective glass. I'm not an iPhone ******, I'm simply arguing that there is no evidence anywhere, that neither I nor you can find, that in any way backs up your claims. I've researched it, and can find nothing to prove you right in any way. All I've found is article after article stating that when using Gorilla Glass as a protective surface, any phone is as durable as another.

The screen is more flexible? Cool. That would matter if it wasn't sandwiched to the back of a non-flexible piece of Gorilla Glass. The same glass that the iPhone4 uses. Until you can find me some way of bending a sheet of Gorilla Glass, I can't see how that argument is relevant to either phone in any way. The closest either of you have got is an article that thinks that it might be more durable when the screen is probably exposed, ie: television use.

I'm arguing with you because it's a pointless argument to make. I'm arguing because there is no argument to be made, and that's my point. The OP came in here stating facts that neither him nor you can back up, and I don't want to be part of yet another community that bashes other smartphones for no reason. They're both great phones, and neither is more durable than the other. What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

A happy Samsung Focus owner, a happy Microsoft ******, posting from my 100% Apple free household.
that fact that the OLED is flexible doesn’t matter , the article i posted CLEARLY state that the OLED is more durable then LED . that’s the end of that.

if you wana keep contradicting Experts , Engineers and Scientist go right ahead , but im done trying to convince a ignorant little Boy.

Your completely mind set on your gorilla glass witch has nothing to do with OLED durability.

PS: vid is comming i just got my Hands on a Iphone , trying to convince my G-f to let me break it , LOL , its a usless Iphone that can no longer be activated but the screen still works so i can still use it in the test.
PS: vid is comming i just got my Hands on a Iphone , trying to convince my G-f to let me break it , LOL , its a usless Iphone that can no longer be activated but the screen still works so i can still use it in the test.

Yes!!! But you can't just destroy an iPhone. I wanna see results from a SAMOLED screen as well, for scientific comparison.
Yes!!! But you can't just destroy an iPhone. I wanna see results from a SAMOLED screen as well, for scientific comparison.

my old Omnia 2 is a OLED phone , im gona use that to compare it to the Iphone

im thinking of doign a basic test witch will break the Iphone and not mine , then im gona take it to the extream and try to break a OLED

ANy Test Ideas?? I have a third story Balacany , thats a good start ? lol

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