It's not impossible to know. Samsung and Apple source the same Gorilla Glass (I think it's called chemcon or something) from the same company, Corning Inc. It's been stated by both Apple, Samsung, and Corning Inc multiple times. Neither screen is in any way more durable than the other, and the technology used to display the LCD pixels has absolutely zero effect on the durability of the glass. The only thing that's impossible to know is why some people can't grasp this.
edit: and I don't have time to search for it, but I'm pretty sure THIS website had a blog post about this exact topic a while ago, with Samsung saying that they did source the same glass used in iPhone 4's for their Focus line.. and I'm also pretty sure they use the same glass in every Android Galaxy S phone Samsung makes.
Gorilla glass has nothing to do with the fact the AMOLED screen is stronger , the glass it self might not be stronger but the SCREEN IS!! , hope u can undestand that cause i lsot hope with you.
the gorrila glass is a glass , its not a screen! BIG DIFFRENTS glass, screen , glass screen , say it with me.
AMOLED is stronger cause it uses ORGANIC materials,
S super
A, active
M matrix
O ORGANIC (key word)
L light
E Emitting
D Diode
you can put garial glass but the Inside of the screen , the little LED lights , on the AMOLED are organic MEANING!!!!!
and this is a fact: the AMOLED screen will never ROOT OUT ( meaning when u break a touch screen phone u see it do a ROOT formation because the liquid spreads out and damg the screen ) AMOLED does not have that problem meaning u can almost smack it as hard u can with your fist and it will NOT break!! it might get a little slower but it whont break unless you put a hammer to it in witch case your just gona break the phone and not just the screen.
i dont know what YOU don’t understand between Gorilla LCD and Gorilla AMOLED , so before you talk trash thinking you know more , i get trainings on this kinda of stuff on daily basses from the companies , like HTC ,BB, Samsung and apple reps.
PS! IM MAKING A VIDEO TO SHOW YOU!!! ok???? you gona see me BEET THE LIVING ****!! out of my Omnia 2 AMOLED , and then your gona watch me pinch a regulard touch phone AND WATCH IT EXPLODE , your gona see the diffrents. and the omnia 2 is NOT evan Gorila glass its regular BS!!!! on t?p if it!!