Forbes heralds the end of times for Microsoft

With rkeenan on this one. Forbes is a great financial source for explanations of market trends and a fantastic source to learn how investment works. As far as mobile? Eh, grain of salt and all that. I like Fox Sports and ESPN as well for sports, but when they try to go "deeper" into political connections or conspiracy theories, I walk away. Forbes has a great strength, they should stick to it.
Linux: the end of Microsoft
XP: the end of Microsoft
Java: the end of Microsoft

see the pattern?
I take care of 1 SBS server + 20 workstations in our office running a mix of XP and 7 boxes. I can't even imagine walking into the owner's office and saying, "Listen, I think we should replace our workstations with Macs. It will cost roughly twice the price of equivalent WinTel boxes, and 70% of our software can be thrown out, but they're pretty. Sound good?" Out of all my clients, three are Mac workstation environments. One is a headscratcher, because it has nothing to do graphic design and now they are crippled and scrambling to find Apple software that works like the MSFT version. The other two are running XP emulators.

Yeah, so.....
Kin: The end of Microsoft.
60 million Win8 Licenses sold: End of Microsoft
1 million Surface RT Sold: End of Microsoft.

Mac: The end of Microsoft.
Android: The end of Microsoft.
Amazon: The end of Microsoft.
Everything: The end of Microsoft.

In other words, OMG WE MUST STOP MS SOMEHOW BECAUSE WE HATE THEM HERP DERP. Honestly, I don't see them going anywhere. Sure, they're not perfect, but what company is? They're here to stay, but they're considered the underdog. And everyone loves to kick the underdog in the balls in the hope of pushing them out. Sorry, but competition is good and MS is well poised to provide that competition.
Windows 95: End of Microsoft
1.4 million Xbox sold during the holiday season: End of Microsoft
Have your desktop experience on a tablet form factor (Full Win8 tablets): End of Microsoft
Have your tablet-like experience on a desktop when you want to, or full desktop when on full productivity mode with Win8: End of Microsoft
Windows NT Kernel on your phone: End of Microsoft

Yes, there is still a lot to be done by Microsoft, and it doesn't always seem like they are in the right path, but after years of asking what is Microsoft going to do about the consumer market, I'm starting to feel confidence and think they are very close to getting it right for consumers, but don't forget the important enterprise market.
i have seen a lot of stupid articles from forbes but this one the stupidest article i even seen
I don't even know where to start with this....what a load of utter rubbish - And therefore commented on the forbes post telling them so
It seems that a lot of people forget about that the Xbox is made by Microsoft, and its success isn't dying down whatsoever.
I'm having a difficult time understanding why this guy, or anyone else for that matter, thought that Windows 8 was just going to explode right out of the box. First of all, people don't change the operating system on their PC's like they do when a new smartphone comes out. People tend to change them when they upgrade their hardware, particularly if they are using a laptop rather than a desktop. Secondly, with a new interface and style of operation, it is going to take some time to catch on even for those who are looking to upgrade.

Seems like a flawed premise to me.
Everyone should check the stock prices for today. Microsoft beat most projections. Apple dropped $64 and will drop further. I am sure the author of this article regrets writing it.
Microsoft posts record earning for Q2 2013. $6.38 billion profit on $21.5 billion revenue.

Microsoft posts record earning for Q2 2013. $6.38 billion profit on $21.5 billion revenue.


Dang it! I bought a Lenovo Yoga 13 in November, and JUST upgraded my desktop to Win 8 last night! Now I'm hosed and will never be able to use a Microsoft product or service again!
If anything Forbes should be writing about Apple's stock free falling and how Apple hasn't innovated lately in a manner that would pull their stock back up.

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