Hi Ryan,
I'm giving up on the German Gameloft support team. :/ Could you please work your magic? Here's what happened:
Last Thursday I was playing Order & Chaos Duels with my Ork Cleric. I tried to get past 13/30 on the last section of the campaign for what felt like the 50th attempt. And wow, all of a sudden I won against this heck of an imbalanced enemy.

I exit the game and wanted to pick it up again a couple of hours later. To my surprise I found myself back in the tutorial. All my heroes, cards, runes and gold gone for good. I played through the tutorial, disconnected from Gameloft Live and Facebook and reconnected again. Unfortunately to no avail. My entire game progress was lost. So I opened a ticket through customer care and waited. 4 days later, still no reply. So I wrote again and finally got a reply just an hour or two later. I was asked for additional account information, which I immediately provided. Then the waiting game continued. After I didn't hear anything back for more than 24 hours, I wrote another email. Still nothing.
See, all I want is my game progress back, as I've played for many hours and am not interested the slightest in starting all over again. -_-
The ticket ID is 8523790