Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

Please gameloft since real football 2010 got pulled out of windows phone store...there is no good soccer game for 512 ram.......make new football game for 512 ram please....even if you have to take out some teams and commentary.. i will really appreciate it..THanks.

Well you have Dream Soccer wich is better than Real Football, way way way better just not xbox live
You can add pastry paradise to the list of games yet to be updated on windows phone but updated on other platforms. I'm starting to think that the only option I have is to uninstall pastry paradise and disregard gameloft games in the future. Surely whats happening with gameloft on windows phone at the moment isn't good for their brand.
Surely whats happening with gameloft on windows phone at the moment isn't good for their brand.

How do you figure? Microsoft pays them to make games, and they fulfill that obligation. They don't update their WP games as much as other platforms because the circumstances are different.

Some day hopefully in the future, WP will be an extremely profitable platform for Gameloft. But as it stands right now, they rely on subsidies from Microsoft to make developing for this platform worth while.

The backhanded threat of you possibly disregarding Gameloft games in the future is quite hollow. They will get paid whether you download their games or not.
Gameloft releasing their new game to Windows Phone soon!

Name: Battle Odyssey
Category: Puzzle RPG
Release Date: April 22
Platforms: Windows Phone, Android and IOS
In response to "MarkusDindu"

In life its quite common that if a person uses a product or service and has a negative experience they will think twice about using a product or service from that particular organisation. Therefore stating that my comments were a "backhanded threat" was a bit over the top and does not reflect the comments originally made. Nor is the average user that bothered as to the politics surrounding gameloft.
Is there a way to associate my game save from one facebook profile to another?
I want to do this for Spider-Man Unlimited and Rival Knights.

Ryan here is a list to take back to the teams
Asphalt overdrive - No leagues, no events, and don't give out rewards.
Dungeon Gems - No Events
GT Racing - No Events Extremely Buggy and not once does it give the rewards, No updates
Spiderman unlimited - don't really need to say anymore
Six-Guns - No updates, it crashes all the time
Puzzle Pets - completely disappeared from the store..
And every single game needs to be updated even fixed, you know the general care to show that you are supporting this platform..
Hey Ryan,

Did you hear about the iOS and Android compilers MS is releasing? This should be really helpful for your developers to port games over. This is good news. :smile:

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