Folks who make up the 1% - why are you holding on?

I guess my uses are more basic . Don't really use groove music so I can't comment on that, I bought my 640 Xl single sim unlocked from a Microsoft store, so I don't know if that's why I'm having a good experience with it. Really have to push this phones capabilities to see what this device can do.

Hang in there.
This is a question I have been asking more and more. Great idea for a thread, I agree with a lot of the reasons posted on here.

I've only had 3 smartphones: A Motorola Droid 2 in college, a HTC 8X during my first job, and the 950 XL now. There was a time when I like Android with all of the customizations that could be done and the plethora of what I now think of as useless apps, but I just don't have the time and patience for that anymore.

Reasons I still have a Windows Phone:
1. I wanted to get off my parent's family plan after getting a job, buying a phone outright and moving to Cricket saves money over Verizon in the long run
2. They treat customers well at the Microsoft store, without having Complete I've replaced my Band 2 four times, and I replaced my 950 XL last month at no cost to me after it was restarting constantly - the replacement works great
3. It does just about everything I need. Would it be nice to have Snapchat? Sure, but I'm kind of getting too old for that anyway
4. UWP is making things better. The new Bank of America app is great, I'm taking pictures of checks, nice to get added functionality
5. Windows as a Service, the operating system keeps getting better, unlike Android where you seem to be stuck on versions at times
6. I'm waiting for Surface Phone. Sure I get a little jealous when I look at the iPhone hardware, it is just a great device, but I'm guessing the creators of the Surface and Surface Book can top it.
Let's make this real simple: Apple is too expensive for mediocre hardware. My wife has an Android and I have a Windows Phone. Hers is boggy and slow, and all she really uses it for is phone/email/social media. By far and away my Windows Phone is the quickest and most user-friendly. It is the go-to phone when we need something. I really don't notice the app gap, especially on Windows 10. My phone syncs up effortlessly with my work stuff? What's not to like? To this day a am completely dumbfounded that so few people wanted a Windows Phone.
I like it.
It's as simple as that. I like the design, I do not find it boring as I do Android and IOS. Their whole "pages and pages of icon grids on a background" makes me want to kill myself when I think about it. It's really dated IMHO. It's opaque to the content of the apps, and their status, etc. Putting a little number in an icon doesn't help a lot either.

I also am invested in the services, of course, but that's a related choice, not something that wouldn't let me leave if I wanted. On the other hand, I've been using less and less of those Google services I don't find essential. And to be honest, pretty much only Youtube is.

I like the specs and design of my 950 XL, the performance and the software.

Also, I don't care about the app gap, I don't subscribe to the whole "the app of the moment" thing. I couldn't care less. I just use the tools that I have available in my phone and I find that they are enough, I don't miss any app at all.
What caught me at first was Nokia's bold design and me liking windows was also a factor there. It was clean looking, embraced flat design and fast. While Windows 10 is not as bold anymore and the same goes for the current devices, I still love the UI and the idea behind obe operating system for everything. I hope Redstone will make this an even more seamless experience. As for apps I have everything I need. I actually would miss audiocloud and mytube when jumping ship so I guess I will be here until the last tile has turned :D
I am a cheapskate. LOL I am on a prepaid AT&T and needed a cheap phone so I went flip about 6 years ago. Job title changed so I needed smartphone to send pictures and text. Android phone fit the bill but it was finicky as it worked when it wanted with required fix was fool with operating system. Not comfortable tried another and again no storage on these cheap phones so I tried the SD cards but that didn't work as again had to get into operating system and modify. Then I got Windows Phone. SD card went in and worked. Enough storage for operating system and worked when needed. Updated each year at Black Friday for 30.00 each year and never seen a need to spend 400 on a phone to text, call and check accounts when needed and watch movies. Until other phones come down on prices and do what these phones do at this price then sorry but I will stick with Windows Phone. Every person that I know hates Windows phones until they see how easy I do things and they struggle with same task.
It just works.

Majority of people with iphones and samsungs spend allll that money to do what... WhatsApp , Facebook and Instagram.

I can do that just fine on my 640 , thank you very much.

Money? I'm not spending any money. My iPhone simply just works. No matter what country, what app or service I want, it's THERE. That certainly wasn't happening in the 5 years I spent on WP. iOS has full support on every place on earth, and the majority of developers will develop their services for it FIRST.

If WP "worked", this thread wouldn't exist.
Could not agree with mindi more. I'm with t-mobile and share the account with my kids. We recently travelled to Europe, which was extremely frustrating. My 950 (dual sim carrier unlocked) struggled to find cell networks, sometimes taking ten minutes or longer while my kids' 5Cs had no problems whatsoever.

Texting? If I was lucky it would work...sometimes. My kids had no problems at all.

Book a flight? Not on my phone, but my kids can do it.

Set my fantasy lineups? Nope, I use my kids phones.

And on and on and on...
Money? I'm not spending any money. My iPhone simply just works. No matter what country, what app or service I want, it's THERE. That certainly wasn't happening in the 5 years I spent on WP. iOS has full support on every place on earth, and the majority of developers will develop their services for it FIRST.

If WP "worked", this thread wouldn't exist.

You got your iPhone for free? (I think that's what they meant by "spending all that money")
I absolutely love the user interface. I find that it's gorgeous, intuitive and much more customisable than non-windows-mobile-users think. Also, I adore my phone--a Lumia 1520--much more than any other I've had. I will admit that I have recently given thought to perhaps getting an android or iPhone, because of the app gap mainly, plus the growing feeling that Microsoft just doesn't give a damn. However, it's surprisingly hard to jump ship.
I've stuck around only cuz I can't afford to blow big money on an iphone at the moment. And I dislike android (I want a phone to just works). Not getting another windows phone anymore. Just feels like a neglected platform with no future at this point in time. Gave it a shot with wp7 (LG optimus 7/Lumia 710) gave it another chance with 8.1 (Lumia 930) and now currently using it with W10 but ready to jump ship as soon as funds allow.
Completely disagree. It's 2016 and a very decent phone can be had for $200 to $300.


It won't be "decent" - it'll barely scratch the surface, and by the time the next release of your chosen OS comes out, it'll be like being stuck in mud.

You want a great device which will go the distance, do everything, then you need to expect to pay some money for it. Stop being cheap scabs.

It won't be "decent" - it'll barely scratch the surface, and by the time the next release of your chosen OS comes out, it'll be like being stuck in mud.

You want a great device which will go the distance, do everything, then you need to expect to pay some money for it. Stop being cheap scabs.

I feel compelled to jump in here. I am currently on contract with Verizon for a Samsung Galaxy Note 4. It was the best phone I could afford at the time, and I would consider it "top end". Several months ago I bought a Lumia 640 for the princely sum of $30 brand new, just so I could keep up with insider builds. Each and every day I compare the two phones through the same tasks. Work tasks for the 100 people I directly manage. Personal tasks like keeping up on news, instagram, etc. I have been blown away by how well this phone matches up to my Note 4. Granted the camera isn't as good, but in almost every task I do, I'm just as fast on my 640 as on the Note 4. On many things crucial to managing my workers, I am even faster on the 640. Would I be even faster on a higher end Windows device? I guarantee it. That's why I'll be moving to AT&T in the spring.
The problem is, zero of the carriers are offering support for VoLTE on Windows Phones, not because it's not there, but because they don't sell them (okay you can get it on a branded 950, from AT&T).

This means, if you're like me, and have a really strong Band12 tower nearby, and a sort of junky Band4 or similar, you get sketchy voice calls, because you can't use the good tower/antenna/band.

Carriers don't seem to want to budge on this for Windows phones either, they're locked in, or at least playing all their cards really close. Either way, as they continue to expand the low-frequency bands (i.e. 12/700, 17/700, etc), our performance will get worse, and they don't really care, because they only building-out the newer tech.

My AT&T data is great, my voice, well, it works, mostly. I drop from 3-5 bars to 1-2, when I make a call, and I definitely can't use data at the same time, with any consistency, very frustrating, particularly when they could simply provision the fix.
I don't think MS and the perception on Windows Phones' future is exactly helping the cause, either.
If you've stayed with Microsoft's mobile operating system for a long time and are seeing yourself as one who will still be here till the last Windows Phone is sat on the shelf, why? What keeps you from "jumping ship"?

I don't like anything else, more.
I was on the road the other day with some guys, outside our country and I wanted to share some pictures with them. One of them had an iPhone, and guess what - he could neither receive nor send us with windows phones and androids anything - the only option being bluetooth sharing, since we were without internet on the road...
Oh, not to mention how messed up mp3s get with iPhone. I'd never use such a phone. And this is not just because of no sharing with others when you don't have access to internet - I share stuff from my phone, almost on daily basis with my PC. If I had an iphone I would have to connect with the PC with a cable every single time. Now that's another hassle I would not take...
Money? I'm not spending any money. My iPhone simply just works. No matter what country, what app or service I want, it's THERE. That certainly wasn't happening in the 5 years I spent on WP. iOS has full support on every place on earth, and the majority of developers will develop their services for it FIRST.

If WP "worked", this thread wouldn't exist.

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