GDR2 update showing on Nokia Care suite

last time I did this (with navifirm) the update wasn't available for my phone so I downloaded the Belgian one. Can I still do this, download the update from another country in europe?
Peek works for me without issues :)

As for Nokia pulling out the Amber updates, it appears it is the case. These Product codes had the amber update a few hours ago, 059Q9H3, 059R619, 059Q852, 059Q9M0, now they're back to the previous versions... Good thing I was able to download and save some of these codes. There are some more codes that has the Amber version as of this writing, though ;)

For those having trouble downloading the NCS that works just use the links from here: Download Official Nokia Firmware Even Without Navifirm+ | BlinkThinks in Binaries

That version of NCS works :)
Hi, Willy! You can use any firmware as long as it's the same version RM-821. You can even revert back to a lower firmware version :)
that is exactly what i thought too, it would make sense, as the feedback now will prob be 10 fold !! although if keep clicking on the check online button the new version pops up again !!

Right and wrong, using peek the display goes off after about 10 seconds, and comes back on if you pass hand near top of screen or touch it. Therefore it must be the proximity sensor, however if you cover the top of the screen with thumb or a case the screen goes off after about 4 seconds and comes back on when you remove it. Also screen protectors seem to affect how sensitive it is as I have one on my 925 and not on my 920. I have to wave my hand much closer to the 925 than the 920. So perhaps certain screen protectors will interfere with the operation?
testing the GDR2+Amber in my Lumia 620 (changing Product Code for EU Lumia) and for now working fine :O

pd: no radio


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Hi, Willy! You can use any firmware as long as it's the same version RM-821. You can even revert back to a lower firmware version :)

Mine is RM-820 with product code 059S0R6... can I use another product code firmware? How can I revert to current firmware? thanks.
Mine is RM-821 with product code RM821_VAR_EURO1_DEVELOPER_DEVICE_BLACK_059R4H6 but I didn't found it available for download through NCS now.
Does someone had downloaded it?

Nokia has pulled the updates from their servers, but you can still download the French one from that PO site.
BING WALLPAPER WORKS! FINALLY! :D but sadly no gapless playback has been added :'( interestingly I flashed using Vodafone uk rather than ee and my battery life is much better! at 80% battery it estimates that as a 1 day 8 hour battery life, with the ee rom at 100% it would only say 1 day 2 hours!! whoop! but with vodafones rom it adds a nasty logo when you boot up ugh! also for anyone whos curious Vodafone uk has data sense too
Re: GD2 update showing on Nokia Care suite

it is almost "legit" and save. you flash a stock nokia rom on a normal phone. that what the stuff is doing if you get it to refurb, they sell it then again with new software, do you think they update it manually :) and if you brik your device, you can unbrik it again by flashing the first rom you had. so a portico or before portico rom... you can find these also on NCS.
Re: GD2 update showing on Nokia Care suite

Has anyone tried this on their AT&T Lumias? On the article they show it running on an AT&T one, but not sure which ROM they flashed...
I'm on att should I try the rom update us on carrier phones get no love so im willing to manual update my l920

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