Thanks for that registry hack, but I gave it a try and as it turns out, it makes the onscreen keyboard tiny, so I can't use it.
Yup, noticed this as well. Keyboard becomes tiny and unusable.
Thanks for that registry hack, but I gave it a try and as it turns out, it makes the onscreen keyboard tiny, so I can't use it.
Permanent resolution:
.reg begin -->
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
<-- end
Reboot after adding the reg value.
One more thing - after doing this, flip to portrait mode, swipe Settings -> Tiles -> "Show more tiles" to enable a total of 9 rows in portrait.
Note that this only affects the modern ui; and, only scales to the minimum permittable font scaling for the actual resolution.
I just did 12.1, which I read is the smallest you can do. It works for me. the keyboard is slightly smaller than normal, but it works for me. I can always switch back. But a 4 row looks great, Iove it!
I turned my Surface on today and I have 4 tile rows. I didn't do this mod. ???