Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

Blitz Brigade is coming soon or very soon? (GT Racing 2, HOC)
Update for Dungeon Hunter and Six-guns?
And I was thinking that I am wrong, but this is awful:
Ryan do you have any idea what this emblem means?
Of course you know that is the all-seeing-eye illuminati/masonic symbolism.
And I just started to be suspicious when I saw the track "The London Eye" on Asphalt 8.
Tell us much exactly what means the name of the track.
Shame to you Gameloft, such a great gaming company, you are just a masonic developer society. I Will delete immediatelly all your games because of this.
I know that all of you will laugh, but the truth is that you accept this ****, so remain with the ****.
Curious to see your response. Goat-headed unit in Total Conquest.
Open your eyes guys, wake up!


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And I was thinking that I am wrong, but this is awful:

Ryan do you have any idea what this emblem means?

Of course you know that is the all-seeing-eye illuminati/masonic symbolism.

And I just started to be suspicious when I saw the track "The London Eye" on Asphalt 8.

Tell us much exactly what means the name of the track.

Shame to you Gameloft, such a great gaming company, you are just a masonic developer society. I Will delete immediatelly all your games because of this.

I know that all of you will laugh, but the truth is that you accept this ****, so remain with the ****.

Curious to see your response. Goat-headed unit in Total Conquest.

Open your eyes guys, wake up!

Are you serious? Even IF they're referring to the Illuminati in some way, where's the big deal? It's not like they were a bunch of gangsters.
There is a deal: You accept playing satanic games or not.
It's your choice.

Satanic? Hold your horses, dude. Those who founded the Illuminati were scientists, artists and other mentally gifted, well educated or talented people that were persecuted by the catholic church. They had nothing to do with Satan. It's not even they didn't believe in god. Ask they did was doubt that everything the church was trying to make people believe wasn't necessarily true. These are two very different things. Please do some research on this topic before scaring everyone with your conspiracy theories.
Ryan, I think the Gameloft dev team needs to stop focusing on WP8 and buck up for WP8.1, over the next 1 month several regions are going to move to official WP8.1 and then when the games don't function properly there is going to be a huge hue and cry.

For example by mid July WP8.1 is rolling out for India and it has a massive base for WP users. So you are going to receive lot of complaints. likewise for other regions too. Just my 2 cents buddy.
Ryann,thanks soooo much on Rival Knights and O&C Duels.I love GAMELOFT.Now only HOC and GTR2 512 mb ram update and I will not sell my L520!
SECRET ILLUMINATI MEANING - Backwards Obama Speech Proves He is Antichrist - YouTube
Subliminal Messages In Songs - YouTube
This is just a little part of the truth.
You just refuse it, because you like playing these games and you cannot stop.
I want to see what response I Will receive from Ryan.
Dude, you believe a big lie, a facade that just makes you feel better. Think about it. I just gave you an evidence, you can wake up, or you can refuse.

Or maybe you should stop believing everything you happen to come across. ;) To me it didn't matter. Satanic cults, catholic church or whatnot. They're all the same to me.

Well, back on topic.. Thank you, Ryan. You once again kept your word. Gameloft is really on a roll lately. I'm loving O&C Duels. Awesome game, easily the best TCG available.
ryan i think the message its something about my Friends (now i got a lot) and example "somebody atack me" i think its that because sometimes i see the name of my Friends but not show in the lenguage of my game...
Congratz with O&C Duels :D
Edit: Lol this time show fine, see Alejandro need a "sello" (can't remember how say sello haha sorry)
Blitz Brigade is coming soon or very soon? (GT Racing 2, HOC)
Update for Dungeon Hunter and Six-guns?

Yes, BB is coming very soon. DH4 & Six-Guns updates are in the works, but I still don't have any firm dates on those.

There is no 512 mb ram support for OC duels yet! And probably never will be

The game launched with 512mb support. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this problem. The game might not be live in your region until the store refreshes?

And I was thinking that I am wrong, but this is awful:
Ryan do you have any idea what this emblem means?
Of course you know that is the all-seeing-eye illuminati/masonic symbolism.
And I just started to be suspicious when I saw the track "The London Eye" on Asphalt 8.
Tell us much exactly what means the name of the track.
Shame to you Gameloft, such a great gaming company, you are just a masonic developer society. I Will delete immediatelly all your games because of this.
I know that all of you will laugh, but the truth is that you accept this ****, so remain with the ****.
Curious to see your response. Goat-headed unit in Total Conquest.
Open your eyes guys, wake up!

I assure you we are not or associated with the Illumanti. That emblem in RK is just that, an emblem. It has no hidden meaning or association with it. As for the London Eye track in Asphalt 8...Are you aware that the London Eye refers to the big ferris wheel in London? If not, I highly suggest you Google Image search "London Eye" and you'll be familiar with the structure I'm talking about. As for the "Goat-Headed" unit in Total Conquest, I'm assuming you're talking about the Minotaur, which is a VERY popular mythological beast and is featured in many video games.

This is the first time since joining Gameloft, that I've ever seen this accusation I might add. Definitely spiced up my afternoon.

Ryan, I think the Gameloft dev team needs to stop focusing on WP8 and buck up for WP8.1, over the next 1 month several regions are going to move to official WP8.1 and then when the games don't function properly there is going to be a huge hue and cry.

For example by mid July WP8.1 is rolling out for India and it has a massive base for WP users. So you are going to receive lot of complaints. likewise for other regions too. Just my 2 cents buddy.

I've said this several times in the thread since the 8.1 Preview came out: We are still working with optimizing and testing with 8.1 and can't push out any updates until MS actually launches the official 8.1. Until then, we will continue to push out games for the most up to date, available version of the OS.
I assure you we are not or associated with the Illumanti. That emblem in RK is just that, an emblem. It has no hidden meaning or association with it. As for the London Eye track in Asphalt 8...Are you aware that the London Eye refers to the big ferris wheel in London? If not, I highly suggest you Google Image search "London Eye" and you'll be familiar with the structure I'm talking about. As for the "Goat-Headed" unit in Total Conquest, I'm assuming you're talking about the Minotaur, which is a VERY popular mythological beast and is featured in many video games.

This is the first time since joining Gameloft, that I've ever seen this accusation I might add. Definitely spiced up my afternoon.

Win! So much win! :D
LOL,Andrei,get your conspiracy theories right, you are an embarrassment to conspiracy theorists. ;) :P Jk,Jk :D
Ryan, please know that there are many normal, sane people here who are thankful for your presence on these boards. We are also incredibly thankful that Gameloft is supporting our platform. Seriously dude.
I've seen threads taking strange turns on WPCentral Forums, weird turns...but this just set the bar... lol!
Gameloft_Ryan said:
That emblem in RK is just that, an emblem. It has no hidden meaning or association with it.
Yes it has, but you cannot say that I am right, because that is your job.
Huge dissapointment. Playing Gameloft games just stopped.
Feel better that you know for who you work.
Yes it has, but you cannot say that I am right, because that is your job.
Huge dissapointment. Playing Gameloft games just stopped.
Feel better that you know for who you work.

Too late, dude. You've been playing Gameloft games. Online. Associated with your email address, your device's IMEI and even all kinds of IPs you used. They KNOW who you are. And they'll find you. Soon.


Please, Andrei, you appear to be a smart guy with some common sense. You shouldn't be overreacting like that. Even IF Gameloft were somehow related to the Illuminati, there are bigger things to be afraid of out there.
Why I must play a nice game with an satanic all-seeing-eye on it?
In this world are thousands of symbols that can be used.
And this is putted at the last part of emblems, so if you play hard and reach a higher level, then you see the s.hit. But you already played too much, so all turns into a "who cares?" But believe me, I don't give a damn on these games since I see demonic symbolism in it. Why Gameloft didn't just put the pentagram?
I wouldn't be surprised.
Ryan, Windows Phone 8.1 have a very good things. You can install the game on SD.
Could you do not block this feature in future games?)
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