For Windows 10 Mobile users (What are you doing with your current device?)

Use a 640 XL for everything...Call/Text, Twitter, Weather, OneNote, News, GroupMe, Trip Advisor, Cortana, ToDo, Pictures. It is still a beast imo. Never had problems with it...and still have my regular 640 as a back up. Will hang in there with w10m until the end and they kick me out....but won't/will never join the communist hammer and sickle Apple party....
Basically...for everything that needs a small screen or phone. Im one of the most power-users there is bar none, and the OS fits perfectly. Evil tongues are phophecising its demise, but i assure people who has made yet to make the switch to another camp, the grass isnt much greener on the other side.

Ive introduced the phones to family, friends and my company, and nearly noone prefer an iphone or android over the Windows phones. My brother in law got irritated on MS for not upgrading the 1020 and went out and bought a Samsung galaxy of the newer versions (a couple of months ago, not the 8) and have ha so much software trouble that he has asked me what to switch to today (i dont recommend WMs right now because all the good ones are crazy expensive in Sweden).
Hi spouse got herself a 650 after a 640 and wouldnt switch back to her iphones of old.
The family is using continuum on a daily basis, even my old folks do.
App problem? Not really.

Im always using 2 phones because of me being a such a superuser, ive always had two different brands of phones, ie an WP and one Android, or webos or iphone, but the last year has actually swayed me to use two Lumia 950 (no xl version) and its been a blast (ive also carried 2 different wp / wm to compare). Ive never been so productive with a phone, and its been costing me less for a continuum setup and a phone than a galaxy or iphone. Cant really beat that from an economic standpoint.

Ive currently switched my primary DD to an Alcatel Idol 4S (WM10) and its a fantastic phone. Im waiting for a panzerglass before making a full switch though. The L950 will continue as my Secondary DD aswell as primary backup.

Bring on the Surface mobile solution!
And I forgot to mention the weather and radar tiles, use them basically the same as the camera tiles. My radar and its live tile is the greatest app ever.
What are you doing with your Windows Phone? What are you planning to do with your Windows 10 Mobile device(s). What do you like to do with your Windows 10 Mobile? I am curious to know who all is still curious, thriving, or enjoying the Windows 10 mobile world out there...

-Are you one who is rotating between the two or three you own ( that's what I do usually :] ) wishing one had aspects of the other?

-Are you using them to the fullest? Meaning are you into tweaking it or customizing (Interop Unlock or reg editing / Developer Mode)?

-Are you content with where you're at in using your current Windows 10 Mobile device?

-Whatever you want to share?

Ease of use is great on W10M. Email is superb. I like also that Microsoft has opened the door to development and the ability to access the registry for us technies, enthusiasts and do-it-your-selfers. These and many other things about Windows 10 Mobile has me latched and keeps me around too.

I smiled today as I walked past a tube station entrance in London. I watched a guy with his bags over his shoulder and his laptop balanced on his knee. I guessed he was checking his travel plan or maybe the next thing on his calendar. It seems like years since I've needed to do that. I'm a contractor and I change roles frequently, I also have various business interests. My work technology environment's change frequently and are always diverse. But if it's on a PC somewhere it's also on my phone. Rock on windows integration! Current phone: 950XL
I primarily use my Lumia 640 XL as a bicycle computer using the excellent Cycle Tracks app. The phone is mounted to aerobars with a custom 3D-printed phone mount I designed.




Note that the Cycle Tracks app uses GPS only so no SIM card or cell phone plan is needed.

On longer, organized rides (e.g., 200 miles) where I need navigation, I actually mount my Moto G4 daily driver to the aerobars using the same mount because the RideWithGPS app is better about barking out directions and when I'm off route with the screen off. In that instance, I keep the Lumia 640 XL in my rear jersey pockets to use as a handheld camera and as a backup phone in case the G4's battery completely drains before the ride is over. (I download the ride's route to both RideWithGPS and Cycle Tracks in that case.)

Otherwise, the Lumia is more or less permanently affixed to the front end of my bike as I prefer Cycle Tracks' dark mode dashboard display. (With RideWithGPS, there is no similar screen and you either have to have the screen on or off. When it's on, a map is displayed instead of metrics in large font.)
somewhere in some trashcan.

send from my s8+

What are you doing with your Windows Phone? What are you planning to do with your Windows 10 Mobile device(s). What do you like to do with your Windows 10 Mobile? I am curious to know who all is still curious, thriving, or enjoying the Windows 10 mobile world out there...

-Are you one who is rotating between the two or three you own ( that's what I do usually :] ) wishing one had aspects of the other?

-Are you using them to the fullest? Meaning are you into tweaking it or customizing (Interop Unlock or reg editing / Developer Mode)?

-Are you content with where you're at in using your current Windows 10 Mobile device?

-Whatever you want to share?

Ease of use is great on W10M. Email is superb. I like also that Microsoft has opened the door to development and the ability to access the registry for us technies, enthusiasts and do-it-your-selfers. These and many other things about Windows 10 Mobile has me latched and keeps me around too.
My 950 is dead (drowned, details in another post), so I pulled out my 1-1/2" yr old 640 to use as an emergency backup, since I drowned my S5 Active at the same time. I used it for a few days, and I'm still amazed at how smooth it runs. That said, I made the claim on my 950, and they sent me a S7 Edge, and I haven't had a reason to go back to the 640. Runs smooth, and has every app I could want on it. Probably too many, lol. I only plan on using the 640 as a backup still, or for when I am going to be doing something outdoors, and I'm concerned I'll break the S7E. So any time I go ATV riding, the S7E will stay in the truck while the 640 goes in a true watertight container, mounted up high!
950XL daily driver. Followed on from 920 then 930. I picked it up on the BT deal about 3 months ago, £216 absolute steal, fantastic phone does everything I need it to with a great camera to boot. Wife has an iPhone, son has a Moto android, wouldn't swap for either, hang on in there 😁
Me as still active user of samsung note device, am still missing that pen but not just that. Apps, reliability and quality of apps(lately not being able to upload simple mp3 with default w10 app)...there is a lot. So I use that windows device as something to use until I get my hands on real useful beast, with which I wont have to worry about such seemingly simple matters. What motivated me to buy lumia is hw and price, but OS is still like not finished, and they better do, before I want to buy next one. Competition is fierce one.
My HP x3 is still my primary phone and will continue to be until it fails, at which time I will replace it with whatever top-end Windows device is available or move to Android. I also have an iPhone 6S+ and a Nexus 6P. The 6P has its own SIM and is my backup phone (I carry two at all times), but I rarely use it for communication and mostly run it as a music device -- basically an Android-speaking iPod. The 6S+ is mostly an in-home device controller (Alexa, Grace Radio), but I use it for banking as well. The same banking app is available on the x3, but the iOS version is faster to get into and easier to use.

If the iPhone dies, I doubt I will replace it. If the 6P dies or reaches end of life, I am likely to go Pixel as a replacement. I will never own another Samsung phone.

90 percent of my smartphone usage is on the x3. I've never been hurt by the absence of an app I need.
Windows10Mobile email failed to send if the email has 10 or more :unhappy:photo attachment.

On Windows8.1Phone, it can easily send email with more than:smile: 15 or more photos attachment.

Is there a workaround to make Windows10Mobile email handle more than 20, 30 photo attachment?

Phone is Lumia640.

I still have certain Lumia640 running on :love:Windows8.1 because overall, it's still more stable than 10Mobile after running for 2-3 weeks. I reboot Windows10Mobile at least once :unhappysweat:a week to prevent it from getting into odd problems.

Windows10Mobile uses way too much virtual memory to do almost anything.

My other Lumia640 on Windows8.1Phone rarely go into virtual memory to run similar apps on Windows10Mobile which is also Lumia640.

I often read many users keep saying Windows10Mobile is so much better than Windows8.1Phone.
Do those user only run a few apps and use their phone to do very basic functions?
Windows10Mobile email failed to send if the email has 10 or more :unhappy:photo attachment.

On Windows8.1Phone, it can easily send email with more than:smile: 15 or more photos attachment.

Is there a workaround to make Windows10Mobile email handle more than 20, 30 photo attachment?

I never tried sending more than 10.
Maybe try zipping them?
Have you tried a zip program 8zip or winzip universal? 8zip is a paid app, WinZip Universal is not though.
Still using my 950XL. It's a great phone and I've never really had any trouble out of it. I use it for everything. Videos games and seen browsing at home. Calls, emails, and too many things to list for work. I also use it for remote desktop when I need to do some work without actually being at the office.
I also have a Lumia 640XL and a Lumia 635 that I keep updated as backups and because I honestly thought the 635 was one of the best phones I've ever owned. I love that little thing. It's the blue one which kinda grew on me and I miss that on my 950xl. It was also basically indestructible and nearly impervious to damage. I don't know why but that little phone took more of a beating than any other phone I've ever owned and you can't tell.
A year out so so a friend tried convincing me that the grass was greener on the other side and I bought an iPhone 6s plus. I hated it. I actually got it out and tried using for a few days this week. It's usable and I do like it better than android (I hate Samsung with a passion) but Windows phones are still the way to go for me. I'll probably get an HP X3 or the updated model of that phone that I keep hearing about last this year or early next.
In July of 2016 I bought an android device (the need for the apps) and I have been using it until now, but I miss so much the platform and recently (last week) I bought a windows 10 mobile again. I'm so excited about that. I want that my new Lumia be my main device.

PS: In 2014 I was using an iPhone for 8 months, but then the same thing happened, and I ended coming back to wp.
I'm using a Lumia 640 as a daily driver. The only reason that has me clinging on the ever-dying mobile OS is the design language. Fluent Design looks good but somehow feels less swiss-ey. Design for me should be more function-oriented and clean/neat rather than an eye candy. If Fluent Design at its full implementation (or will it ever be?) looks like a son of Android marrying iOS, I'll switch.

I bought Surface Pro 4 assuming the integration will be great. Until now, I'm still not fully convinced. Somehow, I feel compelled to design my own OS environment, I'm considering to learn to make apps for Android as a hobby.
My 950XL is my second driver now since I got a Galaxy S8 recently. Need to replace the bad battery on the 950XL, but otherwise I'll be using it as secondary/backup phone. Might rejoin the Insider programme and check in now and then to see if anything new has arrived...
They are gathering dust at the moment. I switched to Android in early June with the Sony Xperia XZs. I was planning to switch back and forth with the Xperia and my Idol 4, but I have been so satisfied with the Sony and Android I haven't bothered to power on my windows phones since. I'll probably keep my unlocked Lumia 550 as a backup phone. I need to go ahead and sell my Idol 4S especially since I recently switched from T-mobile to AT&T. My fiance is still using her Lumia 640XL, that she bought on contract, as her daily driver, but that will change when her contract is up later this month. I bought her a Sony Xperia X to replace her Lumia. We may keep the 640XL active as a media watching device for our 4year old.
It works as a mobile hotspot for my 8" atom tablet, occasional photos, and rare skype voice calls

I'm in the same situation as zac, there are no worthy 8" high end tablets, its very frustrating, if you had the experience, they feel like the concept of "pocket" pc is actually real, like, I could boot kali from it, it has THE multitasking capability with a fairly easy to use touch UI, and RS3 is making it feel more and more like a wp on steroids, if only it had more ram... add pureview cameras and LTE and my phone will stay in a drawer until hololens goes mainstream
My Lumia 650 is my daily driver, bought it couple of months back when it was quiet possibly the last of it's kind in my entire country! It feels under powered sometimes but there is nothing I need that this device is not capable of.

Microsoft has no mapping solution for my country so I spend a lot of time begging Microsoft and Google to get a proper Maps app for my country.

I spend some time to search good apps and am currently thinking about learning to code my own apps because much of what I want is absent.

On the other hand, I'm still happy with Windows despite it's shortcomings. I would only desire an android for Google Maps or some android only games that go viral among friend.

My only wish is that Google releases some of it's services for Windows soon, I hope they will considering Windows is now on so many desktops. Microsoft shot themselves in the foot renewing there OS every few years and I hope they take the current crop with them when they change the platform next year. That said, I'm happy with my device, it looks way more premium at half the price of any competition.

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