Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

Ryan,please please remove the online only restriction from games which also offer single player campaigns(eg:-Rival Knights,Order and Chaos Duels,that pony game,GT Racing 2{I think it is online only})
I don't remember correctly but I think the last offline games I played from Gameloft were probably Asphalt 8 and Minion Rush. :(
I really don't have an issue with most of your recent games supporting 1Gb ram devices only but I can't even play the Gameloft games which are supported on my device now :'(
I play games when I don't have internet connection,simple as that.If I had internet connection all the time I would probably never play phone games,and other many other GL gamers also feel the same way.So please remove this online only restriction. :(
I think customer satisfaction is more important than stopping hacking.Hackers find a way through anyway,just saying :/
Can someone please answer the following two questions regarding GT Racing 2?

1. How much space does it require for installation. Because i have 1.86GB of free space on my phone memory, but it still says "not enough memory". There isn't much else i can move around/delete.

2. Does it require an always-on internet connection to play? If so, is that for ALL the modes or just one particular mode in the game?
Can someone please answer the following two questions regarding GT Racing 2?

1. How much space does it require for installation. Because i have 1.86GB of free space on my phone memory, but it still says "not enough memory". There isn't much else i can move around/delete.

2. Does it require an always-on internet connection to play? If so, is that for ALL the modes or just one particular mode in the game?

1) It requires approximately 4 times the size displayed in the store. This is NOT the actual installation size though. It's just the amount of storage space required to unpack the XAP file and install the game.

2) yup, the game requires a permanent internet connection, regardless of the mode you play. Unfortunately this is obviously a trend in mobile games to prevent people from pirating.
Blitz Brigade runs great on my L920 with low settings :D...
Too bad you have to pay for everything... You even have to pay to play as a different class or use a different weapon! Why can't you just make a normal game like on pc and consoles and then you can charge like 15$?
Blitz Brigade runs great on my L920 with low settings :D...
Too bad you have to pay for everything... You even have to pay to play as a different class or use a different weapon! Why can't you just make a normal game like on pc and consoles and then you can charge like 15$?

Because a signifcant amount of users is less willing to pay initially for an app, but more willing to make in app purchases. Appears to be a great revenue model.
So this thread about Gameloft games, so I downloaded and playing Order & Chaos Duels and found a bug. Ordin of the Plague hero card says if you kill an enemy minion after dealing 7 damage to it, enemy hero takes 5 damage and Ordin heals 5 health, but Ordin don't heal after killing an minion, but deals 5 damage to enemy hero. And I played till lvl 10 with this hero, and he never got a heal from killing an enemy minion. But once I got the heal and here where is the bug. After killing a minion, enemy hero got 5 damage and because he had 4 hp, he died and then Ordin got a heal. And of course it's not that the cards states and it have no reason to get a heal after you already won. And text says clearly if Minion dies, enemy hero get hit, you get heal. Hopefully it get fixed faster than SoonTM.
Ryan, please know that there are many normal, sane people here who are thankful for your presence on these boards. We are also incredibly thankful that Gameloft is supporting our platform. Seriously dude.

We appreciate the Windows community. Honestly, it's given me a good chuckle (:

I've seen threads taking strange turns on WPCentral Forums, weird turns...but this just set the bar... lol!

For sure. This takes the cake on my side of things as well haha!

Yes it has, but you cannot say that I am right, because that is your job.
Huge dissapointment. Playing Gameloft games just stopped.
Feel better that you know for who you work.

I've answered you honestly and to the best of my ability. This ends the conversation on my end. Thanks for your question!

Ryan, Windows Phone 8.1 have a very good things. You can install the game on SD.
Could you do not block this feature in future games?)

I haven't heard of us blocking any features, but I'll know more once Windows Phone 8.1 launches.

@Gameloft_Ryan man I have a problem could you please help me?
I downloaded GT RACING 2 for my phone and its great but when I try to download it on my laptop(WINDOWS 8.1 PRO), it gives me error by saying "Your network is too slow to download this game".
I restarted my laptop several times and it didn't work out.
Even though I downloaded the game on my phone, it was with the same network that is giving me errors on the laptop.
Any suggestions what to do??

That's really weird! I'm not super tech support savvy but I suggest trying to retry connecting to your network. It might just need to refresh to be able to download the game from the store. If that doesn't work you'll need to check with our support team for some more assistance. They might have some insight into this issue!

@Ryan speaking of gameloft, why does the gameloft logo have different colour in different games like blue and black (sometimes even red) and mostly high graphic games have black background and most common low graphic games have blue background (there are some exceptions) ... Is it the developer team choice?? Simply interested in gameloft :) ;)

A while back we had ways to differentiate the "hardcore" versus "casual" games and that's where the logo differences came into play. Now I think it's just which one looks better with the look of the game.

Hey,Ryan!Do you have date on updates of BB,GTR2,HOC?

No, these games just launched so I'm not sure when the team is looking to launch updates.

Hey Ryan i have another question i seen all those latest games from most of the top developers including gameloft being more than 500mb or more... Will the future be games worth more and not small because i mostly love the games like green farm, my little pony, and kingdoms and lords .. These are low graphic games but they have their style,.. Will there be an extinction of cute funny games???..

We still put out some smaller size games on occasion. I don't think we will stop doing smaller games, but just for the immediate future our updates and launches are focused on some of the bigger games we make.

Hey Ryan I lost some of the gold coins and diamond in rival knights
Yesterday I was having around 900 of gold coins and 41 diamonds(10 by gameloft,5 after beating the first king or some guy don't remember exactly , 25 for connecting to facebook and one for beating another knight in one chance challenge) now it shows around 500 of gold coins and 10 diamonds.
Can you let your dev team know about it?
And guys anyone having this issue??
Sent from my RM-914_im_india_269 using Tapatalk

I think that might be a server desync issue on our end. Definitely contact our support team and they should be able to check the latest information on the server before the issue happened and restore your account/currency. This is an issue the team is aware of and working on last I heard.

I (and many others) would appreciate an update to Order and Chaos as it is pretty much unplayable do to the icon issue. If Gameloft is going to charge people for a broken game with no update in the near future It needs to be made clear that it isn't working properly. I will not be purchasing any more Gameloft titles until it is fixed. Good Day.

Yup! Lots of people have been asking about it and I've made sure that my Windows contacts all know that O&C fans everywhere are ready for the update.

Ryan,please please remove the online only restriction from games which also offer single player campaigns(eg:-Rival Knights,Order and Chaos Duels,that pony game,GT Racing 2{I think it is online only})
I don't remember correctly but I think the last offline games I played from Gameloft were probably Asphalt 8 and Minion Rush. :(
I really don't have an issue with most of your recent games supporting 1Gb ram devices only but I can't even play the Gameloft games which are supported on my device now :'(
I play games when I don't have internet connection,simple as that.If I had internet connection all the time I would probably never play phone games,and other many other GL gamers also feel the same way.So please remove this online only restriction. :(
I think customer satisfaction is more important than stopping hacking.Hackers find a way through anyway,just saying :/

Both MLP and GTR2 just require connections to authenticate the game AFAIK. As for the other games that require a connection, the Devs made the decision to go with that and will for the immediate future. If anything should change I'll be sure to update you all.

Asphalt 8 and Minion Rush both require a connection at start up as well for authentication (:

Can someone please answer the following two questions regarding GT Racing 2?

1. How much space does it require for installation. Because i have 1.86GB of free space on my phone memory, but it still says "not enough memory". There isn't much else i can move around/delete.

2. Does it require an always-on internet connection to play? If so, is that for ALL the modes or just one particular mode in the game?

1- GTR2 will require around 3-4 gigs of space to unpack and then install correctly. This is the same for all platforms and out of our control as developers.

2- I mentioned this above, but AFAIK, GTR2 only requires a connection on start up to make sure the game is a legit copy and not a hacked one.

So this thread about Gameloft games, so I downloaded and playing Order & Chaos Duels and found a bug. Ordin of the Plague hero card says if you kill an enemy minion after dealing 7 damage to it, enemy hero takes 5 damage and Ordin heals 5 health, but Ordin don't heal after killing an minion, but deals 5 damage to enemy hero. And I played till lvl 10 with this hero, and he never got a heal from killing an enemy minion. But once I got the heal and here where is the bug. After killing a minion, enemy hero got 5 damage and because he had 4 hp, he died and then Ordin got a heal. And of course it's not that the cards states and it have no reason to get a heal after you already won. And text says clearly if Minion dies, enemy hero get hit, you get heal. Hopefully it get fixed faster than SoonTM.

Since this game is a fresh launch this is the first time I'm seeing this issue. Please let our support team know about it with any screenshots or supporting information you might have. It will definitely help us speed up the fixing process! Thanks (:
Ryan,please please remove the online only restriction from games which also offer single player campaigns(eg:-Rival Knights,Order and Chaos Duels,that pony game,GT Racing 2{I think it is online only})
I don't remember correctly but I think the last offline games I played from Gameloft were probably Asphalt 8 and Minion Rush. :(
I really don't have an issue with most of your recent games supporting 1Gb ram devices only but I can't even play the Gameloft games which are supported on my device now :'(
I play games when I don't have internet connection,simple as that.If I had internet connection all the time I would probably never play phone games,and other many other GL gamers also feel the same way.So please remove this online only restriction. :(
I think customer satisfaction is more important than stopping hacking.Hackers find a way through anyway,just saying :/

GT Racing can be played offline. :D And I agree with you word to word.

@Ryan When will TASM2 be back to the store?
Guys, how much space Order & Chaos: Duels takes up on the mobile, after installation?
I don't wanna waste the bandwidth when it tries to install and get the error like "It needs more space".
@Ryan Does Order and Chaos Duels something like guilds or clans? And if not, is Gameloft considering to add such a feature in the future?
Hey Ryan is there any new news on the asphalt overdrive? Is there any leak like how the game will go like seasons or story based
Hi Ryan,

Just started the game and I am having a few graphical issues on GT Racing 2, I have a Lumia 1520 running Windows 8.0 and in all the races I have tried so far in the Alfa Romeo Mito series the cars in front of me on the track keep vanishing, the shadows for the cars are still there on the track and when you get close to the shadow the car magically appears again. Also on the Cote D'Azur track the sea is back and glitches over the screen, The Lake Como the sky is all black. It is very off putting.

Are you aware of these issues?

Also another request for Moga Pro support this game would be awesome with it. The support for Moga makes Asphalt 8 a superb experience.

Keep up the excellent work pumping out the Windows games loving it.
Guys, how much space Order & Chaos: Duels takes up on the mobile, after installation?
I don't wanna waste the bandwidth when it tries to install and get the error like "It needs more space".

Guys, anyone????
@Ryan GT racing 2 for Android & iOS has been updated with new cars and leagues.. Will we get those new content along with the upcoming 512mb update or after?

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