Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

I'm the only one who think that after converting all gameloft games into Xbox ones they will never update them again ?
Did Total Conquest just get downgraded?
I think they took down the recent update as it had many bugs.

Yes, it did. Just a few hours ago, for me. When I check earlier this afternoon, it was still Xbox Live, but now, looks like it's reverted to the previous version.
Yes, it did. Just a few hours ago, for me. When I check earlier this afternoon, it was still Xbox Live, but now, looks like it's reverted to the previous version.

Yup, it was not just this game , but many apps and games reverted to earlier versions.
Maybe, something was wrong with the store, but everything seems to be fixed now!
Yup, it was not just this game , but many apps and games reverted to earlier versions.
Maybe, something was wrong with the store, but everything seems to be fixed now!

Yeah, I did notice that the Store has been acting really weirdly. Example: displaying false numbers of ratings i.e BiA3: SoW displayed as 0 ratings but has many reviews..., random error codes, can't update some apps etc...
I dk... Its been like a month and he Just disappear, past time when ryan go to vacations or busy they post here

He's vanished and returned out of nowhere several times before already. Nothing to worry about. I suppose he's not only responsible for WindowsCentral, but probably other sites as well.
The sky is always clear before a tempest arrives. Brace yourself for a new rain of games. Just saying. :p
Actually, I'm desperately waiting for updates for GTR2 and MC5. :/
Who isn't? I wish i could smash some money on Six Guns but Noooooooo
Hey all! Sorry for the long absence, I was back home for 2 weeks on vacation during the holidays. I'm back now and slowly catching up on everything I missed. I'll be setting aside some time this afternoon to go through the posts I missed while away and doing my best to answer as many as I can!

Hope you all had a great start to 2015 and it feels good to be back! Talk to you all soon :D
Ok - Part 1 of me trying to catch up! I'll finish some other posts later today when I have more time (:

When six guns would pick up an update ???

I will have to ask for an updated road map on what games are getting updates for 2015. When my coworker returns from CES he should be able to give me some insight! Last I heard it was still in our plans, but the timing wasn't locked down. Soon (TM).

Hey Ryan. I don't know if it's just my phone (Lumia 1520) or if it's a bigger issue, but Rival Knights is crashing on the loading screen again. Rebooting didn't fix it.

I believe, as someone else mentioned, that's due to some optimization issues on our end. I'll be sure to flag this and see if we have any updates planned for Rival Knights in the near future.

Hey, Ryan, I have a question. Most of Gameloft games support multiplayer, but as I noticed almost none of them lets Windows Phone players play with iOS/Android players, right? As for Xbox games, I can understand because they are connected via Xbox, which other platforms don't support... But what about non-Xbox games, like Asphalt Overdrive? As I see, it doesn't support cross-platform, either.

That is correct. This is due to the fact that for each OS (iOS/Android/Windows) we have separate servers set up. So regardless of whether a game is Xbox or not, Windows players will be able to play with each other on their phones and their PCs. iOS players will play with iOS players and Android players will only play with Android players. Again, it's just the way our game servers are set up currently.

Hey Ryan,

This not really a big problem or anything but I thought I'd let you know anyway. So I was playing TC when I suddenly get an in-game pop-up message to do a survey. I wanted to do the survey so I could help you guys, turns out there's a couple questions in this survey about the "conquest" mode in the new update... That update isn't even out on Windows Phone... Lol

I just thought it was kind of funny that you guys ask me to do a survey about an update I don't have. :)

Now that I'm here I might as well ask you... When can I expect the new update?

Thanks for your time Ryan.

I'll be working on getting updated with our 2015 updates now that I'm back so fingers crossed I'll have an idea if TC will be getting another update soon. Typically surveys are sent out to all players, regardless of platform and updates >.< Sorry about that, but thank you for participating and giving us feedback!

Spiderman Unlimited seems very smooth after the new update.
Pass my Gratitude to the team!

Yay! They will definitely appreciate the good feedback.

Exclusive: Order & Chaos Online returns next week, new Gameloft games to get Xbox support | Windows Central

You've regained my respect, Gameloft. And also, thanks Ryan! I know this must have your work!

After MANY emails I was so happy to see this update FINALLY go live. Thanks everyone for your patience!

Ryan can you tell us why you don't just update all of yours games to add Xbox integration? Why did you pick just a few ? Is Gameloft going to add Xbox Support to more games ?

Xbox support is similar to controller support. Each Dev team looks at their game and makes the decision if they believe Xbox support would benefit their game in a big way. It takes time (as you all know :P) and resources to implement these features in our games, so that's why you don't see every Gameloft game getting Xbox support.

We are hoping with the new processes and procedures that we can ideally include it in more games. At the end of the day though, it is a decision each Development team makes when they start working on, or updating, their game.

Uno and friends crashes sometimes on Nokia Lumia 521 at the start loading screen. Will also often lose connection in a match even though its a stellar connection on MetroPCS Brandon area of Florida. Running 8.1 Cyan.

I believe this is a 512MB device, right? If so, sometimes if the device hasn't been restarted I've seen players have issue where the game needs more memory then is currently available due to background processes, general usage, etc.. I would recommend trying to restart the device to see if that helps, but nonetheless, thank you for bringing this to my attention!

I know I'm a bit late, but thanks Gameloft for making World at Arms an Xbox game! :)

But I have a problem. After downloading and launching the game, it showed me a strange base. That base was big and its level was quite high, but it's not mine, even the base name isn't mine. It's of someone else. I had to log into Facebook to download my old base, which was small. Problem solved, but it's just weird. Anyone faced similar problem? :/

Ugh! This issue happened on iOS and Android several months ago. If you updated and found you were at a different base, you'll need to go through our support team to make sure your game is reset to reflect YOUR base. That's a bummer to hear that this problem happened on Windows too.

I'll make a note of this with the team and let them know, but in the meantime, contact support to get your own base back.

Hey Ryan any plans on updating Shark Dash for WP? I just played it on Android version and its free and updated!
I paid and have an older version :/

I'll need to check and see if this is in our 2015 update plans. I believe the free version was put out on iOS and Android only because it's Ad Supported, but I can't remember if we had plans to do this for Windows.

Ryan, does Order & Chaos Online support cross-platform multiplayer? Can Windows Phone users play with Android and iOS users?

Sorry to report but O&C Online does not support cross-platform multiplayer. Windows users will be able to play with Windows Phone and Windows PC players.

Hey Ryan.. Great update for O&C Online. :) One question though.. How come the game is still not available for the Lumia 925? I was able to install it on the 1520 and 1320, but it's not even in the store if I look it up on the 925.

Good question! I don't know off-hand why it's not available. I believe it should be, but I'll need to ask when my coworker gets back from CES. Thanks for the question (:


So sorry! I realized when I got back that I didn't tell you all I was going on vacation. Hence the downtime in the thread >.<

Hey Ryan, i got a problem here, Spider-man Unlimited on my phone not show up the event, it show 2 event activated but when i click on a button it show nothing but white blank. Fix fix this.

I'm really sorry to hear that SMU events aren't working for you properly. Have you contacted our support team about this? They should be able to pull all of the necessary device information from you and figure out what's causing this bug. If we don't have a solution for it, we'll work on getting one figured out!

Bryan any news about the update to dungeon hunter 4?

Who is this "Bryan" guy you're talking to?! Is there someone else here?! :P I don't have any news about Dungeon Hunter 4, but I'll be checking on the 2015 update plans for Windows this week. That should give me a better idea of what updates are planned. Oh and what new releases are planned ^.^

Hi! Ryan, I purchased Spiderman 2 from the WP store for $6.99 but after a clean download the game tries to install, the progress bar appears but after 30 seconds it shows attention required, when i tap on it a box noting that "we are having a problem installing this app, if you are updating delete and reinstall the app". I downloaded a fresh file but still the app refuses to fully install from SD card or internal memory via local apps, how can i make it work or get back my money?. Other apps install just fine, even MC4/5/NOVA....lumia 820 WP8.1cyan with 4GB free memory and hard resetted before install.

Hi Felix! That's a bummer to hear that SM2 won't install correctly for you. I'm afraid I don't have a solution off-hand just because I haven't seen this issue mentioned before. I'm not sure if later in the thread someone was able to help you out with more technical help, but if not, you can contact our support team.

Our support team should be able to either help you get the game installed correctly or provide you a full refund. Again, it stinks the game isn't working properly and I apologize that I couldn't be of more help to you!

Thanks for checking out part 1 everybody! I'll work on getting more answered this evening before I leave the office. If I happened to miss anything, feel free to PM me or post again (:
Thank you for rep my answer Rya, the problem has been solve many day after, but thanks anyway man, keep up a good work with Windows/Windows Phone, have a nice day.

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