Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

Asphalt 8: Airborne and Despicable me: Minion Rush next to receive Xbox live!

Was about to post just this! Both games have started to show up in the Xbox section! 😊

Ryan please do convey my thanks to Gameloft for making Asphalt 8 Airborne an Xbox title! :)


Asphalt 8 updated to v1.7.0.10 becomes another Gameloft game to get Xbox Live
Gifts are coming early this year! Download the new Asphalt 8 update and unwrap all these sweet new features:
- PRO KITS: Take your car?s stats to the limit? then break clear through to the sky!
- 11 NEW CARS: For the first time ever in a video game, drive the Tramontana XTR and Arrinera Hussarya along with other amazing speed machines.
- NEW LOCATION: Race, compete and survive the craziest & most challenging tracks we?ve ever created!
- HOLIDAY RUSH: Feel the winter spirit by burning rubber on 3 winter-themed tracks.
- NEW TOKEN SYSTEM: Nothing is beyond your reach now! Earn tokens to acquire exclusive cars, refill Fuel or buy Boosters. Stock up on tokens by playing events or purchasing them in the Shop.

Asphalt 8: Airborne | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (India)

UPDATE The update is 878MB and it also have a in game download of 283.84MB
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Both Asphalt 8 and Minion Rush have just got Xbox Live brand? Great job, Gameloft! Awesome Christmas gifts!
No matter what I do Asphalt Overdrive sends me notifications like every 20 minutes...all day long even though I have them turned off. And why does it keep asking me who my cell provider is?
Asphalt 8 is not installing....i tried to reset my Lumia 520.also tried Installing through memory card but nothing...only showing retry option
Hey Ryan! Convey my thanks to the Gameloft for making Asphalt 8 an Xbox live game and also for introducing the mind blowing sector 8 location! This is the best location of the game so far! :D and it does not lag a bit on both low-end and high-end! Now the game lags only in Dubai track in low end devices! Hope Gameloft fixes it one day but now the game is awesome! And yes please ask the development team whether they are gonna launch Sector 8 events in Career mode! Thanks! :)
Total Conquest becomes xbox live game on both windows 8/8.1 and WindowsPhone

What?s New:
? The ultimate test of strategy & teamwork
? Battle rival factions across a map of the Empire

? A new unit only available as a Conquest Mode reward
? Explodes upon death & returns to the fight once per battle

? Graphics Upgrade: Environments that are more vibrant & stylized
? Request reinforcements via chat for the exact troops you need

WindowsPhone : Total Conquest | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (India)

windows 8/8.1 Total Conquest app for Windows in the Windows Store

I really like that all these games are being updated with Xbox support.
Gameloft is without a doubt one of my favorite devs on Windows Phone.

I just hope they are planning to add Xbox support to all their upcoming games and update Blitz Brigade, Dungeon Hunter 4, BiA 3 and GT Racing 2.

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