(GDR3 INFO YOU NEED) So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?

Bug: I set a custom text sound and it worked, but it seems that once you open a text session, the replies you get from that point on in the same session play the dfault text sound instead of the one you set. Can anyone confirm?

I confirm that
the warranty will be dependent upon the carrier and the OEM. I talked to Nokia NZ and was told that as long as the phone is not permanently damaged during the update process, it is covererd by warranty. i.e., if things goes wrong during the update, they will try the best to recover it but if that is impossible, they won't replace it with a new one.
Updated my 920 just fine, no problems at all...

Some impressions:

-Everything is even smoother and snappier than Amber, from the Home scrolling to Apps launching, to Internet browsing: EVERYTHING.

-3D games frame rate increased A LOT: games like Asphalt 7 lagged a bit before, now fly @60fps rock solid. Incredible progress!

-New Multitasking is finally great.

Very VERY happy so far, I simply cannot imagine how they will further improve all of this,with WP8.1.

Go get your GDR3 immediately for now... ;)
I believe that a slightly different tone played (or quieter version) when you are already in the text messaging area and you get a new one. Maybe this is a new way of doing it?

Its not a quieter version on my end, its entirely different. I selected the ( ! ) sound from Metal Gear Solid ( DL'd from the net). When I get a txt, it plays. When I open the chat window, all replies that come play the default txt sound. Also somewhat disappointed that I can't select a custom sound for Lock/Unlock. I really wanted to use the MGS codec unlock sound for that :)
Its not a quieter version on my end, its entirely different. I selected the ( ! ) sound from Metal Gear Solid ( DL'd from the net). When I get a txt, it plays. When I open the chat window, all replies that come play the default txt sound.

I actually meant prior to GDR3, my bad.
I think im also experiencing the "preparing to install 100%" sickness... I hope i just need to wait a little more...

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One question does installing it on indian variant lumia 925 voids the warranty
an d can i get it back when official update is up.
no it just plays the default rintone when the chat windows is open. only when the screen is locked it uses the assigned ringtone. not a big deal.
Hmmm I think this update may have fixed the disappearing keyboard problem when posting on the web version of this site (and a few other forums)... Either that, or tonight I'm just getting lucky.
Nope... Just went and tried one of the other vBulletin forum sites I was having the keyboard issue at, and nope, its still not fixed. The keyboard still disappears. :(
I'm just wondering if there is windows 8.1can we still get it first? :D

Sent from my KFTT using Mobile Nations mobile app
the warranty will be dependent upon the carrier and the OEM. I talked to Nokia NZ and was told that as long as the phone is not permanently damaged during the update process, it is covererd by warranty. i.e., if things goes wrong during the update, they will try the best to recover it but if that is impossible, they won't replace it with a new one.

How did you contact Nokia NZ? I tweeted them, they said they will get back to me but nothing yet... Obviously whatever they said made you confident enough to go ahead?
Hey i updated my Nokia L520 to GDR3, I Will provide update details, for those who are thinking about upgrading can go about it...
First I created a App Studio account, which took me hardly a minute or two,
Afterwards I got the E-mail, clicked on the link to install the certificate,
Then i Installed the Preview for developers application, went thru signing in with my Authenticator enabled live account, agreed with terms and conditions, and enabled the option for getting the update.
Afterwards went thru settings, phone update, checked for updates, and It started downloading, took 3-4 mintes to download(Just a 40 MB update for my Lumia), and 8-10 minutes, for preparing to install(Took another approximately 750MB for this).
My battery was at 29% only, when it asked to install the three updates, I clicked Install, It took 20-25 minutes for all the steps to complete.
So when "update complete" message appeared, I checked with my battery it was at 15 percent...
I had an awesome experience updating my Lumia, just took around 45 minutes from the start, and now I am happy with it, although rotation lock is not working properly, but I feel my phone is more responsive than it was earlier...
Last but not the least, i heard updating thru developer program voids warranty, but only If you are stuck in the process, it will cause trouble for you, otherwise once the nokia official bitter sweet shimmer arrives, your phone will be in warranty again.....
And even If you are stuck in spinning gears, You can use the widely available NSU for Retail app, or the nokia care suite, whichever suits you better....
Sorry if its a silly question. will i still be abel to get all future updates from nokia after upgrading to this?? like Bittersweet Shimmer

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