For Windows 10 Mobile users (What are you doing with your current device?)

928 is my daily driver. 4+ years old and still going strong! Running W10M (latest available for this phone) A bit laggy here and there but I could never give up my live tiles. Really only using it for a phone and messaging, camera, LastPass, Money, Maps, AccuWeather, Words with Friends and Wordament. No music or vids.

Waiting to see what MS brings in the near term...
I use Elite X3 as daily driver and my wife recently used the 950XL until it broke as her daily driver. She had the option to go iPhone or another direction and she wanted to stick with Windows, so I got her an Elite X3 as well. Both of us are very happy with the OS and we also tie them together with our Surface products. great integration
Still use my Elite x3 as a DD. I love the hardware, and I love Continuum. While I do need a real computer for software development work, I often use the x3 docked as a computer, for email, Office apps, etc.
I also still have my 950XL too that I used before that, and I use it for picture taking at times when I need a good camera. I usually leave a data-only SIM in it (like you'd use for a tablet) so it can stay connected or upload when not at home on WiFi.

I've used both Androids and iPhones over the years, but both the 950XL and Elite x3 are quite probably the best phones I've ever had.
I love using my Lumia 535, it is my daily driver. I am constantly upgrading to latest software. This is still increasing my overall experience. I have no issues with the apps gap. Loving and waiting to buy the next mobile device from Microsoft.
What are you doing with your Windows Phone? What are you planning to do with your Windows 10 Mobile device(s). What do you like to do with your Windows 10 Mobile? I am curious to know who all is still curious, thriving, or enjoying the Windows 10 mobile world out there...

-Are you one who is rotating between the two or three you own ( that's what I do usually :] ) wishing one had aspects of the other?

-Are you using them to the fullest? Meaning are you into tweaking it or customizing (Interop Unlock or reg editing / Developer Mode)?

-Are you content with where you're at in using your current Windows 10 Mobile device?

-Whatever you want to share?

Ease of use is great on W10M. Email is superb. I like also that Microsoft has opened the door to development and the ability to access the registry for us technies, enthusiasts and do-it-your-selfers. These and many other things about Windows 10 Mobile has me latched and keeps me around too.

I just got a 3 month Groove music pass for 200 Microsoft Rewards points, and am enjoying asking Cortana to play songs for me every time the one I just asked for ends. It is MAGICAL. The only thing I wish I could solve is how to keep the screen on while playing (and charging).
I currently have 2 Windows Phones. I use a Lumia 1520 as my daily driver and my main camera. Currently I'm keeping it at WP 8.1 with Lumia Denim. I also have a Lumia 920 on Win 10 Mobile that I use as a music player and have access to the mobile UWP apps. I'm happy with what I've got, no reason to "upgrade".
Use my 950 every day, its my only device. Very happy still. Although I am getting a mozo case to give it a bit of newness again, stops me getting bored with it.
What are you doing with your Windows Phone? What are you planning to do with your Windows 10 Mobile device(s). What do you like to do with your Windows 10 Mobile? I am curious to know who all is still curious, thriving, or enjoying the Windows 10 mobile world out there...

-Are you one who is rotating between the two or three you own ( that's what I do usually :] ) wishing one had aspects of the other?

-Are you using them to the fullest? Meaning are you into tweaking it or customizing (Interop Unlock or reg editing / Developer Mode)?

-Are you content with where you're at in using your current Windows 10 Mobile device?

-Whatever you want to share?

Ease of use is great on W10M. Email is superb. I like also that Microsoft has opened the door to development and the ability to access the registry for us technies, enthusiasts and do-it-your-selfers. These and many other things about Windows 10 Mobile has me latched and keeps me around too.

Previously ran Lumia 430 for simple telephony, emails and browsing the interweb. For social media, I rely heavily on WhatsApp, Telegram & Slim Social (a web wrapper for Facebook)

Why Slim Social? Because I can't seems to get the official Facebook app to run well, maybe due to the stupid 2GB memory requirements (Android ones can run fine in 1GB devices)

My current daily driver is a preloved Lumia 640XL (Dual-SIM non-LTE) which I got for MYR200 (less than USD50) 2 months ago. Bought this because its the lowest spec model that listed as one of the official recipient for the last Creator Update

Will try to hold out as long as I can to see what direction Microsoft wants to take in regards of mobile. Or when WhatsApp finally not supported in W10M
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My L950 is my daily driver. I use it to do light school work using office mobile apps. I also use a great pixel art program I can't find anywhere else. I'm building assets for a game I'm developing on the side. I also have an emulator that I use to play games. This phone is so great!
I really wish I had the X3. I have a L950 and I sort of want the bigger screen and power. I'm glad you guys are enjoying it! I get too nervous to recommend people to Windows Phones because of the app gap issue (my wife and brother-in-law showed interest, but I didn't want to feel like I caused them any regrets once they saw the lack of apps) :/
A while back I got an Android for apps that aren't available on WP or just suck on WP, but I still used my 950 for my main daily driver. When I replaced my MS Band2 with a Garmin Vivoactive HR, I had to make Android my primary. There is a Garmin app for WP, but it constantly fails to sync and they obviously aren't in a hurry to fix it. I kept my 950 around and used it at home on wifi for a long time. Recently, my daughter broke her phone, so I gave her the 950.

So, for the first time in a really long time I don't have a windows phone.
What are you doing with your Windows Phone? What are you planning to do with your Windows 10 Mobile device(s). What do you like to do with your Windows 10 Mobile? I am curious to know who all is still curious, thriving, or enjoying the Windows 10 mobile world out there...

-Are you one who is rotating between the two or three you own ( that's what I do usually :] ) wishing one had aspects of the other?

-Are you using them to the fullest? Meaning are you into tweaking it or customizing (Interop Unlock or reg editing / Developer Mode)?

-Are you content with where you're at in using your current Windows 10 Mobile device?

-Whatever you want to share?

Ease of use is great on W10M. Email is superb. I like also that Microsoft has opened the door to development and the ability to access the registry for us technies, enthusiasts and do-it-your-selfers. These and many other things about Windows 10 Mobile has me latched and keeps me around too.

My Lumia 950 XL is my only phone device. I use it together with my Surface 3.

My life is good :)
I'm using my 950xl phone for reading news like Windows Central, taking amazing photos with it's gorgeous camera and for my business day2day work by using in my opinion the cleanest mail and calendar client.
I use a 950 as my only device. I work as a professor at a small college that is a Microsoft campus. The 950 is great for connection to all the MS services on campus (we use teams and OneNote classrooms). I also use Continuum in my lecture halls to wirelessly stream my lectures from my 950 and sometimes to do data analysis in lab with Excel.

Outside of work I love the 950 camera and keep up on FB, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. For entertainment I use Groove, Movies/TV (great deals through Bing rewards), Youtube (Mytube), and reading (Kindle, Kobo, and Freda+)

The few things I need an "app" for that are missing (store loyalty for example) I just run in Edge or Surfy.

I will be on my 950 for a while.
I use my 640 and 735 (DD and spare respectively) daily. The 640 gets the most use obviously but I enjoy using both phones. Both are still on WP8.1 and I have no intention of upgrading to W10M. Having tested the 640 on two occasions pre and post Anniversary Update, the drop in performance is a deal breaker for me. Despite the performance improvement with the Creators Update - as evidenced after I upgraded my mum's 640 XL - IMHO devices made for Windows Phone 8.1 are simply not fully optimised for W10M. I would prefer to buy a device that came with W10M like the 650, 950/XL or the Elite.
I use one main phone (Lumia 950XL) and I have a Windows phablet (Lumia 1520) which I use as a tablet when I'm charging my phone. I use my Windows phone like anyone else uses their phone: Phone, calendar, email, text, web, camera, GPS, skype messaging, Wunderlist shared family grocery list, loyalty card wallet, Cortana reminders/searches, Groove music, Pandora radio, Twitter, Youtube, weather, news notifications, alarms, calculator, Microsoft Band (fitness, sleep tracking, weather, notifications, alarms), Fitbit (family competition), USPS mail tracking, Duolingo language learning, etc. So I pretty much use my Lumia for everything all day long, except for gaming which I do on Xbox/PlayStation and for shopping/banking which I do on PC.

Overall I'm happy if not completely dependent on my MS Band and phone. My points of contention with my Windows phone right now are a lack of retail location apps (banks, restaurants, grocery, cinema, etc.), a lack of updates for some old Windows 8 apps (mostly news apps), losing GasBuddy app, very limited credit card support for MS Wallet, a very limited smartwatch and smartphone ecosystem. For the most part I can deal with using the web for apps that are missing, but in aggregate it can become a little annoying if the website is poorly designed (GasBuddy) or requires constant logins.
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I had to ditch my 1520 and I also had an alcatel idol 4s and sold those to switch to iphone. Although I have a lumia 640 as a backup, and let my son play minion rush and other things. Sometimes I test the fast ring builds on it.
My daily driver, running insider release preview builds even though I have android phone.
I like Windows 10 alot.
I want Microsoft to hurry up and release new devices.

I have a Honor 6X, Gear Fit 2 and Gear S2. (Got the Gear stuff cheap on Ebay.) I am using my Garmin Vivoactive HR all the time and I got tired of using Smart Watches for the moment, therefore, I switched to my Lumia 950 as my daily driver as well. (On the fast ring Insider preview.)

I have literally left all my Android stuff at home and prefer my Lumia 950 over Android.
I 'use' my 1510 as a backup for my iphone 6S Plus.

It is there if I need it and has the same Nano SIM.

I have long since given up on Windows Phone and as others find, all the apps are there for iPhone.

I remain interested though but I am surprised just how comprehensively Windows crashed out of the mobile market. I think back to the huge mistakes and errors of judgement made first by Ballmer then by Nadella.

They should never have killed Windows RT and are now reinventing it. Windows Phone of course has become a quaint footnote in history. How the hell did that happen? Meanwhile a few devotees await for the second coming...
I also use my 640 XL as my music device because Groove just works flawlessly in it. Also, that Zeiss lens still has a special place in my mobile photography needs.

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