Samsung needs to have all that power, Androids need all that power, WP doesn't need that much power, be nice having it, but only thing it would really do is enable "bragging rights" And most WP folks could care less if Nokia releases a low-end android phone. I could care less if Nokia realeased an android phone with 32GB ram, 128GB storage and with the i58 Quintuplet core CPU. I still don't like androids. That is why am here in the WINDOWS FORUM and not in the Android forum. I have owned BB, iOS, Android, WM, WP7 and WP8. I have always like the Windows OS. (I liked mobile better than WP, but I guess it's all a matter of taste) You want to wait, then do so. Because if you buy the next biggest thing, it will be outdated in only a couple months. That is the industries business, to out-date the phone before contracts are up, so you pay full price. Look how well that worked for Apple, a new iPhone every year, and people signing a 2 year contract to get it. So those who signed a 2 year contract with iPhone5, will now pay ETF or full price for iPhone6. I am happy with my 1520, I also was in my "Need for Speed" mode, was buying the Newest Android every 3 or 4 months. Only thing that accomplished is my CC getting to it's max. Now since the 1520 and I didn't pay a penny for it, and no contract. (Thanks AT&T) I am one happy camper. I don't see anything out there that makes me want to switch. Remember, your girlfriend, wife or significant other lied to you!! SIZE DOES MATTER!!! Funny how I thought the Note2 was too big, but the bigger 1520 seems to fit in my lifestyle just right. (Except for a few shirt pockets that are not big enough, but with a seamstress as a wife, that won't be a problem for long.