Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

Try searching for it in the store. It's not there and its not under the gameloft collection. It has this weird text corruption glitch on my 1520 and I uninstalled it to reinstall but it's no longer there. Ryan?

I can still see it. Maybe removed for 1080p devices.
I give you to christmas to fix some games, and especially Order & Chaos original. After that I will go on the war path to reclaim my money from all the Gameloft games currently bugging me. I have had such huge faith in the company in the past and bought all there games, even bought in-game stuff (you always loose) to support and have fun, but they continue to let there customers down with non functional games.

I hear you. I'm doing my best to make sure the Windows team is aware of the issues and that they set aside the appropriate amount of resources to fix issues. However, in the meantime, if you have any issues with support feel free to let me know. PM me your Support Ticket ID Number and I'm more than happy to help make sure you get a refund if that's what you're looking for.

Try searching for it in the store. It's not there and its not under the gameloft collection. It has this weird text corruption glitch on my 1520 and I uninstalled it to reinstall but it's no longer there. Ryan?

I haven't heard anything about Asphalt 7 being removed, but I'll double check and see what's going on. Will post back when I get an answer!

EDIT: Yes, Asphalt 7 was pulled form the store for the 1520.
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I hope you guys are making optimizations for Modern Combat 5. Lagging on my Lumia 920...I KIND OF understand because it is an outdated chipset (though, with time dedicated to optimizing the game, it could still run smooth just fine). However, there is NO REASON this game should lag on my Lumia Icon. I have no idea why Gameloft keeps doing these lazy ports from other platforms and not even spending a small amount of time to optimize for Windows Phone, but it is really getting old and really has me considering picking up a Nexus or iPhone as a side device. It is a shame that we get the worst app quality on Windows Phone because of some cheap high school popularity contests.

​Don't waste time porting the app and "supporting the platform" if you're just going to make it run terrible and then complain "there aren't enough users to justify putting resources into optimizing the app"; just don't even bring it over in the first place...
Since the jelly lab update of Despicable Me: Minion Rush in August I'm not able to run the game on any of my Windows 8.1 PC's (2 desktop PC's, 1 laptop). The support website says they are aware of the problem and they are working on it. Four updates later it's still not working! The support isn't able to give a useful answer to any questions.
Does anyone in this community managed to get it to work after experiencing that problem? Is there any workaround? The one on the website isn't working.
I hear you. I'm doing my best to make sure the Windows team is aware of the issues and that they set aside the appropriate amount of resources to fix issues. However, in the meantime, if you have any issues with support feel free to let me know. PM me your Support Ticket ID Number and I'm more than happy to help make sure you get a refund if that's what you're looking for.

I haven't heard anything about Asphalt 7 being removed, but I'll double check and see what's going on. Will post back when I get an answer!

EDIT: Yes, Asphalt 7 was pulled form the store for the 1520.

Ryan any idea why it was removed?
RYAN Six Guns man come on just please push these lazy devs to work faster I they work on it .Send them tickets Messages Emails just spam . Is bad to let such a great game In dust .
Hey Ryan I'm back with a total conquest issue, however it's not about performance this time, this issue is way more serious as it's destroying core gameplay mechanics.

So my legion is at war right now but it's pretty much unwinnable as the enemy legion is using an exploit we've dubbed "using jumpers". Essentially they are having people join and leave their legion repeatedly so they can do way more war battles and rack up way more war glory. It's literally impossible for us to beat them.

I can think of two solutions which shouldn't be a big hassle to implement:
1. The amount of cooldown time you have to wait after each war battle shouldn't be affected by leaving/joining a legion.
2. When you leave a legion you have to wait a couple hours before you can join a new legion.

I really hope you can get this through to the devs because this exploit is seriously ruining the game atm.

Thanks Ryan!
Good news spider man unlimited now available for 512mb ram devices.
Edit: After playing it for an hour I found sometimes touch becomes unresponsive. Then I asked my brother to download it on his android same experience there
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The Halloween update of Spider Man Unlimited broke the game.
It barely registers my swipes and the music is III of sync sometimes.
RYAN Six Guns man come on just please push these lazy devs to work faster I they work on it .Send them tickets Messages Emails just spam . Is bad to let such a great game In dust .

I have done all of that, I promise you. I'll keep on doing it though!

Hey Ryan I'm back with a total conquest issue, however it's not about performance this time, this issue is way more serious as it's destroying core gameplay mechanics.

So my legion is at war right now but it's pretty much unwinnable as the enemy legion is using an exploit we've dubbed "using jumpers". Essentially they are having people join and leave their legion repeatedly so they can do way more war battles and rack up way more war glory. It's literally impossible for us to beat them.

I can think of two solutions which shouldn't be a big hassle to implement:
1. The amount of cooldown time you have to wait after each war battle shouldn't be affected by leaving/joining a legion.
2. When you leave a legion you have to wait a couple hours before you can join a new legion.

I really hope you can get this through to the devs because this exploit is seriously ruining the game atm.

Thanks Ryan!

Thanks for mentioning this! I'll raise it with the team and see if this is something they've identified on their end as an issue. If not, they'll need to work on a fix.

The Halloween update of Spider Man Unlimited broke the game.
It barely registers my swipes and the music is III of sync sometimes.

What device are you on?

Spider Man Unlimited lags so badly in Lumia 620...its unplayable....

With the most recent update?
Spider Man Unlimited lags so badly in Lumia 620...its unplayable....

I downloaded the game tonight on my little 520, and it plays just fine for me. Considering this is an extremely low end device with 512mb of ram, I'm quite happy with the game. Ryan, be sure to tell the guys you work with thanks for supporting us, and thanks to you as well for putting up with what can sometimes be an unbearable, demanding bunch.

I made a vid of the game running on my phone. It loads a little slow, but the phone is slow to begin with. Towards the end of the video it looks like it's not registering my swipes, but it's my fault because I can't even see the screen and am not swiping properly. There's another phone in my line of site that's blocking my view.

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