Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

Are you using the same MS account you used to purchase it on Windows? I purchased MC5 on WP first and shortly thereafter the Windows version, which let me install the game without having to pay again. Should be the very same the other way round.
Yep. Same Microsoft account on my Nokia Phone, Surface, and Xbox
Hello Ryan,

Do you have any updates on the crashing issue with Rival Knights? It has been almost a full month and I have not been able to play the game. I cannot play the game on Windows or on Windows Phone. My Windows Phone that I try to play it on is an AT&T Lumia 1520 with Windows Phone 8.1+Lumia Cyan.

I contacted Gameloft support and never heard anything back from them. I have uninstalled the game several times and even a hard reset, switch from 8.1 Dev Preview to 8.1/Cyan didn't fix it for WP and the desktop version doesn't load either.

Also, I have the same text issue with GT Racing 2 after upgrading to WP 8.1+Cyan. The text in GT Racing 2 is completely corrupted so I cannot play the game either.

On a merrier note, Modern Combat 5 is flawless on all fronts, account sync is working perfectly and almost instantly when switching from phone to tablet to desktop. Resuming works well on WP and the game is stable and loads every time and the graphics, sound and gameplay are stellar. I hope to see Rival Knights and GT Racing 2 meet the high standards that MC5 has set.

The Amazing Spider 2 is performing as expected after the latest update. I only experience one crash during gameplay and that happened when I went into a free fall from the highest point in the sky in a densely populated area.

As always,

Thank you for your time.
Okay folks, I'm back. Sorry for the brief hiatus, my schedule was a little hectic with the MC5 launch and a few other projects I've been working on. It's time to get down to business...

@Gameloft_Ryan hey Ryan I have two questions, one is that what's the issue going on with Asphalt 8?? The guy who mentioned the bug was present and still present in my game the whole time. After the latest update its happening. I thought it was due to 8.1, but I downgraded to 8.0 and still the problem exists. The problem is simple. When you launch the game,music bar is set to 0! and main music bar is @ 50%. No matter how much I tweak those settings when I play that game after closing the bug appears again. So any ideas???? And NO REINSTALL will nit fix it too.
Second will the MC5 cup of Venice in Asphalt 8 will also be available to W8/Wp8 or no??

Yes, my understanding is that this is something that will be addressed with the next update. I also know I'm a little late on this, but the A8 team only ran that promotion for iOS and Android.

Why I am unable to download free n.o.v.a.3, order and chaos and other free gameloft games on my Lumia 1320

I'll need to check the devices that are eligible, but it's possible the 1320 isn't part of it, or the promotion has ended. I know the date has changed a few times so I can't remember exactly when.

Reading some reviews for MC5 and it looks like its a very impressive game. Bravo Gameloft.
'Modern Combat 5: Blackout' for iOS, Android and Windows Phone game review - GSMArena Blog

@Ryan As stated in the above review,

"Unfortunately, the game does not work offline, which is simply absurd. You should at least be able to get access to the single player mode but you are out of luck if you are out of network or Wi-Fi coverage"

..please consider letting us play this game's single player mode offline. (Wifi/mobile data + high intensive gaming will kill the battery and no net connection scenarios makes it useless for people like me)

I'm not sure if I've talked about this topic in this thread so let me explain why this probably won't happen: MC5 features a Unified Progression system which means when you level up in single player, you see those benefits in multiplayer. The reason we require a constant connection is because it gives us better control over hacks, cheating, and anything else that might give players a leg up by doing something "offline" in the singleplayer.

We are really trying to be proactive with MC5 (and other games now too) in preventing hacking/cheating so our players stand a fighting chance in multiplayer events. I know it's not ideal in all situations, but this is our first big attempt at seeing if this type of system is healthy or unhealthy for the MC series.

Hi Ryan

For GT Racing 2
The notification frequency is not as bad as it used to be but I still consider it an annoyance that I do not have control.
No other game/app I use behaves in this manner.
Maybe its a 8.1 preview issue.
I'll be wiping the phone in a couple of weeks anyhow so I'll wait until I'm running 8.1 official to raise this bug again
I appreciate your effort in dealing with this minor issue.

Sounds good, please let me know what you find out. If the notification rate is still too high I can definitely flag the issue again.

Well are you sure? If yes then thanks for helping out for me and others.
I tried several times to contact gameloft @twitter but unfortunately no reply.

Sorry, we have a variety of people posting on there and I usually respond, but my priorities are shifting so it's unclear as to who will be handling responses on the main GL feedback. In the meantime, feel free to post here or PM me on WPC!


May you kindly ask the Windows Phone development teams to enable 1080p resolution in their games? The games work on 1080p devices such as the Lumia 1520, 930, Icon but the resolution is 720p at best. This causes otherwise great graphics to be rough around the edges and blurry whereas the games look perfect on 720P devices.

Also, may you ask them to enable graphical settings in the option menu the same way they have the option to do so on Android? I would like to run games on maximum graphical settings (with 1080p resolution as well) on my Lumia 1520. I can see a clear difference in resolution on my 1080p Android phone and my 1080p Windows Phone and both devices have the Snapdragon 800 processor. The Windows Phone versions look worse due to a lower native resolution on a higher resolution screen.

Thank you for your time and dedication to Windows Phone consumers.

I'll mention it but I can't make any promises!

Hi Ryan,

Old Rule the Kingdom player here and wondering if it will ever see an update? Put a lot of hours into that game, but there's some serious problems that prevent me from doing some of the quests or getting to the end. I know it's old, but just thought I'd ask anyway!

Thank you!

Hi there! I haven't seen anything regarding an update for the game. If you've encountered any specific issues, please feel free to post here or PM me the details and I'm more than happy to ask about it (:

Hey ryan. When the gt racing 2 released for 512 mb ram? And there is no future update for asphalt 7 in wp8?

GTR2 - Not sure yet because I haven't seen a time frame for the first update to the game.
A7 - More than likely no. I believe the Asphalt team is now focused on keeping A8 up to date, but if you've run across a problem with A7, please let me know!

Anyone know if Modern Combat 5 for Windows RT/8 supports Xbox Controllers?

Yes! It's the only version of the game with native controller support at launch actually. iOS and Android have some controllers that work, but aren't officially supported by us.

Glad to see modern combat 5 come out without IAP's.
Would gameloft revisit the first Spiderman and batman games and modern combat 4 and get rid of the IAP's there too? Make all the content available? I spent $21 on those 3 games, expecting a complete package. Will your deliver Ryan?

I'm sorry, but as of right now, we don't have any plans to re-do the in-apps in those older titles ):

OMG Modern Combat 5: Blackout runs on ARM processors! I bought it earlier today on my 1020 while at work, and am totally delighted to find it available and ready to install as a "universal app" on my Surface 2! Thank you Gameloft!

Yay for ARM processors! Yay for the first Universal Gameloft app!

Hey Ryan, at this point you're probably sick of seeing my screen name because previously I've been playing exclusively complaints and suggestions. Well this time is different.

Modern Combat 5 of WP8 is simply phenomenal. Like I don't know how you guys did it. Seriously. The graphics and frame rate defy the limitations of the Snapdragon S4 on my HTC 8X. They're brilliant. Also, all the little control enhancements and interface changes make everything so much easier to navigate. And no in-app purchases! I could go through everything I love about this game so far, but you already know everything in the game. I wish it could be played offline, but it'll definitely pass a ton of time at work. (don't read this, boss! :o) Props to you guys.

I rarely get sick of seeing screen names, so no worries. If I stopped seeing them, I'd be out of a job! Glad you're enjoying MC5 btw :D

Any chance Order and Chaos will be updated for Icon/1520/930?

Yes, it's on the to-do list for our Windows team, it's just taking a bit longer than expected ):

Hey Ryan!, is there a chance that modern combat 5 will come out for 512mb ram devices?

I posted about this earlier in the thread, but since the game is actually out it's probably good to address this again: No, MC5 will not be coming out for 512mb devices. I'm sorry to bring the bad news ):

Hey Ryan. You guys should remove the 512 limitation for modern combat 4. Im able to Play it by using a modified xap. But i want to buy it! I tested it as a developer xap. But if you remove the limitation i bet that lots of 512 users will buy it. You guys are losing a lot of money for an easy modification on the xap. Same with amazing spiderman. Hope you can pasa this up.

So we put restrictions on games based on feedback from the game teams. In MC4's case, they felt 512mb devices wouldn't be able to optimally play the game. I'm not sure what the modified .xap includes so run it at your own risk.

@Ryan Are there any plans to release Order & Chaos Duels for Windows 8? I'd love to be able to play it on my Surface Pro.
Sent from my RM-875_eu_euro2_299 using Tapatalk

I can't confirm anything at this point, but we'll have to wait and see... (;

So the bazillion of us that can no longer launch Rival Knights; are we correct in thinking we should just delete this app and forget about it? Because apparently Gameloft has already taken that stance...

Definitely not. I know for a fact the team is trying to address the crashing issue for the Windows users. It's taken our team some time to ID and reproduce the issue on our end, hence the long-ish period of time before a fix has been pushed out.

As I've mentioned to others on this thread, the more information our support team gets from people who are experiencing issues, the better!

Hello Ryan,

Do you have any updates on the crashing issue with Rival Knights? It has been almost a full month and I have not been able to play the game. I cannot play the game on Windows or on Windows Phone. My Windows Phone that I try to play it on is an AT&T Lumia 1520 with Windows Phone 8.1+Lumia Cyan.

I contacted Gameloft support and never heard anything back from them. I have uninstalled the game several times and even a hard reset, switch from 8.1 Dev Preview to 8.1/Cyan didn't fix it for WP and the desktop version doesn't load either.

Also, I have the same text issue with GT Racing 2 after upgrading to WP 8.1+Cyan. The text in GT Racing 2 is completely corrupted so I cannot play the game either.

On a merrier note, Modern Combat 5 is flawless on all fronts, account sync is working perfectly and almost instantly when switching from phone to tablet to desktop. Resuming works well on WP and the game is stable and loads every time and the graphics, sound and gameplay are stellar. I hope to see Rival Knights and GT Racing 2 meet the high standards that MC5 has set.

The Amazing Spider 2 is performing as expected after the latest update. I only experience one crash during gameplay and that happened when I went into a free fall from the highest point in the sky in a densely populated area.

As always,

Thank you for your time.

See above regarding Rival Knights. It's still on our to-do list and it's a game we are all excited about, so getting these problems addressed is important! I know it's not the best practice, but when reporting a bug, our support team may or may not reach out to you depending on if they need more information. I assure you that they have taken your information and relayed it to the appropriate people, but please accept my apologies if you (or anyone else in this thread) have reported a bug and didn't hear back.

Ok...That about does it for now I think. Phew! Time to get a snack and play a round of MC5!
Ryan r the updates for xbox games like six guns n uno n frnds cumin??? Cus they havnt been updated in like almost a yr. Secondly, wen r the updates for gtr2 n bb cumin?
I really hate it when people type like that, and being on a mobile device is no excuse. I'd wager that the majority of us are posting from touch screen devices.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. Typos, wrong grammar and the like are absolutely okay, since not everybody is a native English speaker (neither am I). But reading posts like the example above is a pain in the ***.
That's beside the point pls dnt go off topic. Btw Ryan can u pls tell us how soon r the updates for the games I mentioned cumin?
That's beside the point pls dnt go off topic. Btw Ryan can u pls tell us how soon r the updates for the games I mentioned cumin?

It may certainly be offtopic, but I believe everyone should have the manners to write in a way that doesn't require a decyphering specialist to read a post.

Would it be possible for the Modern Combat 5 team to push out a version that has the graphics toned down or something where users have this option in the game so that those with the Adreno 225 SOC can have a smooth framerate and better controls? I hate that in order to have a good experience we are forced to either get a huge phablet (like the 1520) or the 930/Icon (which is not on ATT). I am waiting on a device I can afford and can get off contract, but still want to be able to enjoy my 920 until that day comes. I am glad Windows Phone is at least supported, but I know the Adreno 225 can handle this type of game because the Galaxy S3 can and has the same exact SOC (American version).
@Ryan (or anyone else who might know more about it)

I've just installed GT Racing 2 on my Lumia 1020. I used to play it on my 1520 before (which is now on its way to get its cracked screen replaced). Even though I logged in on Facebook, it doesn't sync my progress. Am I missing something or isn't it supported?
@Ryan (or anyone else who might know more about it)

I've just installed GT Racing 2 on my Lumia 1020. I used to play it on my 1520 before (which is now on its way to get its cracked screen replaced). Even though I logged in on Facebook, it doesn't sync my progress. Am I missing something or isn't it supported?
I guess it isnt supported as someone mention this before that it only sync in-app purchases not progress.
Ah, right, I remember. I should've duh through the thread before posting. My bad. :/ Thanks, man.

Hahaha it happens to everyone.
But they should implement the sync of progress across devices like we have in asphalt 8 so it would be much easy to play on all devices.
Hahaha it happens to everyone.
But they should implement the sync of progress across devices like we have in asphalt 8 so it would be much easy to play on all devices.

Agreed, especially since Facebook connectivity is already there anyways.
Agreed, especially since Facebook connectivity is already there anyways.
Btw what happens if you reinstall the gtr2 on the same device.
Does it show warning message like local data is different then the current data which we get in asphalt 8 or do we need to start from beginning.

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