hmm flexible?? = more durable? lol i think so. try bending your iphone lol
You can't bend any screen that's covered by Gorilla Glass, no matter if it's a Focus or an iPhone. In fact, it would be harder to bend the iPhone since it has Gorilla Glass on both sides and the back of the Focus is an extremely thing piece of plastic.. that I feel like I'm on the verge of breaking every time I remove it.
You have posted nothing or proven nothing. Its like arguing with a iphone ****** from hell. The displays are two different technologies. DO some research then come back when you have learned something useful. Unless you just want to argue for the sack of arguing then thats cool.
I've posted nothing but facts. There is absolutely no evidence that supports your claims of the Focus being more durable than an iPhone 4, yet I have posted multiple facts stating that they're made from the same protective glass. I'm not an iPhone ******, I'm simply arguing that there is no evidence anywhere, that neither I nor you can find, that in any way backs up your claims. I've researched it, and can find nothing to prove you right in any way. All I've found is article after article stating that when using Gorilla Glass as a protective surface, any phone is as durable as another.
The screen is more flexible? Cool. That would matter if it wasn't sandwiched to the back of a non-flexible piece of Gorilla Glass. The same glass that the iPhone4 uses. Until you can find me some way of bending a sheet of Gorilla Glass, I can't see how that argument is relevant to either phone in any way. The closest either of you have got is an article that thinks that it might be more durable when the screen is probably exposed, ie: television use.
I'm arguing with you because it's a pointless argument to make. I'm arguing because there is no argument to be made, and that's my point. The OP came in here stating facts that neither him nor you can back up, and I don't want to be part of yet another community that bashes other smartphones for no reason. They're both great phones, and neither is more durable than the other. What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?
A happy Samsung Focus owner, a happy Microsoft ******, posting from my 100% Apple free household.