I downloaded the game tonight on my little 520, and it plays just fine for me. Considering this is an extremely low end device with 512mb of ram, I'm quite happy with the game. Ryan, be sure to tell the guys you work with thanks for supporting us, and thanks to you as well for putting up with what can sometimes be an unbearable, demanding bunch.
I made a vid of the game running on my phone. It loads a little slow, but the phone is slow to begin with. Towards the end of the video it looks like it's not registering my swipes, but it's my fault because I can't even see the screen and am not swiping properly. There's another phone in my line of site that's blocking my view.
Glad to see it's running well on your phone! I know others are saying they are still having issues, so it's possible it's device specific or a small case of a bug we haven't pinpointed yet that's only affecting a handful of users.
It's there for me in store, but text looks ****ty on my 930. Is there something we can do to make Gameloft repair that?
There is the same problem with GTR2. 2 of my favorite games are screwed!
So the game has been removed and based on what I've heard it will not be going back in to the store. I'll raise the text issue with one of our teams to see if this is something we can fix on our end with another update.
yes with latest update in Lumia 620...it lags so badly
Okay, thanks for letting me know! Sorry to hear that's it is lagging really badly though!
Hey Ryan can i get a refund on MC5 ? I bought it for my Lumia 1520 but now i changed for 930 and the game is not in the store i played just 2 missions.
I saw from other people that Gameloft claims its not compatible with 930 which is a joke since ICON and 1520 are the same like 930.
Yup, you can definitely get a refund for MC5. Contact our Customer Care and let them know that with your new phone the game isn't available and you want a refund. If you don't get an answer after a day or two, PM me your Support ID Ticket ID and I'll follow up on it for you.
@ryan just saw a video of the game play of Spiderman unlimited in Lumia 520 posted by @visa declined in this thread ......there is no way gameplay is as smooth as seen in the video in my Lumia 620. Since @Anshu Goel also having same issue with same device Lumia 620. Could it be a device specific issue?
It's possible it could be a device specific issue. I'm going to be in contact with the Windows team this week and I'll raise the problem with them.
Btw, a suggestion for Gameloft_Ryan: Why can't gameloft provide an option in in-game for graphics to set low/mid/high for all devices?
To be honest that's only something we tend to do on Android because of the device fragmentation. We don't do it on iOS and to my knowledge, we don't do it on Windows Phones. Not sure why, I just think it's something our Developers have decided. I can ask about it though for clarification!
I'm clearly not the only person affected by the removal of Asphalt 7. I had the text corruption issue too. Can we have an explanation please Ryan? Can we expect to see it back in the store anytime soon?
So the short answer is no, it won't be back in the store. However, I will ask if we can get an update out for the game to fix the text corruption issue. As I said above, I'll be in contact with the Windows team this week and I'll see what they say!
Also - regarding the Total Conquest glitch that was posted earlier: The Dev teams are aware of it and addressing it with the next update! Once I get a time frame on it I'll try to let you all know