Hey Ryan with windows 10 coming to Xbox one do you plan to make your gaming apps more Xbox one compatible?
I talked about this briefly in my first catch-up marathon post, but basically the Development teams all look at their games when they are launching/updating them and decide is Xbox features benefit the game. If they decide it does, then they will implement it! So with that in mind, it's tough to say if ALL of our games will get Xbox support or not. It really comes down to if the Devs want to put it in to their game
Was about to post just this! Both games have started to show up in the Xbox section! ��
Ryan please do convey my thanks to Gameloft for making Asphalt 8 Airborne an Xbox title!
Yay! They will be happy to hear this!
Damn... What about dungeon hunter? Lag in story and like hell in online on my 720

(its not my internet)
Have you reported this to our support team? Any information here and there you can share is a HUGE help! Typically our support team can pull more technical information than I'm able to via forums, so that's why I ask.
Since I'm getting back up to speed this week, I don't know for sure yet what's planned in terms of updates for 2015 just yet. A lot of my coworkers are at CES this week, so I should be able to get a better idea next week!
Both Asphalt 8 and Minion Rush have just got Xbox Live brand? Great job, Gameloft! Awesome Christmas gifts!
Merry belated Christmas!
Is der any possibility of gangstar vegas making it to windows phone i hope it does!
As of right now, no I don't believe porting Gangstar Vegas is in our plans. If anything should change, I'll let you all know!
No matter what I do Asphalt Overdrive sends me notifications like every 20 minutes...all day long even though I have them turned off. And why does it keep asking me who my cell provider is?
This was a bug I flagged before going on vacation. I will need to follow up about this and see if there is a solution or if a fix is coming soon. Really sorry for the spam!
Hey Ryan! Convey my thanks to the Gameloft for making Asphalt 8 an Xbox live game and also for introducing the mind blowing sector 8 location! This is the best location of the game so far!

and it does not lag a bit on both low-end and high-end! Now the game lags only in Dubai track in low end devices! Hope Gameloft fixes it one day but now the game is awesome! And yes please ask the development team whether they are gonna launch Sector 8 events in Career mode! Thanks!
We'll definitely continue to monitor the performance and make tweaks with each update. Thanks for the feedback though
Hey Ryan, I see that Total Conquest just got updated, does it support 1080p resolution now?
I didn't see a specific call out for that resolution in the notes and I haven't had a chance to check yet since returning. I'm leaning towards not yet, since allowing 1080p graphics instead of the standard 720p we launch in would have been called out ):
Ryan, quick question about Spiderman Unlimited. Does it support cloud backup/saves. I know a select few games do, but was curious if this one did.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, it should! If you have any issues with it, let me know.
Despicable me is having problem. Showing me update is available to download but there is no update in wp store. Please help me. I can't play.
That typically means that an update is coming soon. I've seen sometimes the store show an update before it's 100% ready to go out.
For some reason Total Conquest will not unlock my achievements. It shows them in game with green check mark, but they aren't unlocking through Xbox. Anyone else have this issue? Both Windows and Phone.
Are your achievements still not being reflected on your profile? At first glance I was guessing this might be a server sync issue, but if they still aren't showing please let me know! Also, let me know what device you're playing on. Same with anyone else who is having achievement issues!
Ryan, damnit, can you push GT RACING 2 team so they fix that damn bug with text?!
I have and will continue to do so. I was told a hotfix was coming, but it may have been held up on our end due to the Holidays. I'll try to get to the bottom of it.
Why Asphalt 8 Windows 8 (PC) version is not update and not receive Xbox live.
Good question! I honestly don't know why there is the difference between the two versions right now. I'll ask and hopefully can give you an answer once my Windows folks have returned from CES!
Thank you for rep my answer Rya, the problem has been solve many day after, but thanks anyway man, keep up a good work with Windows/Windows Phone, have a nice day.
Glad it was fixed and again, I'm sorry for the delay!
Ryan sometimes the total conquest(WindowsPhone) crashes while i'm on legion war and earned 1 star this tends to lose the troops i have deployed and i dont get any war point for the war i have done and it is very frustrating as i need to wait 3hr to start the war.
And Windows 8 version also have crash issue and sometimes it get stuck on loading screen at 91/100
can you let your team know about it.
And thank your team by my side for updating Asphalt 8 for Windows 8.
and i came across a review in Windows Store India to add some indian location(This review have 446 upvote) to Asphalt 8 if it is possible can you tell your team about it
Sure I can let the team know about it. What device are you playing on? If you can, please let our support team know about it too by reporting this issue through the game. It'll be a big help to get your device information!
A location from India would certainly be exciting! I'll have to see what the team has in store for 2015!
I want to say Thank you to Gameloft for its contributions to the Windows community. Recently I have been hooked to Dragon Mania Legends. It's a great game, has good graphics and runs smoothly. Sure it has in-app purchases but they are done in a way that is not intrusive. Well done guys. Keep up the good work.
I too am enjoying Dragon Mania Legends! Glad you're having fun with it and it's performing well for you

Where is the six guns update for windows phone its almost one year .... Six guns didnt got any update.... Android and ios are getting there updates after every two months gap.... Please tell me when six guns madness be released...,?
I'm working on figuring out what updates are planned for 2015. Six Guns is on my "What's going on with this game?" list
Welcome back, Ryan. Thanks for those replies.
Okay, I got it. Just a question: Will Gameloft support cross-platform in the future? Would be great to play Asphalt 8 or Order & Chaos with my Android and iOS friends.
Fortunately, I was able to retrieve my own base via Facebook cloud save. I believe that the problem is solved, so... no need to contact support, right?
-Cross Platform: That's something that has been bounced around a bit I believe, but currently we don't have plans to change our current server setup. If anything ever changes in that regard, I'll be sure to post about it!
-Glad to see you were able to recover your base with the cloud save. Yay for cloud saving working as intended!