Folks who make up the 1% - why are you holding on?

WHOA !!!! I don't even know WHAT to think about THAT !!! I mean I understand what you're saying. But I just can't tell WHAT I think. Are you a philosopher or something like that? :smile:

Peace. Alan
MS Lumia ICON 929 [Win10 M, Insider Preview, Redstone 14393.5]

not a philosopher but a logical person who reads a lot and forms targeted speculations on different areas :smile:
not a philosopher but a logical person who reads a lot and forms targeted speculations on different areas :smile:
A philosopher would claim that "logic" is his tool, too. But be that as it may, it still floors me what to think about what you said. I'll be thinkin' on THAT for a while. At least 'till my next cheeseburger. :winktongue:

Peace. Alan
MS Lumia ICON 929 [Win10 M, Insider Preview, Redstone 14393.5]
Just to add some more fuel to this philosophical fire, it could be argued that apps are already mostly irrelevant for us die-hard Windows-running-on-a-phone people.

In my case, availability of any particular app is irrelevant. I use a Windows device because that's what I like and it does what I want it to do. Sure, apps are nice to have, but there's not one that I would leave for.
Just to add some more fuel to this philosophical fire, it could be argued that apps are already mostly irrelevant for us die-hard Windows-running-on-a-phone people.

In my case, availability of any particular app is irrelevant. I use a Windows device because that's what I like and it does what I want it to do. Sure, apps are nice to have, but there's not one that I would leave for.
Reading that reminds me that THAT is EXACTLY how I feel too.
Well... done and done and my brain's back to normal.
I'm still gonna get cheeseburgers tonight though :winktongue:

Peace. Alan
MS Lumia ICON 929 [Win10 M, Insider Preview, Redstone 14393.5]
I continue to use my 1520 for the simplest reason of all. It does what I need. I really don't ask a lot from a smartphone. Text, email, phone, maps, music, camera, video, and the ability to look up information when necessary. I don't game or use social apps, which are the two categories that dominates smartphone use. Perhaps I could be swayed to switch if smartphone VR headsets become anything more than just a novelty. Or maybe I'll switch when I absolutely need a particular app. Otherwise, there's really nothing Android or iOS can offer me besides the ability to try something different.
...I really don't ask a lot from a smartphone. Text, email, phone, maps, music, camera, video, and the ability to look up information when necessary. I don't game or use social apps,....
That's me all over :winktongue:

EDIT: except delete the music and add calendar

Peace. Alan
MS Lumia ICON 929 [Win10 M, Insider Preview, Redstone 14393.5]
My use case, camera has to come first, then ease of use, great screen, storage space, word flow and great windows apps and experience. Nothing beats that :love:
My use case, camera has to come first, then ease of use, great screen, storage space, word flow and great windows apps and experience. Nothing beats that :love:
Well that's all part of what we mean when we say a "Windows Phone", right?

Peace. Alan
MS Lumia ICON 929 [Win10 M, Insider Preview, Redstone 14393.5]
I'm sticking to WP cos it works for me. As long as MSFT continue to support the OS ( which they do, irrespective of all the doomsayers ) whether I'm part of the 1% or 10% ... it means naught..

Sent from mTalk
I'm sticking to WP cos it works for me. As long as MSFT continue to support the OS ( which they do, irrespective of all the doomsayers ) whether I'm part of the 1% or 10% ... it means naught..

Sent from mTalk

Support is everything. One of the reasons I left Blackberry, who is only promising a couple security updated with BB10. MS, of course, has a lot more money to stay in the game even if things aren't perfect.
I first bought windows phone because i was Halo fan, and Cortana was released for windows phone at the time when I was buying my very first mobile. Now I guess I like to see this platform evolving. As the new features are added it keeps getting better! UI is obviously the best I don't think anyone here would say the contrary. I read that you could either love windows phone or hate it, there is no in between, and I don't feel bad even if I'm in 1% of people who love it.
I wonder if this thread is how Linux users feel whenever they have to explain why they use Linux.

"...but but... i really like the platform and you can do a ton of great things with it..."
"Yeah, whatever, Linux Guy. Enjoy your 2% of the home market, loser."
It's funny, I was in a T-Mobile store the other day and was talking to a sales guy. When I mentioned I had a windows phone he laughed out loud.
So when I talked to him how the platform is getting better with win 10 and how the OS will be used across all devices he listened and seemed interested.
It really is something how peoples initial reactions are when you mention you use windows OS. For me it will always be my platform of choice until Microsoft stops supporting it.
I really wanted an HTC HD2 and I was going to get one until I saw that the HD7 was coming out so I waited and got into the Windows Phone OS which I thought was so original and had promise. I have used windows phones since then and I am not tempted by the other OS out there that I think are so dated, I had a palm pilot and they haven't moved much further along in the presentation of their OS (Hardware design is a different story, I'm looking at you S7, #whynoWM10GalaxyS7). I also hate having what everyone else has too. I hate looking around and seeing every other person with the same thing I have.
For me it’s simple, I drank the Kool Aid. Like most I am completely immersed in the Microsoft experience as everything I own and run is running Windows. I like the interface on my phone better than both Android and IPhone, and though there are a few apps I’d like to have which are yet unavailable for the most part the app store has everything I need. My only real complaint is I can’t run Windows 10 on the 640 XL as it’s too unstable forcing me to revert back to 8.1.
For me it?s simple, I drank the Kool Aid. Like most I am completely immersed in the Microsoft experience as everything I own and run is running Windows. I like the interface on my phone better than both Android and IPhone, and though there are a few apps I?d like to have which are yet unavailable for the most part the app store has everything I need. My only real complaint is I can?t run Windows 10 on the 640 XL as it?s too unstable forcing me to revert back to 8.1.

What are your issues with the 640 XL? I just purchased one a few weeks ago and Win 10 is running smoothly on it. Updated to the anniversary through insiders and the phone has been fantastic.

Can you get a replacement? Hope so. Weren't the 640/XL supposed to be eligible for the Win 10 when the OS was released?

Anyway, I hope you get the issue resolved because the 640 Xl is a very fine performer on 10.
Patcherd here are the issues I was having:

It would give SD card errors almost every day (tried 3 different and SD cards). I would then be unable to open or use half the apps on my phone as I install them to the SD card.

On my UCONNECT system in my car it would read the first text after connecting the the car and then for all others it would inform me that a text came in but will not read or allow me to respond.

Also on my UCONNECT under 8.1 I can select the phone from the radio and it will start playing my music automatically. With Groove I need to login to my phone, scroll to the music app and start it before I could start controlling it from my cars radio. Doesn't sound like much unless your driving down the road and trying to mess with your phone without causing an accident.

Would try to open apps like Facebook or Instagram and 50% of the time it would start to open then close and drop me back to the desk top

Since I bought the phone new but off E-bay and its not a US branded phone Microsoft has already told me there is no warranty or way to replace short of buying a new phone. Phone seems to run fine under 8.1 so I'm not sure if its the phone or the OS.

I've tried to find a link or e-mail address for the Microsoft for reporting Windows 10 mobile issues in the hopes they will be corrected in future releases, but I haven't been able to find it.

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