(GDR3 INFO YOU NEED) So who is updating to GDR3 when available later today?

I currently have my Lumia 920 and Lumia 1020. I installed the GDDR 3 dev update on my ATT Lumia 920 and everything seems to be working fine. I was lucky not to sell off my Lumia 920 and already decided that my Lumia 920 would be for only developmental purposes. :grin:
I've updated my Lumia 520 to gdr3 on koodo in Canada and I have noticed overall performance improvements and better screen responsiveness'
Guys any issues so far?
I have a 920 and want to update badly the only thing that keeps me from doing is warranty may be voided :/
They did what i was hoping they wouldn't, in that you can set a custom email tone, but not per-contact as they have for Ringtones, and now SMS *sigh*.

Oh well, better than a poke in the eye with a hot stick i guess.
Thanks everyone for the input! One thing I keep seeing is questions regarding the warranty. The reason why some manufacturers won't honor a warranty in this situation is that you have software on your phone that they didn't approve. Now, they may still fix your phone, but you have been warned.

That said, your phone will be back under warranty once the official update comes out and hits your phone.

One last thing: I haven't heard of any major issues regarding the update. It seems pretty safe.
Woke up and read the story and updated immediately. It's minor but the custom SMS tones are something I've wanted and that alone was worth it. Closing apps makes it even better.

Wait... What??? Custom SMS tones??? Does that mean what I think it does??? Finally can designate a specific tone for a specific SMS contact??? Mine is in the process of upgrading now so I can't check, but this is something I have been waiting for since I moved to WP!!!
Using a 928 on Verizon here. Got past the gears and now onto the "Migrating your data" step. Only thing I would recommend so far is to make sure you have as much available space as possible. The upgrade told me 2x that I needed to free up more space.
Wait... What??? Custom SMS tones??? Does that mean what I think it does??? Finally can designate a specific tone for a specific SMS contact??? Mine is in the process of upgrading now so I can't check, but this is something I have been waiting for since I moved to WP!!!

Yes custom sms tones :) you add one by editing a contact
You can if you flash to the latest ROM (pre-update) from NSU.

Unless someone has successfully done this, I wouldn't be telling people this. I would have to see multiple accounts of people reverting back to old versions before I say it is possible and won't do damage to your phone.
Can anyone answer me this please?
I registered with app studio, took the link in the email from Microsoft, accepted the company bit to get the certificate but nothing appears to happen - is something supposed to happen?

I was able to then download the preview app and phone update now recognises an update is available.

Can i go ahead and allow the update or was something supposed to happen at the start with the certificate stage?

Thank you for any help you can offer.
Wait... What??? Custom SMS tones??? Does that mean what I think it does??? Finally can designate a specific tone for a specific SMS contact??? Mine is in the process of upgrading now so I can't check, but this is something I have been waiting for since I moved to WP!!!

Ok, this is working!!!! I now have an option to pick a different tone for each of my contacts. It let's me pick a tone for SMS AND RINGTONE that is different for each user.

Looks like the contacts that just have an email defined will let me pick a specific email for that contact as well. WOAH!!! This is HUGE for me!!! Definitely a step in the right direction!!!
Can anyone answer me this please?
I registered with app studio, took the link in the email from Microsoft, accepted the company bit to get the certificate but nothing appears to happen - is something supposed to happen?

I was able to then download the preview app and phone update now recognises an update is available.

Can i go ahead and allow the update or was something supposed to happen at the start with the certificate stage?

Thank you for any help you can offer.

It sounds like you are good to download! Enjoy the update!
Bluetooth... after the update, I now notice that audio pipes directly through to my PC that I have my phone paired with. It didn't do this automatically before. VERY cool!!! Now if one of my custom text tones pops on the phone, it will automatically pipe it through to my PC. NICE!!!!

Can't wait to see how it works with my car. I hope it doesn't disappoint!!!
Spinning the gears now on my 11 month old 920. I'm sure it'll take a while, I've got a lot of stuff on the phone. I'm not worried about the one month left of warranty. It's just nice to put a stick in AT&T's eye.
Any battery improvements on the GDR3 ? And will it help developers to create some apps like iOs and android .. Because I heard some stuff about API and that they are unhappy !?
Any battery improvements on the GDR3 ? And will it help developers to create some apps like iOs and android .. Because I heard some stuff about API and that they are unhappy !?

I am really not sure what you mean regarding the APIs. No APIs were changed in WP as far as I know.

As far as battery life is concerned, it is way too early to know if any improvements have been made. Wait a week or so to see what people are saying.
One thing I've noticed is that Xbox Music is much, MUCH smoother than it used to be. I've got a big library on my SD card (58gb at least) and unlike before, I can navigate down from artists to albums to songs with little to no lag, compared to the 2-3 sec delay I've always noticed before GDR3.
Actually, pretty much everything seems to be snappier. I like this. Hopefully this also fixes the continuous rebooting issue on ATIVs as well.
One thing I've noticed is that Xbox Music is much, MUCH smoother than it used to be. I've got a big library on my SD card (58gb at least) and unlike before, I can navigate down from artists to albums to songs with little to no lag, compared to the 2-3 sec delay I've always noticed before GDR3.

Any improvement in Xbox Music is a good one!
I sure hope Screen Rotation is not it's own entry under settings. Microsoft needs to get settings organized because that list getting to be too long. There's a bunch of stuff in there that could be grouped under fewer categories.

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