Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

The big Update to Modern Combat has same strange Bugs und Lags. And I cant write the German Word "die" in the Chat.
I paid for Modern Combat 5 when it first came out and since the free to play update, my veteran privileges keep getting cancelled out by signing me out and starting me on a new profile. I can sign back in with my Facebook(where all my progress and purchase pass is) but I have no access to Xbox achievements and it just signs me out again. Also moga doesn't get recognized.

AT&T Htc one m8 for windows running latest 8.1.2 update no dev preview.
I was considering getting a Lumia 640 because I'm wondering if having a lower resolution screen will result in smoother gameplay on Modern Combat 5. I can't play that game on my Icon for nothing without lag and controls going all over the place....
I was considering getting a Lumia 640 because I'm wondering if having a lower resolution screen will result in smoother gameplay on Modern Combat 5. I can't play that game on my Icon for nothing without lag and controls going all over the place....

While its true that a lower resolution screen can help take a bit of work off the gpu, the snapdragon 400 on the 640 is less powerful and less capable than the 800 in the Lumia icon. I have been playing on an HTC one m8 for windows with the snapdragon 801 (slightly over locked 800 plus better gpu) and it lags for me a bit too. That plus my above mentioned issues makes me not wanna support that game in the slightest.
While its true that a lower resolution screen can help take a bit of work off the gpu, the snapdragon 400 on the 640 is less powerful and less capable than the 800 in the Lumia icon. I have been playing on an HTC one m8 for windows with the snapdragon 801 (slightly over locked 800 plus better gpu) and it lags for me a bit too. That plus my above mentioned issues makes me not wanna support that game in the slightest.

Ahh...that would explain why it ran better on the M8 I played on in the Verizon store vs my Icon. I didn't know it actually had a better processor than the Icon (I thought they had the same SOC, just higher clocked). I am going to try to find an M8 and switch, as the Icon's camera isn't that important (though nice).

I tested the game on a 640 and it ran horribly in the AT&T store. Interestingly enough, someone said it ran fine on their 920, so I am going to install Windows Phone 8.1 back onto my 920 and see how it plays on that. If it plays well, I know it just has to do with optimization on higher-end devices (which I kind of suspected all along, knowing Gameloft).

I also opened a ticket for this issue and someone from Gameloft told me that they're aware of the issue and looking into; how true this actually is, we'll have to wait and see. I have heard all kinds of complaints cross-platform too, so it looks like they ruined the game everywhere. Hopefully they'll get an update soon with the recent waves of positive Windows 10 news...
Hey WPCentral! After hearing from a couple of the Mods it seems that having a comprehensive Gameloft thread was appropriate. I'll be doing my best to fill this with any and all Gameloft info I post on the forums. As Muessig said, "Make it and they will come." Consider it made!

EDIT: We're still going strong here! Post your questions and I'll do my best to answer them!

Hi Ryan,

What do I do after downloading the World at Arms app on my windows 8 and upgrading to windows 10 and after it crashed a few times I went back to windows 8 and now World at Arms app doesn't download completely. It stays at 65% and I can't play. Can you help?
I received an email for my support ticket issue regarding Modern Combat 5. I told them how the lag is terrible on my Lumia Icon, that I've done all their suggestions, and the game is still terrible. They told me that the update for Windows Phone will be released as soon as they can release it, so hopefully that's true and not just smoke blown (doubt it though).
I'm about to crap myself because Gameloft has pushed an update to Modern Cobmat 5! Downloading now, but praying this fixes my lag!

EDIT: Didn't fix anything (at least for me). Uninstalling and re-installing, but I doubt that will fix the constant lag I still have with the controls....
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Hey Gameloft.. Thanks for adding Graphics option in Asphalt 8. Now last two games remaining. Give full graphics for Asphalt Overdrive & Minion Rush (Motion blur while moving very fast in both). Thanks in advance :) :D. Keep support like this Gameloft.
Hey Gameloft.. Thanks for adding Graphics option in Asphalt 8. Now last two games remaining. Give full graphics for Asphalt Overdrive & Minion Rush (Motion blur while moving very fast in both). Thanks in advance :) :D. Keep support like this Gameloft.

I totally overlooked this option from the new update! This is great! My Icon could handle the graphics fine before, but it does help having this option for smoother framerate (and it still looks good, even on low setting). I wish they would add this to Modern Combat 5!
Hey Gameloft.. Thanks for adding Graphics option in Asphalt 8. Now last two games remaining. Give full graphics for Asphalt Overdrive & Minion Rush (Motion blur while moving very fast in both). Thanks in advance :) :D. Keep support like this Gameloft.

Now Asphalt 8 is supported only in 1 GB RAM for users like us who has 512 MB RAM devices......
Gameloft, please add a feature that allows us to sync progress of Asphalt 8 between Windows Phone and Windows.
Gameloft, please add a feature that allows us to sync progress of Asphalt 8 between Windows Phone and Windows.

I haven't played it in ages, but progress used to sync between WP and Windows when I launched. It required a Facebook login though. Or a Gameloft account.

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