Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

Hey folks - I'm having issues replying on the forums with quotes included in my reply. Will do my best to address questions as they come. However, since a majority of the people have been asking: GTR2 will get 512MB support with the first update.

So, the next question:
When is the first update coming?
:D ;)
Hey Rayan! Just wanted to say that GTR2 is crashing on start. Lumia 925, 8.1
Reported to MS via Diagnostics. Hope they can help you...
Hey Ryan do u have any idea wen rival knights n blitz brigade will hit wp? N pls dnt say 'really soon' giv an app. date or timeframe. Btw i still cnt find asphalt 8 on the 8.1 store in my Lumia 525.

PS:I really like the gameplay of gtr2 on my fone. Thnx to u n ur team
Hey Ryan GTR2 always crashes on my PC during driver Creation.
I have Windows 8.1 pro 64 bit with update 1.
any solution for it.
Hey Ryan do u have any idea wen rival knights n blitz brigade will hit wp? N pls dnt say 'really soon' giv an app. date or timeframe. Btw i still cnt find asphalt 8 on the 8.1 store in my Lumia 525.

PS:I really like the gameplay of gtr2 on my fone. Thnx to u n ur team

"Pretty soon" is almost an appropriate date.. Last times he used this phrase, the games hit the store a day or two later. ;)
@Ryan GTR2 & HOC within two days? Wow, you guys are really working hard.

Please bring these games to 512mb users and optimize GTR2 for 1GB users too. I am experiencing audio stuttering, minor frame drops and black skys in the game.

Also When MC5 arrives, will it need an internet connection to play the single player campaigns? I hope not. :S
Nice that we get older games but when we get some new? When Rival Knights will arrive? And don't tell soon but at least month when coming...
Nice that we get older games but when we get some new? When Rival Knights will arrive? And don't tell soon but at least month when coming...

How grateful. oO


I'm absolutely happy that Gameloft doesn't only focus on current games, but also releases earlier successful games. Now I'm hoping to see O&C Duels too some day. :)

Serious but funny sounding question: Will Asphalt 8 FINALLY have tire shine for the Windows platforms in the latest update? It may seem like a small question but the iOS and Android versions have tire shine that makes the graphics more believable and the Windows versions (Phone and PC) do not. It seems like the developer simply forgot to change Tire Shine from 0 to 1 in the settings.

It is pretty jarring to play A8 on other platforms with slick and detailed wheels and then play it on Windows and all the tires are dry and look like they came from the junkyard. :)

Ryan, thank you for your continued support of Gameloft customers.
Ok, so WPCentral's spam filter still won't let me quote replies )*: So here are my responses to most of the questions that have come up:

Regarding the first update for GTR2: The team just finished launching the game, so it's too early to tell. We haven't updated GTR2 on any other platform since this big overhaul, so Windows is 100% caught up to speed according to what I was told with the actual launch of the game. Once I get more information I will share it with you, but again, it's too early to say.

GTR2 crashing on start: Please let our support team know so we can work on that. My guess it would be because you're running the 8.1 Dev Preview. As I've mentioned several times in this thread, our games are not optimized for the 8.1 Dev Preview. Once 8.1 actually launches, we will then be able to push out the updates for the new version of the OS.

When will Rival Knights & BB make an appearance? Plz, Ryan, don't say 'soon': Due to various parts of submission and approvals, it's often tough to give a "THIS GAME IS COMING ON THIS DAY, THIS MINUTE, ETC." so coming soon or in Rival Knights case, really soon, is the best I can do haha.

GTR2 crashing on PC: I'm sorry I don't know a solution off-hand. I would suggest both reinstalling the game and restarting your device to see if that helps any. If it doesn't, definitely contact our support team so they can get all of the tech information needed to reproduce the issue on their end.

HOC now available...Will it get 512mb support: Yup, an update for 512MB ram devices will be coming for Heroes of Order & Chaos.

GTR2 and HOC??!! Wow, you guys are busy! Insert sound issues with GTR2: HOC will get an update for 512MB devices. As for the GTR2 issues, the game is optimized for 1GB devices. If you're experiencing issues like that, please let our support team know. I haven't seen tons of reports on this, so it might be device specific or something we need to reproduce on our end to fix.

Will MC5 require a connection?: As for MC5, the game will require a connection for both single player and multiplayer. This is something we announced a while back and it's due to the unified progression system. Since game content will be unlocked in both the campaign and MP, we want all players to have a level playing field while playing MC5. With that said, the campaign can be played on either WiFi or a cell connection and the MP will only be playable on WiFi.

Rival Knights? Pls no soon Senpai Ryan: Rival Knights is coming very soon. As you can see with the GTR2 and HOC launch, summer is really busy for us in terms of games on Windows/WP.

Asking about effects in Asphalt 8 for Windows version of the game: I've been told that the game has been optimized for Windows devices when we ported it over and that we also moved the full game over. If certain effects were left out, it's due to performance and what the Devs felt was optimal. I haven't seen any update notes that include adding more effects to date. Almost wrote this whole section with "affects" instead of "effects"... yikes.

GTR2 and HOC getting 512 support?: Both GTR2 and HOC will get 512MB support with the first update.

When will latest A8 update hit?: I was told it should be out this summer, but that was as specific as it got. Hoping it won't take as long as the Great Wall update, but I'll keep on it and see what I can find out.
Requiring an Internet connection to play games on a mobile device is fine. There shouldn't be any complaints about that.
Requiring an Internet connection to play games on a mobile device is fine. There shouldn't be any complaints about that.

I usually play games while I have no internet connection. So if games demand an internet connection at startup, its pretty useless to me. So I was hoping that the Devs will at least let us play single player campaigns without connecting.
It's just about pointless to own a smartphone without an Internet connection. I would definitely work on getting that before I took the time to knock a game that doesn't support your unusual choice.

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