Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread


First of all; Great game. Not much I'd change, except for maybe implementing a Social Room so people can gather and chat between rounds/games. Now, my problem:

I've done everything I can think of, so it has to be on Gameloft's end. PLEASE fix the Facebook login so it actually keeps you logged in. That, my friend, would be amazing. Being forced to login sometimes every other game (usually partway through, forcing me to lose Coins, Tokens for Boost purchases, etc.) is really starting to get to the uninstall point. Which brings me to my second problem:

For no apparent reason (and I assure you this is not due to my platform {DELL Inspiron 15 3000 Series, Quad-core AMD A6} or the connection on my end {I constantly run Spotify, or am multi-tasking open browser windows} the UNO & Friends application will freeze, and then close, forcing me to log back in (I use Facebook) but with a busted win streak, and a loss of Coins, Tokens, and in a few instances, Tournament Badges because it happened just as I had won.

I am sorry, but the in-app Troubleshooter doesn't help one bit on this matter. I do have a question, though; If I were to port-forward UNO & Friends, what port(s) would I open? I don't see how it could help, really, but confining the game to a dedicated port is the only thing I haven't attempted.

Anyhow, from one Ryan to another (rad name, dude!) I thank you for your time and patience on this matter. UNO & Friends is the only application I have even remotely had this sort of problem with, and it happens to be one of my favorite pastimes as of late.
It was likely delisted due to customer complaints about the broken achievement.

Does anyone currently have issues trying to play Kingdoms & Lords? I have a group of 7 players right now that are crashing when connecting to the Gameloft servers, even with brand new accounts and brand new saves. I've contacted Ryan, as well as submitted a ticket to the support system earlier in the week, but wanted to see if it was just something amongst the group I've been playing with.
Is this post dead now ?????? Ryan left this post i think forever may he is also changed as he was saying that some change of team members were going :(
It looks like Ryan is supposedly still active on the Gameloft Blog. Last post there was May 28th.
The Twitter account has also been extremely busy lately.
Hey windowscentral, just delete this thread. its all over. Gameloft reduced graphics in asphalt 8 on my 730. Cant see shadow. Come on gameloft, how can u do this? U already not giving us full graphics with motion blur and now this? Just remove this game if you don't want to support any more. Just leave windows phone. :'(
Why I paid 14000₹ for this phone? To get this type of crappy graphics in every game?

Why android gets all the glory? 6000₹ phone can play asphalt in full graphics without lag. Then why not my 730?
Why I paid 14000₹ for this phone? To get this type of crappy graphics in every game?

Why android gets all the glory? 6000₹ phone can play asphalt in full graphics without lag. Then why not my 730?

Those are two different OSes which utilize RAM in completely different ways. Also, the graphic settings were probably reduced to decrease the download size as well, which was nearing 1GB previously. So basically what you mean is that you paid 14K just to play Asphalt 8 in high def? Come on dude, if you want to game in HD, get a PS Vita or XB360 at the same price, also research better on phones before you buy them next time :P /jk
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Nope, not for just playing Asphalt 8. Why Gameloft is doing like this? Why they are not giving us graphics control on Asphalt 8?

Those are two different OSes which utilize RAM in completely different ways. Also, the graphic settings were probably reduced to decrease the download size as well, which was nearing 1GB previously. So basically what you mean is that you paid 14K just to play Asphalt 8 in high def? Come on dude, if your wasn't to game in HD, get a PS Vita or XB360 at the same price, also research better on phones before you buy them next time :P /jk
After the asphalt 8 update 1.9, the game is smoother and the graphics is better on my 1320.

I also have noticed that the City Havoc obstacles have been removed.

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