Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

Saw your post with the ticket number. I'll see who I can talk to so you get a response!

Hi Ryan,

thank you. I've just received a reply. According to the support team the devs are aware of the losing all progress issue. I received 200k Gold (which was pretty much the amount I had) and 4000 runes. While this is nice, it's definitely not really helpful, as there's little doubt I won't be able to get the cards I used in my decks back by spending 4000 runes on 20 booster packs. Not to mention that I had only 16 more fights left until completing the entire campaign. Now I'm back at the very start. -_-
It'll be in October & might support 1 gb ram initially, eventually they'll update for 512 Mb ram, I suppose
Hi everybody,
sorry if this isn't the right place, I've looked around and couldn't find anything. If there are already topics strictly about Aspalt 8, I'll be glad to post there.

I just wanted some hints about the game, I was frankly astonished about the lack of forums and discussions about it (except for a really large Iphone A8 forum on another site). Not even on gameloft website I could find a decent forum, just a bazillion messages of "account banned".. sigh..

anyway, I just wanted to know if my game is right or not:
1) is it ok not to have city havoc and the "flashy" effect of nitro in Aspalt 8 on Wp?
2) after the last update, all the car upgrades went much more expensive. Again, is this right or something like a bug?
3) is there any way to uninstall the update or to install a previous version with the cheaper prices of car updates? (I'm sorry for gameloft, but I've been a paying costumer for some time, and I feel that the company is making fun of me... )
4) is it just me, or multiplayer is a mess? everything seems decided from your place in line at start (unless you're boosted), using different cars is just a waste of time, it always comes down to survolt or fXX evo, other players glitching around, you don't expel other players even when you hit them at full nitro but sometimes they just touch you and wow, you're gone... etc). Also even when you win you're lucky to get 1500 credits unless you're something like 60 levels..

Sorry if I was long, but I have the sensation that many of the aforementioned things are just too strange for a class A game like this, I really hope they depend on my phone ahaha (by the way, it's a Nokia Lumia 630(.
thanx for the answers!
Hi everybody,
sorry if this isn't the right place, I've looked around and couldn't find anything. If there are already topics strictly about Aspalt 8, I'll be glad to post there.

I just wanted some hints about the game, I was frankly astonished about the lack of forums and discussions about it (except for a really large Iphone A8 forum on another site). Not even on gameloft website I could find a decent forum, just a bazillion messages of "account banned".. sigh..

anyway, I just wanted to know if my game is right or not:
1) is it ok not to have city havoc and the "flashy" effect of nitro in Aspalt 8 on Wp?
2) after the last update, all the car upgrades went much more expensive. Again, is this right or something like a bug?
3) is there any way to uninstall the update or to install a previous version with the cheaper prices of car updates? (I'm sorry for gameloft, but I've been a paying costumer for some time, and I feel that the company is making fun of me... )
4) is it just me, or multiplayer is a mess? everything seems decided from your place in line at start (unless you're boosted), using different cars is just a waste of time, it always comes down to survolt or fXX evo, other players glitching around, you don't expel other players even when you hit them at full nitro but sometimes they just touch you and wow, you're gone... etc). Also even when you win you're lucky to get 1500 credits unless you're something like 60 levels..

Sorry if I was long, but I have the sensation that many of the aforementioned things are just too strange for a class A game like this, I really hope they depend on my phone ahaha (by the way, it's a Nokia Lumia 630(.
thanx for the answers!

I have Dubai update, but not the recent update they released yesterday. City havoc is fine, I have flashy effect on nitro. Cars are normally priced, most important, multiplayer is fine, here are some tips to be the best in multiplayer
1. Don't upgrade a car to max, in multiplayer you get almost same ranked cars to race with, if you upgrade your car to max, there is a high possibility that you'll come up with opponents of next class, with better cars
2. I don't use any boosters, still have a good rating. Reason? Increase the acceleration of a car to max, upgrade speed 2 or 3 times not more, & make sure, you have the best handling car, otherwise you'll lose for sure even with a faster car. Also try to buy a car with more nitro, its really helpful
3. Opponents only can knock you out when they are on full nitro, & you are not on nitro, so even if they touch you, you'll be knocked out(wrecked), same is applicable vice versa
4. I use McLaren 12C spider, not upgraded fully, still I beat opponents with Lamborghini veneno, Ferrari evoluzione.
You can only win multiplayer smartly, not by upgrading your car to max
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Yes and I think some ppl wont grab yesterday's update cuz 1gb again is a waste of time since most ppl dont have bugs! :/

I already wasted 2 Gb on gt racing 2, because 1 st time it didn't install, 1 Gb for Dubai update, & I am not gonna update asphalt 8 again because there are no bugs, so no point. I might update it next month though, but surely not soon enough
ah, so it's really a bug that I don't have any city havoc or blur effect on nitro.. it seems very strange

About multiplayer: yeah I try to keep my cars down (however, now, with the 9th season it will be a bit difficult) but no matter what, I always end up against survolts with b, C and bad A cars, or F Evo with good A cars or S cars.
Only exceptions are average D cars, too slow for survolts, and the class A mclaren (not the 450k credits one). Usually the mclaren is the best, maybe aslphalt algorithm can't match it with survolt level cars and they're not fast enough for S level cars.
So, after all you either use a mini, a mito or an untapped D-nissan, or the mclaren, or the survolt.. doesn't seem so "fine" to me :-)
ah, so it's really a bug that I don't have any city havoc or blur effect on nitro.. it seems very strange

About multiplayer: yeah I try to keep my cars down (however, now, with the 9th season it will be a bit difficult) but no matter what, I always end up against survolts with b, C and bad A cars, or F Evo with good A cars or S cars.
Only exceptions are average D cars, too slow for survolts, and the class A mclaren (not the 450k credits one). Usually the mclaren is the best, maybe aslphalt algorithm can't match it with survolt level cars and they're not fast enough for S level cars.
So, after all you either use a mini, a mito or an untapped D-nissan, or the mclaren, or the survolt.. doesn't seem so "fine" to me :-)

I am not in season 9, still in 7. I don't play asphalt much nowadays, I play gt racing 2 mostly. As far as McLaren cars are concerned, they are fast, good to handle. Don't always go with the top speed, they have very good nitro which help you maintain good speed, beat S class cars. I don't pick survolt because all of them use it( I think many of them got the trick), I don't use any D class or C in multiplayer. I use only McLaren 12c spider in multiplayer, not bought McLaren P1. Also in single player I am able to beat opponents with a much higher rank than me. The worst opponents are in events, very tough to beat
Yes,and so does his signature at the bottom of his replies.That's why this thread was made so we could ask him questions and voice our concerns.He's the community manager for Gameloft in North America as far as I remember.

Man, don't kid other users. We all know Ryan is a full time Illuminati. ;P
Hey Ryan I have a question regarding Total Conquest. Can you ask the guys that are working on the WP version if there will be any updates to optimize the game for new hardware like my lumia 930? The game as awful performance at what looks likes 10-15 fps. How is this justified when more graphically intensive games like A8 and MC5 run great? Btw I already asked Gameloft support but they didn't actually answer my question at all in their reply...
Man, don't kid other users. We all know Ryan is a full time Illuminati. ;P

The signs are everywhere for those who are pure of mind and trying trying to purge themselves from satanic Gameloft games :p

For those who don't understand,turn to page 27 of this thread(Page 27 according to laptop/desktop)


P.S:Sorry for messing with your avatar,Ryan,the opportunity was too good to resist :P
Ryan first i want to say tank you for the "perfect GT racing 2" and you can tell devs to go to remove the game from store ...
First time when i downloaded the game it worked nice i made lv 10 and i had cars bought with cash (i had a total of 1000 cash used in game for cars tunning making my own team bla bla )but then started to lag spamming me to play the game so i unisstaled it now i downloaded the game again and even after i Logged In again with facebook account my cash my cars were gone (I had a lot of them for few days of play) but I love they still keeped my useless team group -clan...but my cars were gone no more cash 💰 I had to start the game again .That's unacceptable for a Gameloft product .Ill upload pics with my cash cars after I come to PC .

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