For Windows 10 Mobile users (What are you doing with your current device?)

I use my 950XL as my daily driver. Here is a typical working day.

I have the phone in a cradle next to my bed so get to use 'Glance' to see time. I'm woken up by the Alarm app.
I typically look at news, financial news, twitter news, weather and traffic report for my trip to work.
I then check the London Underground status and Railway status for my trip for delays (all via apps)
I quickly glance at my email (Office 365 (work), Outlook and iCloud) and check my meetings (Office 365) all via Outlook Mail and Calendar app
I drive to railway station and use Waze for directions / traffic
I buy parking via the Parking app
I use the National Railways app to check for late delays of my train, platform information and so on.
On train, I use Groove for music, Film&TV for shows. I also have an iPad mini I use to watch shows
I keep in touch with my family via Skype, WhatsApp and normal text.
I use Wunderlist to check my to-do lists for the day.
I may some saved Youtube videos via myTube or play some games like Candy Crush Soda saga
Typically on the way home, I do the same as above but in reverse.

When I'm overseas, I use Microsoft Maps with it's offline maps mode for Sat Nav.
I do use the BA app but only if I'm travelling alone.
I check into hotels manually at the front desk as I find I get best option for upgrades etc.

I could go on and on e.g. check my car via the OBD Auto Doctor app and my OBDII bluetooth adapter, Read the Guardian newspaper, Watch live TV via the TVPlayer app, call a cab with Uber, see what wi-fi is available using WFi Analyzer, at a public hotspot, turn on my NordVPN connection etc etc.

Basically, I use my 950XL fully - as does the rest of my family ( 2 x 930's, 1 x 650)

Last and definitely not least, I take fantastic photos with the 22MP camera. No point losing great memories due to poor camera spec - the 950XL is great - even at low light and the Video is fantastic. If this phone broke - I'd buy another.
I'm still enjoying the only malware protected os on the market for starters.

Apple patents for what the devices can do while powered off and with biometric data makes it highly untrustable.

Android is google, google stopped being google a long time ago and is imo a government data collector.
So equally or even more untrustable.

Windows when it dies will be my last smartphone.
I'll move to GPS specific devices for travel and my PC for the rest (with Linux if they try to force 10s and a cloud based os on us) And get back to acknowledging the world around me with a straight neck and spine lol.

I still have all the apps I need on this device, social, travel, artistic, management and otherwise.

It was really sad that this phone had things like tap to pay before any of the others but it never really got put to use. By the time the eco system caught up the other companies took over.

It was never about producing an apple competitor, Microsoft lost focus (nice one nadella), all it had to do at any point was support app developers, and don't try telling me ms couldn't afford to give a little in that respect.

Sad days but I've learned my lessons and being a connected drone is not part of my future.

Convenience will be the death of us all.
950XL Fast Ring. Daily driver. All day. Every day.

Got a 635 and a 1520 sitting in a drawer collecting dust. I'll probably just toss 'em. Shame cause I really loved my 1520. Stupid phantom touch.
I usually pass my Windows phones down the line to family members when I upgrade; however, when I moved on to my Samsung S7 Edge I retained my 640XL which is used for everything but making a phone call. I still love it more than any other mobile device I have owned.
I take my 950 fishing to use as a camera. Still takes great photos. Can't risk getting my daily (Oneplus 5) driver wet.
Everything I need from a phone, W10M is capable of offering.

Call, texting, Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger, Edge, Groove, Mail, myTube and all other core OS apps.

Basically I can achieve everything I need. I'm also aware my experience would be much improved on iOS or Android, but I'm fine currently
I'm using my 640 until it dies or totally runs out of internal memory. I've tried my wife's samsung galaxy and I decided to stick to WP.
Geez. You might as well call this Android or IOS Central. Windows Phone 4 Ever KID. I just upgraded my Lumia 1520 for the Idol 4s. Beautiful piece of equipment. I'm using Tidal for music and Groove (I have a ton of free months). I use Maps, and Scout for navigation. I also own Copilot and Navigon. All work great. For photos I use Create a perfect selfie. For daily travel I use TransitNYC and pin mta websites and ParkMobile has a windows phone app to pay for train parking. Facebook and Air for Facebook work OK. Instgram is fine. I use Libby to checkout library books. MyTube is brilliant for youtube. I'm just not sure what I'm missing out on switching to another platform. Maybe support from the company that makes the product. But that's it
I use my 950 XL on a daily basis.
-work via rdp to my desktop pc running blu stacks for android app access.
-play various Xbox games
-Use apps via terminal server rd gateway

I think it's an adequate representation of Windows 10 and it connects to the desktop OS quite well.

A lack of apps is frustrating, but I keep an extra Android phone around just for using things like that. Rarely need to utilize this.

Windows 10 Mobile is buggy and not optimized for battery life yet but the current branch is bug hunting and that is the right path for now. Skip ahead for Test devices would be nice to see what's next for mobile though.
Lumia 930 - whats app, email, browsing, voice calls, text message, camera, onenote, flashlight, excel
I have mine propping up a wonky table. Does a much better job than the Android one I used to use :smile:
Been using my 950 since Nov 2015 as a daily driver. My 1020 has less use now but still serves as a great pocketable camera. Using the 950 for messaging, music, podcasts, calls, emails, browsing, twitter...
Only drawbacks are no apps for Nest, Alexa, and one-time apps like conference planners and stuff one gets from QR codes. Hopefully the shift toward enhanced web apps will fill the hole but I've been very tempted by the S8. Just hate to give up on win10M. Love the OS.
My Lumia 730 dual SIM is the only phone I have been using for the past 2.5 years. Have the basic apps I need, so I don't complain about the lack of apps. Email and office apps are of great use. I had to install interop tools and tweak it to get the creator's update, and increased a bit of virtual memory. It works smoothly, have had no issues so far and will continue to use it as long as I can, probably till a surface phone comes...
As sad as it may be. I am still so fond of Win10 Mobile that my 950 is my daily driver. I have an iPhone 7+ (company) which I do not like. I got it a month ago and it's just another smart phone; not making anything better or worse. They just have more apps that I do not use.

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